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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2017 in Posts

  1. I find it "laughable" that you chose to compose such a long winded and frankly arrogant response to what is MY opinion on the situation, without actually offering one of your own. None of us are close enough, or know enough about the dealings at higher level at the club to know exactly what is going on, and sometimes we have to go on the information available to us, and our own personal experiences and feelings. I like many of the fans today am feeling extremely frustrated, angry and saddened by recent events, and offered MY opinion on the situation and how I feel about things. I am not telling it as facts and I'm not expecting everyone to agree with them, but I don't expect to have some sad little man belittle me and my comments without offering some degree of opinion himself
    12 points
  2. I don't believe the faults lie with Richie, I firmly believe the issue lies with Brian Rice and Scot Kellacher, I say get rid of them both and bring in new fresh coaches with fresh ideas, to work WITH Richie.....but the problem is the club cant afford to do this, and simply wont so theres no point in talking about it. If we go down we go down with the rats on board
    8 points
  3. DD....I won't quote your post, because mine is more than long enough to fill the space Let me get this straight....MPs are paid £70,000 a year plus expenses to represent the political party for which they stood, to help individual members of their constituency, if they have problems caused as a result of government/government policy, but not elected to represent the majority in a constituency, when that constituency opinion/position is clearly understood? Aye, right! I am sitting right now looking at a leaflet from my local list MSP, which has, appended to it, a survey proclaiming that my views are important to him, but you are saying that they aren't and he is not elected to represent my views and the views of all his other constituents....just to deal with those individuals who go to him with problems and the survey on the leaflet is just a bit of window-dressing to pad out his succession of photo-ops and self-promotion? Given that relatively few of his constituents will complete and return the form, he will still take it upon himself to take those responses as "the opinion/position" of all his constituents, and respond appropriately, yet you claim that in a constituency which voted in a majority(even if only just) for one specific position, he would have no obligation to take heed of that "survey" and could ignore it. And you think that is acceptable? Regarding HIE, was there an indication that the majority in the Highlands and Islands were against the centralising of the committees which oversee the actions of those who actually produce the plans that you say "betrayed their constituents on the recent vote of the HIE"? Can't say it bothered me, given those who were being "amalgamated" were not the workers but the overseeing quango....and they don't need to be in Inverness to oversee. Regarding "there is no EU state"...there is no UK state either. There are treaties signed forming the EU out of 27 different countries, and there are treaties signed forming the UK out of three countries and what is now a province. Treaties are not set in stone, however much Westminster would like to think they are when it suits them. If Treaties were set in stone, there would have been no Irish Free State or an independent Ireland now, would there........or, if it comes to that....a Brexit? I agree that there is no comparison between the EU and the UK..the EU is democratic, for a start, the UK never has been. It might have been considered so in 1707 when there was an accepted version of democracy which was not applicable to citizens if they were not lords, landowners or burgesses, but, apart from the advent of universal suffrage, Parliamentary democracy is still no more democratic than it was in 1687, when the English Parliament took over the sovereignty of the monarch and reduced him to a figurehead...controlled by the peers, landowners and burgesses, elected by their friends and cronies...or than it was in 1707 when the English Parliament, with all its historic idiosyncracies, became the Parliament of Great Britain and later of the UK....in effect(and probably intention) making the UK a bigger England, with the addition to the English Parliament of MPs from the other countries...(but not enough of them to overrule the English ones even if they all voted together). A sovereign Parliament, created by and for just one of the countries within that Union and which writes the rules and regulations to govern its own actions, with no way for it to be held to account by the people it governs, because there is no jointly agreed written UK constitution for it to be judged against, is not a democracy. Representative democracy in a two party FPTP system with an unelected revising chamber and a whipping system which is intended to prevent MPs actually representing their constituents,is not democracy....that is an elected dictatorship. And into the bargain, instead of a written constitution, we have "conventions" to guide the behaviour of our Government, and "conventions" like devolution, are the gift of the sovereign Parliament which can ignore them at any time. You call that democracy? Scotland does not require the permission of Westminster to hold a referendum on anything, Scotland requires Westminster to pass a bill making the result of a referendum binding. As far as I am aware, nobody in the UK needs Westminster permission to hold a consultative referendum, not even me. However,in the end, it doesn't really matter if the referendum is only consultative....because if it is a vote for independence,and Westminster doesn't agree to put forward a Bill to repeal the Acts of Union, Scotland can declare UDI or, as it works nowadays, call on the right to self determination under the UN charter. The "complex infrastructure" of the UK is not nearly as complex as that of the EU. The biggest problem re negotiations is going to be Westminster, not Scotland, if you are going to take the indyref1 Project Fear pronouncements as any guide, just as the stance of the EU is going to be the problem for the UK in the EU negotiations. I haven't yet seen Theresa May say one word about her plans for negotiating with the EU..just her vision of what the UK can expect to get from the negotiations...can you give me a link to her plans? The negotiations with the EU are the "terms of withdrawal from the EU", not what the UK will be like or do after we withdraw, but what our relationship with the EU will be after we withdraw. The negotiations with Westminster will be the same,an apportioning of assets and liabilities, how to deal with the transition period and how that is to be achieved. Given it was just fine for the UK to step off the EU cliff without having a safety net prepared and spread out ahead of time...why is that being demanded of Scotland. And we do know what currency we will be using after we vote for independence, we always have known....the pound until the end of the transition period....and whatever we decide after that.
