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  1. It's all gone a bit off track this. I really just wanted to make a genuine observation about the value of having a really passionate supporter who encourages the crowd to get behind the team. As for the xenophobic stuff it belongs in a bygone age. Even Inverness is a multicultural city these days and I couldn't care less about the accent, skin colour or past football allegiances of my fellow fans as long as they encourage the team. Mr Angry and his two accomplices are worth any number of grumbly mumbly old men regardless of their local pedigree in terms of the impact they have on the match.
    5 points
  2. I know its a school night but as long as they don't drink too much in the bar they should be fine the next day.
    5 points
  3. I still find it absolutely bizarre that despite the "high quality of candidates" (the chairman's words, not mine) we went for John Hughes, a man not even mentioned in the running, until days before he was appointed. What I find even more bizarre, is the man who came second....you know, the man we'd have offered the job to had Hughes turned it down for some reason. Out of the shortlist of six, five names leaked out prior to the appointment, one did not. That man, the one whose name didn't leak, was who came second. That man was Paul Telfer.....I repeat PAUL TELFER! A man who came second for the job of the club then in two cups and second in the league and whose only coaching experience is as player/coach of Sutton United, a team in the sixth tier of English football! There's a good interview with Brian Clough where he says that when he was being interviewed for managers jobs, it was clear that the people interviewing him, hadn't a clue about the game. Is that one of our problems? I think I'm right in saying that most of the board have more of a background in shinty than they do football. We went for the cheap option, it's as simple as that. Essentially everyone wanted Hartley to some degree and if he wasn't most people's first or second choice, he was their third. Hughes I highly doubt came up on hardly anyone's lists - he certainly wasn't on mine and I didn't even consider him getting the job at any point whatsoever. I re-iterate what I said - he was cheap. Telfer probably would have been cheap as well. Hartley interviewed very well (his own words quoting the chairman), but wanted to bring a couple of his own staff with him, along with having to pay compensation to Alloa. For what it's worth, he did want the job, he did not pull-out, we turned him down, he was willing to move and this was story about not wanting to leave his son in Hamilton was quite simply not true. Ryan Esson getting a new dual role I think also shows that they didn't want to part with too much cash. Anyway, now we're stuck with Hughes and the fact our goals have dried up, should come as no surprise. His Falkirk side did not score goals. His Livingston side did not score goals. His Hartlepool side did not score goals and in fact went at one point eight games without scoring. It's no coincidence that we've stopped scoring as well and that's with one of the league's most deadly strikers up-front. Hughes doesn't have to abandon his philosophy, he just needs to be a little more direct (direct, not long ball) and encourage the team to pass the ball forward and get it into positions to score. Keeping the ball for the sake of it and then passing it back to the keeper for the inevitable hoof up the park when the defence have kept it for so long that they've drawn pressure onto themselves, is of no use to us whatsoever and certainly does not conjugate "good football". I think a few small changes like that, could lead to Hughes being a successful manager for us. Whether he'll do that or not though, is another matter.
    3 points
  4. I think Dougal has been consistent on this point - and it is a good one. As a club we suffer from the mentality of locals who would rather support Celtic, some other longer established club or even the newly established club down Ibrox way. To a large extent this will be because there was not a Scottish League side in the Highlands when they started watching football. In many cases this disease is passed on from parents to children but if the kids can be immunised against it by getting a dose of ICT from time to time then we may slowly get crowds picking up. The situation with incomers is a different matter. You can't expect folk born and brought up elsewhere in Scotland to suddenly support ICT just because they live here. That cuts both ways and it is important for the quality and volume of our away supporters that Invernesians exiled in the Central Belt that they maintain their allegience to ICT. For incomers like me from South of the Border there is less of a problem. ICT are never going to play my home town team so there is no conflict of interest. No reason whilst we shouldn't support ICT and, as Dougal observes, there are good numbers who do. But back to the OP's post. If this bloke's girlfriend looks like his Dad he is hardly in a position to criticise others for errors of judgement - every reason to be angry, though.
