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The "Interesting Facts" Thread


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Linux is a pile os Cr@p..... fact!

Explain yourself! :lol:

Ubuntu or Xubuntu requires heaps of updates and it takes ages. Also the fact you cant run any windows programmes on it such as messenger but when you use WineHQ then all the goodies dont work such as display pictures etc.

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Ubuntu or Xubuntu requires heaps of updates and it takes ages. Also the fact you cant run any windows programmes on it such as messenger but when you use WineHQ then all the goodies dont work such as display pictures etc.

Of course it won't run Messenger natively because Messenger is written for Windows. Linux is a completely different platform, hence the need for WinE. If you're wanting to access your MSN account on something that runs natively on Ubuntu, I suggest you try Pidgin.

I can honestly say I have never waited longer than 10mins for the download and install of updates on any Linux installation so I suggest you blame your broadband connection before you blame the operating system.

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I suggest you try Pidgin.

I suggest you blame your broadband connection

Dont like Pidgin or AMsn...

Broadband connection :lol: a dongle that plugs into my computer that gives me either dial up speed or 3.6mbps. If i was to move the dongle one millimetre to the left i would get dial up speeds :lol:

I am not blaming the OS but its just when you pay for your data access that you become increasing worriedat how much data you are wasting on updating programs. If i had a broadband connection (and more ram 192mb atm) i would certainly run Ubuntu along side a windows os.

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CaleyMad, Get yourself a USB extn Cable it doesnt have to be stuck off the back off your PC/Lappy, you can stick it out your window... Ive seen that, but they were on the second floor so you couldnt steal them... not that i would have... eh Ill shut up now...

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CaleyMad, Get yourself a USB extn Cable it doesnt have to be stuck off the back off your PC/Lappy, you can stick it out your window... Ive seen that, but they were on the second floor so you couldnt steal them... not that i would have... eh Ill shut up now...

Let me tell you a intresting fact... :P

My usb dongle is leanding against my window supported by a scrumpys cider bottle (2litre) which is supported by a wooden box which is on my window ledge :)

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Moths are not really attracted to light, they fly towards the blackest point which is behind the light.

but if they are outside at night and then they fly thru my window, they circle the light.

Are they also thick sh*ts aswell?

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