    6 points
  4. Following in the fine tradition of RiG, Mary, Chris, etc, I also will cut and paste from P&B: My first game since County at Hogmanay and even since then the drop in belief was stark. Apart from maybe big Drapes, nobody willing to fight for the jersey. Wee Billy must wonder what sort of club he's come back to. Players hiding all over the park scared to take any risk or show or make an angle for a teammate. Typical hoofball pattern from a team in desperation at the bottom. In any case Accies just hoovered up the high balls of which we didn't win one all night. Even Imrie was winning headers at one point. I've been a supporter of Richie up till now but I can't see how even starting again in the championship he can build a team with a decent system and gameplan. I wonder whether it's worth the risk or whether we would just be the next St Mirren.
    6 points
  5. Your absolutely right, hes not bomb proof and I don't think for a minute hes blameless in all this, however what I DO believe is that Foran whilst the manager, will have a relatively lesser input to the training drills and sessions midweek, which due to "experience" will fall largely at the feet of Rice and Kellacher. Now, albeit last season we were nowhere as bad as we seem to be this season, however we were still relatively uncreative and although we managed to at least string a pass together, we couldn't create anything in MF or upfront to lead to a goal. Who was the 2 coaches under Yogi,.....Rice and Kellacher! I believe the only reason we managed to get a run of wins and draws to drag us into 7th was Yogis attitude and the fear factor that's sadly lacking with Foran. I quite often pass by Fort George and see the players training with.....yes you guessed it, Rice and Kellacher. Foran is generally standing watching, now whether that is right or wrong I have no idea, but hes obviously letting his coach and assistant take the lead in training, probably due to his inexperience, and this I feel is where he is going wrong, as hes obviously not learning the correct way to do things, and the mistakes of last season are being repeated and accentuated by Forans inexperience. The amount of training injuries we pick up, also is a huge area of concern in my opinion and displays a worrying level of training quality He picks the team every week, so yes hes got to shoulder a lot of the blame, but I think if theres an area to target now, its the training area. We've got a pretty good team, stronger as of yesterday and we should not be where we are based on players, but as on Saturday the players look like they haven't seen each since the previous game and have no idea where each other are, something is far wrong from the training aspect
    4 points
  6. im glad most of you didn't have to endure that shambles tonight, i wish i had stayed in and watched big brother! There are no voices on the pitch now, no one wants to stand up and take responsibility anymore! Yes blame Foran and i agree his tactic are woeful at times but the players need to have a meeting amongst themselves and sort out how they can get some spirit back into their games.
    4 points
  7. I haven't voted, results are just as good as a poll. This season I haven't been overly concerned, or should really say worried, regarding the points on the board, until now. The points tally to date is irrelevant if another 6 teams are mediocre then they will never be far away, it's just the other teams are all beating each other and creeping up the table. It really is time for action on Saturday not kamikaze but a well thought well planned gutsy performance. Get the fans on side. I want to see the Richie who scores goals with his face, I want to see the Richie who shouts his mouth of on the pitch, I want to see the Richie who I thought was going to get sent off for grabbing Hayes by the throat for not putting enough effort in against Dunfermline. Its time for that guy to make an appearance. As for the players if we go down the club can't afford your wages next season. Inverness is a horrible place to come. That long slow awful A9. That exposed cold miserable stadium. Worst of all our awful mouthy fans, let's give Dundee as hard a time as we can and let Foran get on with his job of getting stuck into his players. A passionate expressive match will go a long way to calm things down. But we don't want to settle for that, we go again the following week and every week from now on. Just get stuck in.