    3 points
  5. I fail to see how you come to that conclusion Rig If anything I'm having a dig at the hundreds/thousands of Invernessians that have rejected ICT not the hundreds of incomers who have swelled our paltry support since the off We average about 2500 hard core support and half are incomers so they should be applauded because without them we would not have an SPL team Take it Bannerman taught you in School as you don't appear to be the sharpest Dougal
    3 points
  6. Forever in our mini shadows...
    3 points
  7. Kingsmills you must be the No1 negative poster on the site these days, I'm pretty surprised you are so anti-yogi when you consider your hero was Jim Leishman Yogi is here for the entirety of his contract in the boards eyes that's why he was offered a long term contract, I very much doubt we could afford to sack him at present even if it was justifiable Sad thing is Yogi and Russell possibly read this site and it certainly doesn't send out a very nice welcome to Inverness to either of them Butcher saw the start of the decline that's why he bailed out and now Yogi has had to pick up the pieces so the least he deserves is some time and that would be a year in my opinion Anyway Brora can win the title at Keith next week Mahonio Dougal
    3 points
  8. Sneckboy, you are quite entitled to form your own opinions....but you are not entitled to form your own facts, especially erroneous ones. Tomorrow nights match will be the 13th game in 46 days for ICT. No other team has had a schedule that comes anywhere close to that. What makes it even harder to swallow is that it was not a situation of our making.
    2 points
  9. I don't know if you've noticed our recent fixture congestion. It doesn't allow for much time on the training pitch.
    2 points
  10. The 'Did well at Alloa - That's it. Means nothing' comment has moved me to post! Steve Paterson guided us from League Two to the Championship! Although it took longer, Paterson's rightly viewed as a messiah by most fans, including me. Paul Hartley took over a relegated, unfashionable part-time team, in Alloa, and guided them instantly from League Two to League One. His mandate there (League One) was to initially 'keep them up'. But no, instead, Paul guided them to promotion! A hot property who was ripe for us to pick up. Hartley's now on the verge of successive promotions from League Two to League One to the Championship to the Premiership. Nobody can realistically doubt the man has been able to adapt seamlessly at every level of management he's encountered thus far. We were in the right place at the right time to get him. The geographical location would not have been a problem. Folk in football know that moving location is part of the 'job' and a sacrifice they have to make. Total smokescreen. Huge opportunity missed. There were also many better suited candidates for the post. Sadly, It'll only get worse before it gets better. But he (Hughes) won't be going anywhere - we're stuck with him. I can see us returning to our 'natural level' and fighting relegation next season. We should, in most probability, be a yo-yo club, but have managed to punch-above-our-weight for the most part through shrewd managerial appointments - of which, our latest, is not one.
    2 points
  11. Why are people getting so het up about next season. Who knows how we will do next season and yes under Yogi so far it has been far from perfect but that doesnt mean we will be fighting relegation next season. It seems that we have all become a little bit over the top when it comes to the exception of where the club should be, it is good to have higher expectations but we get small crowds, have one of the if not the lowest budget in the top flight and one of the smallest squads. this falling off near the end isnt new as it happened last season and this season it looks worse because we are further down although we have to factor in a resurgent Aberdeen and Dundee Utd to the equation. Yogi is making mistakes and people are perfectly in there own right to complain but we still have to give him time to see what he can do. The squad is signed up for next season but need a few more faces to help. Billy is our only trusted striker at this level so we need competition. Yes on the form he has shown it would be hard for other to get in to the team but he may be burnt out now or we need to find a way to support him better but maybe he lacks a little bit of competition as well and maybe with the tiredness he has lost that edge. I like how Yogi is trying to make us adaptable to different formations but i agree with everyone that Vincent just isnt a wide man and we need to bring him back into the middle. There is a parallel to Man Utd in the fact that Mata and Kagawa get played out wide and they want to come in and play in the number 10 role well Vincent is the same. At the cup final when Vincent was on the ball he looked more dangerous in the middle but then we look unbalanced then by losing the width on that side so for me it isnt a hard decision. It is a flat ending after promising so much but i think it was always going to be a tough ask playing all those games in such a short time scale when other teams have had a week to prepare. Hopefully we will win a few more games as we have seen some really good games like Aberdeen, County and Dundee Utd away but the consistency is not there but all in all this season has been another build on last season.
