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I've said it before and here I go again. Until we get a decent experienced central controlling defender in we are going to struggle big time. I can't believe how our management team of ex international defenders couldn't see this and continued to attract a load of lightweight mid fielders to the club. All this being done whilst off loading a tried and tested central defender whose new club now top the 1st division.

Next week now becomes a relegation battle.

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I'm sick of these people that come on and say words to the effect of "Munro's gone. Get over it". Sorry, but I won't get over it until the team gets over it. Munro is being missed - BIG STYLE. People will say it was the wrong move to get of him, they're right but it wasn't just wrong, it was downright stupid. We'll be lucky if can find someone who can filling the void, but one thing's for sure, Proctor ain't the answer!

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I've said it before and here I go again. Until we get a decent experienced central controlling defender in we are going to struggle big time. I can't believe how our management team of ex international defenders couldn't see this and continued to attract a load of lightweight mid fielders to the club. All this being done whilst off loading a tried and tested central defender whose new club now top the 1st division.

Next week now becomes a relegation battle.

I couldn't have put it any better myself you obviously are a man of great wisdom

IMO Butcher should cross the Kessock Bridge in January with cap in hand , apologise to Grantie and get him back to the Club he loves and grew up with

One thing is for certain had Grant still have been here we wouldn't have conceded two goals every game which is the sad statsitic at the moment

Finally I also agree with you on your last point as well next week now becomes a six pointer


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I also feel that letting Munro go is a decision that in my eyes has not been justified. Bringing Hogg back does not count, Hogg was already at the club last season and imo he and Munro would have been a formidable partnership for this season.

What Munro and Duncan lacked in skill they made up for with spirit, endeavour and a real love for the club. Im not calling into question the commitment of the players we have just now but it was clear Duncan and Munro were here for more than a mere pay cheque or an avenue to which a move to the Championship was beckoning.

Butcher had spoken before about the ugly side of football and how we needed to play a certain way to win games sometimes that wasnt so pritty to watch. They were both key players in this set up and while its been quoted that we aimed to play a different style this season theres no question that the ugly approach suited us well at times and gave us some vital points on the board last season.

But really what more is there to say? We can rant about it all we want but they aint coming back. I think the only real answer to the situation is to bring in some real experience in the january window in the heart of defence and midfield. What we need are players who like getting stuck into the nitty gritty side of the game that are capable of shutting out teams and arent bothered about playing the perfect pass or the perfect ball from the back.

Edited by ajsict92
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Having read the post above, it struck me that we are now like any other team, chopping and changing, then patching, whereas before we had players for 10 years. That consistency has gone, and patching in January sounds like a dangerous and desperate act imho. Things will have to look rosier before then.

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Having read the post above, it struck me that we are now like any other team, chopping and changing, then patching, whereas before we had players for 10 years. That consistency has gone, and patching in January sounds like a dangerous and desperate act imho. Things will have to look rosier before then.

I think that it was inevitable this would happen eventually: we couldn't prevent the loss of players such as Cowie, Black and Rooney, the likes of McBain and Golabek were coming to the ends of their playing careers and for whatever reason, the club hasn't been able to bring through enough young players of quality to provide the spine for a new ICT - although it's arguable that none of our managers has given enough of a chance to homegrown players. It is clear, though, that getting rid of Duncan and especially Munro was a big mistake, just as many of us predicted it would prove to be. I'm not sure that either would have made much difference to yesterday's result, mind you: the biggest problem was a lack of service to the forwards and a lack of ability by the forwards to do anything with the ball when they had it.

Edited by alternative maryhill
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I've said it before and here I go again. Until we get a decent experienced central controlling defender in we are going to struggle big time. I can't believe how our management team of ex international defenders couldn't see this and continued to attract a load of lightweight mid fielders to the club. All this being done whilst off loading a tried and tested central defender whose new club now top the 1st division.

Next week now becomes a relegation battle.

Pavels Mihadjuks?

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My concern and criticism was/is that Butcher may have had his reasons for jettisoning Munro but he should have had a plan to replace him. Russell was past the sell by date and the injury to Cox was probably a major blow to the new plan. Dragging in youngsters from Englandshire reserves smack of panic and look at the list of calamaties that has brought about.

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