    3 points
  8. Richie's love of the club or our love for him has nothing to do with it, can he do the job or not, all evidence to date says he can't. Further, blaming the backroom staff is nonsensical, the Manager is in charge of football matters, he can overrule coaches if he thinks it necessary. Coaching is about fitness, pre set routines you are likely to encounter in matches, drills to cement good practices and improve touch, set plays offensive and defensive. The Manager sets out the team and tactics.Frankly, failure to track opposition runs would see you dropped from teams at almost any level especially if repeated and I have seen it time and time again this season.This sloppy, lazy defensive work should have been nipped in the bud but has been allowed to continue throughout the season, who carries the can for that?
    3 points
  9. You are morphing into CB, dismissing any reasoned and well constructed argument which contradicts your own views as a 'rant'. Some equally coherent and reasoned argument of your own would be a good deal more constructive.
    3 points
  10. Never posted on here but just a reminder we waited to long before getting Rid of Brewster (A poor performance at Hamilton was his undoing in January also!). Would like to see Foran step aside, become a coach for a While and learn his trade if we leave it to late we could be cut adrift and the championship does not look easy to get out off.
    3 points
  11. What she says !! Seriously though, I don't think anyone who has the slightest knowledge of international and constitutional law could take exception to a word of that. Sometimes it appears that many unionists believe that if they say often and loud enough that something is so it will be so. The Treaty of Union was and remains a bilateral treaty between sovereign states and at no point subsumed Scotland into a new state. It certainly didn't make Scotland a mere region or province. It's often said that parliament is sovereign. That is the case in England. In terms of Scottish constitutional law and practice, the people are sovereign. The Treaty of Union and subsequent Act of Union did nothing to alter that.
    3 points
  12. Nonsense. There us a quite clear timeline between our downturn in form and Brian Rice tenure at the club. Whether Richie stays or goes i am of a definate view that Rice needs to go and go soon
    3 points
  13. There are at least 10 reasons why it’s a bad idea for a manager and employee to call themselves friends, including: 1. It will create a perception of favoritism. Even if you think you’re being 100% fair and un-biased, you’ll always be subject to being second guessed. 2. You may not even realize it, but other employees are probably letting your “friends” get away with more, thinking that you’re going to protect them or side with them. 3. If you allow yourself to get emotionally attached to one employee – for whatever reason – but not another, those emotions will consciously or unconsciously influence decisions around raises, layoffs, assignments, promotions, etc…. 4. If you see an employee as a “friend”, you’ll have expectations of that employee that are unrealistic or inappropriate for an employee. “Well gee, a friend would never do that, or should do that, or should tell me everything, etc…” 5. On the other hand, your friend employee may have expectations of you that are unrealistic or unprofessional, such as sharing confidential information, or always giving them advance notice, or doing special little “friendly” favors for them. 6. As a manager, part of your job is to judge your employees, to give constructive feedback, and sometimes to discipline them, even fire them. Does this sound like something a friend would do to another friend? 7. Although this threat never seems to scare managers, yes, it’s true – you and company could get sued. You are exposing yourself and your company to the risk of discrimination lawsuits. Don’t think it never happens… it does. That’s why HR people are so crazy about the issue – they are trying to protect your backside. 8. ALL employees need to complain about their bosses now and then, even the best managers. You’re kidding yourself if you think you’re immune from this. However, if you see your employees as friends, you’re more likely to take it personally. 9. Friends let their hair down outside of work and sometimes do silly things with each other. Managers are supposed to set examples and be role models. So, as a “manager-friend”, you’re either going to be a boring uptight, friend, or an unprofessional, immature manager. You pick. And oh by the way, your own manager may not appreciate those pictures of you and the gang all over employee Facebook pages. Can you socialize with your employees? Or go out for a drink? Sure, but just make it a habit to stick to one drink and be the first to leave (to give them time to complain about you), or at least not the last to leave. 10. Some employees may find your attempts to be friends as personally intrusive, or inappropriate. They might even find your “advances” to be creating a hostile work environment, and again, exposing yourself and your company to that old lawsuit thing.
    3 points
  14. The current situation that we find ourselves in reminds me of the time when we could have got Paul Hartley in as manager. I recall being told that Kenny Cameron was reluctant to go ahead appointing Hartley due to his inexperience of handling a team in a relegation battle having only seen his Alloa team promoted twice in his tenure there. It will be interesting to know what Kenny Cameron's thoughts are towards the current run of form but I can't help but think Richie's managerial inexperience will be our own downfall. If we are keen to stick with Richie, he needs experienced help in the form of a director of football and Terry Butcher is that man.