    2 points
  12. "You can't!" That's very different when said in an Inverness accent.
    2 points
  13. For me, the team is basically running on empty in many positions just now. Mackay for one looks dead on his feet and maybe Meekings/Vincent as well. Again, it has to be remembered that several of these players are probably playing their first full season at this level and may now just be starting to struggle so giving them a rest and playing other players may ne necessity IHE, not giving up on the season. I thought the changes yesterday gave us more energy and pace in the team and we looked well worth the 2-1 lead. However, when Tansey went off, we definitely started to sit back, again is that due to tiredness, either mentally or physically, I don't know. Sending off did alter things although I thought Watkins did okay playing at centre forward and worth a try to give Billy a rest. For those moaning about having 2 wingers and not playing them, Watkins and Williams, lets be honest, neither of them have really set the heather on fire recently when given the chance so I think the suggestion that playing both of them would be beneficial us not proven by the evidence. I know I will be shot down in flames now but some posters but I think some of the postings just now are amongst the most negative I have seen on this site, and this is causing division amongst posters on the site. It seems to be that those posters who did not want Hughes are seeking any and every opportunity to be negative, that is their right, but this is not helping. Had anyone suggested the current scenario for ICT at the start of the season, Top 6 and reaching a cup final, we would all have grabbed that with both hands. Yes it has gone a bit pear shaped but let's not kid ourselves, we have been punching above our weight and it is now coming home to roost.
    2 points
  14. Exactly what is his role ?
    1 point
  15. 29th March 2014 OFFICIAL CLUB STATEMENT Cove Rangers Football Club announce that they have accepted Kevin Tindal’s letter of resignation with immediate effect. Kevin has given the Football Club almost ten years’ service as a player, captain and most recently as manager. The football club would like to thank him for his hard work and efforts over the years and wish him all the very best in the future. In the interim period, Roy McBain and Graeme Mathieson will take on all football matters. Applicants are now being invited to apply for the managerial position and can be made by contacting club secretary, Duncan Little by email at coverangersfc@highlandleague.com
    1 point
  16. Can I say a big thank you to Mr Angry and Dad/girlfriend? Of North stand section K who bangs away at the panel and makes sure that the referee is aware of his errors of judgement. Your passionate support is an inspiration and I am not being sarcastic. Keep up the good work -we need more like you.
    1 point
  17. 2 postponed games to be fitted in 1 Scottish cup replay Cup final 4 games more than the other top teams in Scotland in 6 weeks One of smallest if not THE smallest 1st team squads so no rotation and resting Try working 7 days a week for 6 weeks and tell me you are not tired
    1 point
  18. Horrifically cringy surfing a flag in a 1/3 empty stand IMO.
    1 point
  19. How many matches have you attended in order for you to form that opinion? The problem isn't just "errors at the back", it's that Hughes' tactics are fundamentally flawed and his unwillingness to change them that is leading us into problems. It doesn't help that his "pass at all costs" mentally has lead to goals drying up, just like at all his other clubs. I honestly doubt that we'd be able to sign any players in any position that are better than what we have just now, they just need to be utilised better.
    1 point
  20. Given time the role will emerge, he hasn't been with us that long and he is having to evaluate a squad that is mentally and physically exhausted. It is no wonder mistakes are being made and it is the mistakes that are costing us dearly. Again I emphasise that we have come so close to beating all those teams we are playing, we are playing good entertaining football, we have deserted the hoofing and when we master the passing game, which we will, we will then be copied by all the other contenders who then will take the praise for the rise of football standards in the SPFL. Concentration on passing has been put on defence and midfield, gradually the concentration will spread from midfield to the wings, then the tenacious Latapy approach will become evident as the front men lash in the goals. It all takes time, practice and dedication.................Yes a bit more understanding and patience from our '' support '' would also help
    1 point
  21. Dougal does have a satisfying and stimulating hobby - internet fishing - and it would appear that Invernessians are the best biters.