    3 points
  15. Rather than being stabbed in the back, Richie seems to be doing his best to stab himself in the front. Our resident psychologist might have a view on whether he is consciously or subconsciously looking for a way out via the sack. His head sounds like a mess, these post match interviews are absolutely toe-curling to listen to, and have been since his spaced out performance after the county game. So I can only guess at the torture he is going through, and whether he would be glad to be released from it. But trying to shuffle the blame on to the players is the last resort when you are the manager, and you can surmise how they will react to that when they hear it. He is making the board's decision for them. It is very hard to see how he can stay like this, especially if the players have given up on him. Whatever your view of Butcher and Hughes style and tactics, you at least knew what they were, the players certainly did, and they stamped their authority on the team. It is very difficult to see how Richie can do anything like that, just when we need someone to organise the scattergun signings into a unit and motivate the squad.
    3 points
  16. Well said. I thought exactly the same when I read DD's reply (without bringing CB into it). A bit of 'pots and kettles' methinks having ploughed through many DD's long, one sided views on things in the past.
    2 points
  17. Not going to vote in the poll as I really dont know. Heart and head have different answers ! FWIW : For Richie to survive - and I think most of us really want him to survive as our manager - he really needs to grow a pair, ditch the silly vagrant beard, and start being just as much of an irritating and persistent b***** as he was to all teams when he was an opposition player. He is great to have in your side but a real handful to play against. I was hoping his managerial style would be similar - along the lines of an Owen Coyle or Ian McCall (but with a lower dickhead quotient) As a manager he simply cannot be pals with the players or at least not on the same level. They have to know who is boss and whilst he can have a laugh and a joke with them he has to be respected as a leader and if bollockings have to be handed out then he cant shy away from it. If he cannot earn respect as a manager in the same way he did as a player then he has to walk. Last time we went down it cost us more than £1,000,000 and a bunch of people lost their jobs. This time round I really cant see us coming straight back up if that were to happen and that could be catastrophic.
    2 points
  18. If John Hughes is still on the pay roll what chance have the club got of getting rid off anybody.
    2 points
  19. ARGUMENTS FOR KEEPING HIM He's a Caley Thistle man through and through Paying off his contract could cost us a fortune He's only been in charge 8 months and he's still learning the ropes He hasn't had a chance to gel Billy Mckay into the team Sacking a man with a young family is a pretty grim thing to do ARGUMENTS FOR BINNING HIM 12 league games without a win - the worst run in our entire history (before this the record was 9!) Beaten by every other Premiership team this season except Kilmarnock (who should have beaten us twice) Knocked out of the League Cup by League One opposition Seems to be tactically outwitted most weeks - teams have known for months that pressing high stops us keeping possession and pinning our full-backs deep denies us width, but nothing is ever done to counteract this Lack of defensive organization/shape - back four frequently sit far too deep, players get dragged out of position, midfield offers little/zero protection. What do they actually do in training? Vulnerability at set pieces - a problem all season, and no sign of improvement. Again, what do they actually do in training? Team selection often makes little sense and is rarely done with the opponent in mind. Several senior players walk into the team every week regardless of form. Tremarco excepted, they all seem to be playing well below their best, with Foran seemingly unable to get a good performance level out of them Frequently playing players out of position - Polworth/Cole on the wings, Vigurs in front of the back four being examples No sign whatsoever that things are going to improve in time to save us from the drop The next few fixtures - if you write off the Celtic cup tie, there is effectively a two week window after Saturday in which to get a new boss in. If we wait till after that Foran is on a hiding to nothing as the next 3 games are Hearts (A), Rangers (H) and Celtic (H). Can we afford to wait until winnable fixtures in mid-March before taking the plunge? Anything else I've missed?
    2 points
  20. 2 options, bring in an experienced coach who knows about defending to work with him or get rid although removing RF may not solve the issue if BR is still there - its clear that when JH left Rice didn't want to walk away. If we do remove RF then rather than spend weeks trying to find a manager going through out of work candidates as we cant afford anyone through compensation we need to have an option in place - at this time Charlie Christie would be the only alternative?
    2 points
  21. It appears to me that Richie is trying too hard to win! The games against Dundee away and Rangers away were great performances, but without the 'composure' or 'luck' in front of goal. In his desperation to pick up a win, he has abondonned what was working! All that was required was a shoring-up of defence plus a bit of a cool head at the other end. it now appears that tactics, morale, composure and effort have all been thrown out the window-hoof it up the park for whoevers up there. Essentially the team that held on to the ball too long, now won't keep the ball at feet at all. Depressing stuff. Glad I didn't do myself out of wages for that! and if the players have lost heart and confidence in their manager, they need to remember who they play for! They need to play for the shirt! For the club! For the fans! For the little kids that cry when we lose! They need to remember who 'pays their wages'
    2 points
  22. I'm bereft of thought now because I have not been able to attend the past games so will be wise to keep mostly quiet since I'm not in a position to judge. But, instead, here's the viewpoint of some BBC wallah: http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/38727201 Rather than tanking the players Richie might be better to try to shame them by SHOWING them : i.e play himself in the next game and boss them in public. That may have some shaming effect or even an upifting effect i.e IF he is fit enough now to put out the energy. And If the players respond he should scream praise at them for every decent move they make. If it's a bad move then suck it up and say little on the park. The time for moaning and groaning and blame has passed IMHO and the only way it appears that he will be able to collect the sheep back into the fold is to show them he is with them all the way but expects them to support HIM also by way of effort .If they sulk and refuse to do this then they really are a sad bunch. I think that he would gain a lot of support for his unique position by doing this .........?
    2 points
  23. DD Shinnie, McKay, Watkins and Christie would have gone irrespective of who the manager was, JH had no say in these, Vincent and Devine were bit part players whom the Directors were presumably happy to let go.These players had cost us nothing so the "Budget" was nowhere near sufficient to go and buy replacements which was JH's main beef with the board. Had replacements been available don't you think the club would have signed them in the summer break before RF took over? Despite the loss of those players JH still managed 7th in the league whatever you may have thought about the style of play.I have said in other posts the current squad should have been good enough for a mid table finish with an experienced manager which we don't have.
    1 point
  24. Don Cowie scored tonight (1 Feb), in their 4-1 win over the Rangers.
    1 point
  25. Remember that Hughes took over when we were flying in 2nd place. He left us 5 places lower. During his tenure Ross, G Shinnie, Watkins, Vincent, Mckay, Devine, Williams and Christie left. Can you name any outfield players he signed who have remained for Foran to work with and who could be regarded as replacements of equal or better quality? (Keeper excepted OFW in, Brill out - much of a muchness). This despite the significantly higher player budget than Butcher had. Don't get me started about the style of play. Last season was the most boring football I have seen anywhere, any time.
    1 point
  26. Your starting on Sat, have you ever been in goals?
    1 point
  27. What exercises do you do to keep your wrists so strong
    1 point
  28. Sorry, started this thread in a bit of a rush before I left this morning and neglected to add a poll to my poll so thank you for doing so. . I have not voted as I'm genuinely not sure but what I am sure of is that if we retain Richie we need to bring in someone with experience to assist him, whether that is in the form of a Director of Football or an experienced assistant and to do so without delay. Richie may be inexperienced and struggling but Brian Rice is being no help at all.
    1 point
  29. Foran should never have been given the job in the first place , an absolutely ludicrous appointment that was destined to failure .
    1 point
  30. The only other one I have is the Clansman on Church Street in May 1977.
    1 point
  31. Strange that we let a 21-year-old fringe defender go on loan to Cove Rangers then bring in a 19-year-old defender from another club. Jason must wonder what he's got to do to get his career moving forward with ICT. Strange one about Doran, particularly as he wasn't mentioned amongst the injured players. Yet, on the other hand, Fisher was on the bench last night when it was announced beforehand that he was still out but no injury mentioned. Is this just squad rotation?
    1 point
  32. The central core of the team have not been performing for months OFW, Warren, Tansey, Vigurs, Draper and to a lesser extent big Lons. These guys have been under no pressure for there places regardless on how they perform week in week out. I honestly thought the break and transfer window would have been good for us, bring in another midfield player to break up the play maybe another defender to put some pressure on Warren and co but no we bring in 3 centre forwards adding to the 2 we already have wtf is that about. Also going through the season with only 1 fit keeper who is not very good anyway is unforgiveable. If Esson is not fit to play then we should have looked to bring in a replacement at the expense of another centre forward.
    1 point
  33. Personally I think the board gave the job to RF to save their own skins. Whatever the ins and outs with JH they should have had a contingency plan in place when they realised things were going sour. For some reason this didnt happen, in fact was the job advertised and any other applicants interviewed ? What was on RF managerial CV that impressed the board so much that they awarded him such a generous contract ? Being a 'Club Legend' is not grounds to taking on a managerial position. If that was the case Grant Munro had more of a shout to being appointed, he at least had a managerial CV.