    1 point
  22. The way things are going recently may I suggest that we put them behind Dean Brill and in front of our goal
    1 point
  23. And gives more time to study those players in real match situations which should make things easier. I am not decrying Latapy as I am a longstanding admirer. I was really hoping to see his playing style and philosophy rub off on ICT and I am flabbergasted that he does not appear to have influenced anything. Again I pose the questions - why is that ? And what is his role ?
    1 point
  24. Under 12s on a school night! They should be in bed
    1 point
  25. He's a young boy far away from home. I've met Conor several times and he doesnt appear to have an attitude problem. Maybe he just fancies a change? Doesnt have to be anything nasty behind it imo
    1 point
  26. Personally I think the team is just a bit burnt out. Anyone expecting such a small squad with players brought in from the lower reaches of England to be consistently good all season are a touch delusional. My aim every season is top 6 and a good cup run. We've achieved that. We now need to do as well as we can over the remaining games and try and steal 4th spot. That for us is a good season. This would mean finishing the same as last season despite teams like Dundee united, Aberdeen and Motherwell all being better this season, though 5th would be no disaster certainly.
    1 point
  27. As a natural-born, handsome and charismatic Invernesian, I for one am shocked at these revelations that many of the people who sit around me on a Saturday are not natively born Invernesians such as myself! I had no idea so many unclean non-Invernesians attended ICT games and I am shocked and saddened that even people from England (insert screeching violin sounds here!) attend matches! How I have survived this long without coming down with some terrible disease, such as rickets or the plague, is quite simply a miracle! Henceforth I shall be rounding up all non-Invernesian ICT going people, Dog the Bounty Hunter-style forwith and hand them into police where I'm sure they will be fairly but sternly dealt with by Chief Constable Dougal!
    1 point
  28. Another comparisson. Looking at our last 10 games this season we've Won 3 Drawn 3 and lost 4. For the ten games at the same time last season we'd won 3 drawn 4 and lost 3. These are league games only. Not really much difference. Lets just see how the run in over the final 7 games compares. Last season was 2 wins 1 draw and 4 losses.
    1 point
  29. That league table isn't quite as bad as I would have expected it to look based on the way we are playing, but the 1.17 points per game we've "achieved" under Hughes is still a full point per game less than before he arrived.
    1 point
  30. Couldn't agree more. Pretty sure TB would be having a pop at the suits...
    1 point
  31. For those who are interested, this is what the table would look like where ICT if the season started on 4 December, when Yogi was appointed. 1. Celtic 49 (18 games) 2. Aberdeen 36 (17 games) 3. Motherwell 32 (16 games) 4. Dundee Utd 31 (18 games) 5. St Johnstone 24 (18 games) 6. Kilmarnock 24 (18 games) 7. ICT 21 (18 games) 8. Ross County 20 (19 games) 9. Hibernian 18 (18 games) 10. Partick 17 (18 games) 11. St. Mirren 13 (19 games) 12. Hearts 12 (17 games)
    1 point
  32. I agree Dougal that Christie and Polworth should start because I felt last Saturday they had a good game and in all honesty don't merit being dropped - regardless of being local lads. I don't agree however with dropping Dean Brill though. Ryan Esson hasn't played a game of football since the 4th of Feburary in an Under 20s match. From what I have gathered, Ryan isn't really that bothered about playing anymore and focusing on his coaching. Looking back at last Saturday after we were down to 10 men, Dean Brill made an absolute belter of a save to keep the match a draw so in all honesty, maybe a draw last Saturday was the fair result. Dropping Dean Brill wouldn't help his confidence whatsoever but for what it's worth I do share the same concern about his kicking and the current tactics aren't helping matters either.
    1 point
  33. I attended an U-17 game for the first time today and have to admit to have been thoroughly entertained. I.C.T V Ross County games have served up great entertainment over the years and this match, although at a younger age group, was no exception. Pleasingly, ALL the good football was played by I.C.T. and the result reflected their dominance. The I.C.T youngsters, on this showing, served up a fast paced pass and move game that the young County counterparts just couldn't cope with. Superb stuff! Well done to the I.C.T coaches and players!
    1 point
  34. Gentlemen. A wee reminder about the rules of the forum pertaining to personal abuse. If you are not familiar with them I suggest you take a look now.
    1 point
  35. Brill Raven, Devine, Warren, Shinnie Draper, Polworth Doran, Christie, Ross McKay Draper & Polworth sit infront of the defence, Christie has a free role behind McKay, Ross and Doran play slightly wider and we allow Raven and Shinnie to overlap ..................Like we did earlier in the season - When we used to WIN games.
    1 point
  36. starchief I am glad you admit you are negative, there might be some hope for you. Your replies to Huisdean :- 1 would loved to have Hughes succeed............(.past tense, written off ) his background suggests nothing better, accept that or want a change before the damage is permanent........( obviously you have no faith in his appointment you want him out no quarter given,........................................................ (don't give him time to sort things out and put his stamp on the Team.) 2 not the start of the season / on the basis of keeping our squad,................................. (no it is nearing the start of the top six battle and he has inherited a fantastic Team. a team disastrously let down by a manager who deserted them when he bottled out of trying to keep the success going when he new in his heart the squad was already beginning to suffer and the games were piling up) Will struggle next season too....................( So little faith in a squad of players still learning the ropes in the SPFL and do you really believe they are so fickle to take the first opportunity to leave the club) 3 Why was he hired or words to that effect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(He put his case to the Chairman the Chairman liked what he heard and is now awaiting fruition of what he outlined in his plans, he is the person who has the right to pass sentence. ...........not us..............We can state whatever we like about what we feel but it should be constructive not damning if we are going to be of any benefit to the situation ).
    1 point
  37. Someone must know him as there can't be many that have such an accent amongst all the incomers Dougal
    1 point
  38. Lorne and tattie scone. Brown sauce. Thats similar to the advice given out by Oasis when serving soup. 'Youve got a roll with it youve gotta take your time'
    1 point
  39. If only the title of this thread would lose the superfluous final letter...
    1 point
  40. Could we get Black Isle Brewing to sponsor us and in return some of us could volunteer to be product testers free of charge.
    1 point
  41. Would you suggest that those of us who are alarmed at just how quickly things have gone downhill in the last few months pretend to be happy or would you be satisfied if we merely kept quiet and left the forum to the happy clappers ? No i do not suggest any such thing, but I do suggest a bit more realistic approach should be made instead of all this negative stuff that is being poured out time and time again by the negativateers it is boring, non-constructive and giving ammunition to all the other clubs' supporters. what happened to the togetherness attitude and the backing the club through thick and thin. We have been extremely unfortunate over the last number of games we could have won every single game....we didn't I know that but it wasn't for the want of trying................. Now you try being a bit more positive before bitterness sets in, you may enjoy your football more.
    1 point
  42. It really depends on what the Board are looking fer. They gave him a long contract and they are evidently going to await the outcome of next season. That I am afraid is the bottom line and why I am emphasising that there - hopefully - is a lot of experimenting going on. I fer one really hope that we do not sneak into Europe as that could feck us up from the off.
    1 point
  43. Me? No way! Yer grandmother puts boiled sweets up dogs' bottoms and feeds them to children. I do. Thanks Terry. Pity you left us and it's all going wrong, where we are likely to end up in a worse position than last year. Given that Hughes came in and we were competing for Europe, I fear now, we are competing to avoid sixth. And yet, since the new manager we've gone from a team that does win to one that doesn't. A team that can score to one that can't. The only difference between the two is tactics. Not sure why you think I'd disagree there. For the record, I don't. I thought he was hired as he wouldn't change anything? How about this: what were you happier with? (a) A rapid counter-attacking system that suited the players so much, we were a clear second with games in hand and in both cups? (b) A system where the central defenders play a passing game they are not suited to and a congested midfield with no quick release in an attempt to be open and expansive that has seen us win one home game (a replay against Stranraer) and plummet down the table. It's a tough one isn't it?