    1 point
  34. hislopsoffsideagain RiG - Caley D - IHE - Celtic1Caley3 ICTChris - topsixnextyear TheMantis - Yngwie - RedCard Renegade
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. We are in a no win situation - literally!
    1 point
  37. Mckay and Anier up front? Check. Comprehensively outplayed by Hamilton? Check. Manager says players lack bottle? Check. Relegated at the end of the season? TBC. Seems all too familiar to Dundee United under Paatelainen last season. https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/mixu-says-dundee-united-lack-bottle-fight/ https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/517819/furious-inverness-boss-richie-foran-brands-his-caley-flops-bottlers-after-defeat-to-hamilton/
    1 point
  38. Lonsano Doumbouya has signed for an Austrian Bundesliga team, SKN St. Polten
    1 point
  39. Listened on radio today too and I have to say that today and for these last few weeks I have wondered if "none of the above" should be an option !
    1 point
  40. I didn't know Billy was back until just before kick off. That gave me hope, and once he and Anier are match fit, I hope things improve. The penalty save sounded pivotal and we did not recover from it. I just hope the senior players now lead by example. Tonight was bad, but Dundee should be a game we can win. If we can get a break, there is hope. I just hope we didn't "break the break" with that penalty. I am going on Saturday and hope the fans stand united behind the players and Manager. They can't afford to lose our support.
    1 point
  41. ****** it now. Even if you ignore the rumors coming from Inverness that Foran has lost the dressing room to the extent that players do not want to turn up to training, there was no greater proof of it than tonight. How can he continue to play Vigurs and Polworth out wide? He may think the players have bottled it, in my opinion he is the one that has bottled it. Hard to have any respect for him when he claims before Partick that it is a must win....until of course we scrape a lucky (was not at game, going by what fans have said) draw and it suddenly becomes a great point. Our relegation is as inevitable as Butcher's Hibs - we are a sinking ship. Cannot take one positive out of tonight.
    1 point
  42. Just putting it out there. Would it work if TB came back as a DoF role to mentor Richie? Both guys have a great relationship or they did anyway
    1 point
  43. Foran is showing u can't go from being one of the lads who organises nights outs nd golf days to being the manager of the football club, the total planks who gave him a 3 year deal should be held 2 account for their complete incompetence.
    1 point
  44. Ritchie needs to grow some balls and drop some of the guys that haven't performed all season. Tansey, Vigurs and Fon Williams should all be out for Saturday. None of them have been good enough. Saturday is a massive game, if we don't get a win then I think that is the time for change. Let's hope this result is the kick up the backside we need.
    1 point
  45. One minute he is a player and on equal terms with the rest of the players, next minute he is the manager........ it rarely works out regardless of ability. I fear we don't have the appetite or finances to change the manager with inevitable consequences.
    1 point
  46. These set of players have shown time and time again that they have bottle. Very sad to say, as he was a great club servant, that it increasingly looks like the problem lies elsewhere.
    1 point
  47. Can you please edit my on my selection ICT 1st Goal Scorer to Warren - I can't edit for some reason Caleyjags remains unchanged
    1 point
  48. "He returns when he wants, he returns when he waaaaants....."
    1 point
  49. MPs are not elected to represent the positions of their Parties on every individual manifesto promise, they are elected to represent the positions of their constituencies. It is a very rare occasion that the members of a constituency have the opportunity, en masse, to tell their MP what their vote should be. As a result, MPs are honour (if they know what that means) bound to vote in response to the wishes of their constituents. That will mean that Article 50 should be triggered, but it will also mean that those MPs whose constituencies did not vote for Brexit should ignore Party Whips and vote against that triggering. Party whipping has no place in a vote on a referendum result (It has no place in politics at all, imo, but certainly not in a case like this.) The Scottish representatives in the House of Lords attempted in 1713 to extricate Scotland from the Union, and despite there being, as there is now, a large difference in relative numbers, they lost that attempt by only 4 votes. I suspect, given the chance, if English MPs voted as their constituents wished....there would no barrier put up to Scottish Independence. However, if a second independence referendum resulted in a majority for independence, and English or any other MPs chose to ignore that result...then there is a case for declaring UDI. And the difference would be, as you know very well that the Brexit referendum was a UK one, an independence referendum would be limited to Scotland. Did all the EU representatives in the EU parliament get a vote on whether we were to be allowed to leave the EU........because that is the comparison to be made?
    1 point
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      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
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    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
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