    1 point
  44. I've steered clear of posting on CTO since I voiced my severe concerns at Hughes' appointment and was criticised for not giving the bloke a fair crack of the whip. Well, we've now had a fair dose of him and I believe it's apparent to all but the happiest of happy-clappers that Hughes is clearly the wrong man for the job. Hughes inherited a team sitting second in the league with points and games in hand with confidence sky high. Fast forward a few short months and we've seen the team implode in front of our eyes. Poor tactics, bizarre team selection and the trademark inane/incoherent post match comments have become the gut wrenching norm. I was at Tannadice on Wednesday night and it's clear that certain players ggare scared to do anything positive - rather than direct attacking drives into space they repeatedly check inside and pass sideways or backwards. John wants to play like Barca but we have a squad who are "good honest laddies" who we know can be extremely effective if we stick with the tactics adopted in the first half of the season. Poor Billy was clearly knackered, lacking confidence and in dire need of a break. Others appear emotionally fragile and likewise in need of a rest. Alas, Yogi seems incapable of reacting to factors which are clear to us mere mortals. The sequence of passes which lead to United's second goal on Wednesday was nothing short of footballing suicide. We were playing a team with their tales up comprising some of the nippiest players in the league, as such it would be no disgrace for us to keep it simple at the back and avoid a repeat of the Scottish cup quarter final debacle. Clearly this doesn't fit with the Hughes ethos and we see good honest pros exposed by the tactics enforced by Hughes. Poor Nicky Ross started almost every game under Butcher this season but Hughes doesn't seem to fancy him at all despite the repeated media platitudes. He insists on playing three players (Drapes, Tansey & Vincent) who are grafters but don't offer a great deal of creativity or service to Billy. He then expects them to pass like Iniesta.....utter madness. Mark my words if Hughes is in the hot seat next season we will be fighting relegation come May. He shouldn't have got the job in the first place, his negative tactics cost us a League Cup win and are ripping the heart and soul out of the side. I just hope someone in the inner circle has the guts to hold his hands up and admit that a mistake was made and a change is needed - sooner rather than later.
    1 point
  45. Does anyone know how much it costs to hire a plane?
    1 point
  46. Team selections are not doing Hughes any favours. You've got to admit that the goal at Tannadice and the second today had more than a touch of class about them; that's how Hughes wants to play, which is fine.....but.... the team we have built its league position on solid, no-nonsense defending and swift counter-attacking with width, giving Billy tap-ins. Slow, tippy-tappy football won't give Mckay those chances. We're too narrow and too slow and deliberate going forward. It's not needing a huge change, just playing people in their natural positions and being brave enough to drop one of the central midfielders to give balance and width. Has he got the b@lls? Not so far...
    1 point
  47. Brill Raven Devine Warren Shinnie Draper Polworth A WINGER Christie A WINGER Mckay
    1 point
  48. I told you, you shouldn't have bought your pc from the Dingwall Tescos
    1 point
  49. Fixed that for you. When was Brewster a nice guy? He was a complete and utter ass in his 2nd tenure anyway. I remember too the comments that followed his 1st departure. But he managed in his time to help drive out 2 of our best players in John Rankin and Ian Black, and i dont think Niculae though much of him either. Here was a true example of losing the dressing room. Much unlike getting the whole team to sign onto an idea and sign multi year contracts before the summer. Must be the 1st time in our history that surely. And Biggin, I've made that point before. We were quite reliant on Mckay in the 1st half of the season and he's played nearly every game this season. Some seem to think that because a player suddenly has a rich reign of form it should continue unchecked for all time and that if it doesn't it must be a tactical error. But watch the games, even the highlights. He's still getting chances but not taking them. So is it more likely he's tired, or just plain out of form. The ball isn't quite falling for him the same as before. It does happen. Even the best (aside from Ronaldo and Messi) have blips from time to time. Stevie May too has went a few without scoring, or at least isn't as prolific as before. He's still a good player. Mckay missed quite a few chances in games even when he was scoring every week and was criticised on here for not being clinical enough. It's laughable the standards some people are expecting.
    1 point
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

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