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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2016 in all areas

  1. God forbid that fans of a football team have an opinion on what they think was good / bad about a game.
    6 points
  2. I don't feckin belief it - go get him NOW
    5 points
  3. While not in the "good riddance" camp, I can't help but feel that this has been inevitable since we knocked back the approach by Dundee Utd, and some of the stuff he has been coming out with in the media has sounded like a man trying to work his ticket out of Inverness. Undoubtedly he will go down in history as the manager who brought us our first (and hopefully not last) major trophy, and took us to Europe for the first time too. However, there were serious questions around player recruitment - most people could see that we were short of numbers up front *before* Mckay left, and his forward recruitment was, at best, patchy. A lack of a plan B when teams sussed out our tactics was another weakness. And hopefully this means I don't have to endure another game as eye-bleedingly bad as the last one at Dens Park. The constant griping about finances was becoming tiresome - such matters should not be aired in public - and if I'm honest, I'm not convinced that Yogi was the man to be trusted with a budget that pushed us to the limit. So he leaves with best wishes, but I can't say I'm gutted like I was when the likes of Pele or Robbo left.
    5 points
  4. I reckon anyone in the north or main stand will ceartainly be more qualified than you. In fact why do you hate the fans so much every comment you make about us is snide
    3 points
  5. The conduct of both sets of fans was so bad that the result should be annulled and the trophy retained by the 2015 winners, along with the prize money and European place. Wishful thinking, of course, but it wouldn't be any worse a decision than various others made by our football authorities!
    2 points
  6. and not a single adverse comment from anyone on BBC Scotland about the constant illegal sectarian singing, that in itself is a disgrace on the part of the national public service broadcaster. I heard Stewart Doncaster being interviewed on the radio laying the blame for the pitch invasion on the Hampden authorities. It is an SFA competition and, in my view, the ultimate responsibility for any shortcomings lie with them but, of course, the SFA blazers never take responsibility for anything.
    2 points
  7. Always talks about ICTFC respectfully when he's on Sportscene. Would have good contacts..... Could do worse.
    2 points
  8. He'd make Yogi's style of play look dazzling!!!
    1 point
  9. After 17 years Scotland have just won their first World Rugby 7s Series tournament at Twickenham this afternoon with a dramatic 27-26 win over South Africa who were playing in their 44th Cup Final. Following appearances in six Bowl Finals already this season and three victories this was Scotland's first ever appearance in a World Series 7s Cup Final. It has completed a great finish to the Series season and hopefully something to build on. Considering the Scottish RFU were looking at dropping 7s rugby 12 months ago and Scotland being dropped as a venue from the world series this is quite some achievement. Well done Scotland http://www.worldrugby.org/sevens-series/news/161490
    1 point
  10. LVG keeps saying he has one year left before he retires and he's never won the Scottish Cup
    1 point
  11. Just pointing out Gus McPherson has got Queen's Park up to League 1 playing some terrific football for their level. Player budget, of course, zero. Slightly below ours.
    1 point
  12. I'd rather get some of his players!
    1 point
  13. Good idea, I live in the north stand and I would like to submit an application for the vacant managers position
    1 point
  14. Can we now finish with the personal remarks and get back on topic please ?
    1 point
  15. at least the people in the north stand have paid to get in, unlike one who uses his press pass. probably never paid to get into a game but contributes to a "FANS FORUM " and rubbishes others who are only voicing an opinion
    1 point
  16. The scenes of carnage yesterday were cunningly edited by the media as part of their ongoing anti-Rangers conspiracy IMO.
    1 point
  17. Plenty of videos going around of the zombies in full battle mode, can't pin this one solely on Hibs, and the sevco statement was a complete nonsense, no 'restraint' being shown by the gallant bears.
    1 point
  18. NPL Stats – 2015-2016 Total individual entries: 1771 Total correct HT: 361 Total correct FT: 137 Total correct 1st Scorer ICT: 252 Total correct 1st Scorer Opp: 237 Time of First Goal - 10 pts: 22 Time of First Goal - 5 pts: 251 Time of First Goal - 2 pts: 230 Highest individual points tally: 20 – Kingsmills, Andrew Fraser, crownjaggie, Scotty, Most correct HT: 15 – MrCaleyjag, Andrew Fraser Most correct FT: 7 – Caleyjag, Wanderer, Scotty. Most correct 1st Scorer ICT: 11 – Gringo, Renegade Most correct 1st Scorer Opp: 10 – crownjaggie, RedCard Time of First Goal - 10 pts: 3 – Andrew Fraser, SOS, mcdonnell761 Time of First Goal - 5 pts: 14 – caleydawson. Time of First Goal - 2 pts: 11 – Caley Mad in Berks The 100% club (entered all 47 games):- Caleyjag Gavroche Gringo ICTRoughi MrCaleyjag Mrs Gringo Wanderer But there's only one stat' that really matters.... NPL CHAMPION 2015/16 ANDREW FRASER
    1 point
  19. How about the board drawing up a short leet, then each season ticket holder having one vote as to who should be appointed? Would help to sell season books too.
    1 point
  20. Was just coming on here to say this. Motherwell supporters giving real pause for thought here: ETA - thought that would display the whole conversation, but it's only given the end of it. Anyway, Craig responded in a lot of detail, and Stuart McCall, nice guy though he is, seems to have little interest in developing youth and struggled to rebuild or work within budget.
    1 point
  21. I'd be happy to see McCall come in as manager. *edit* After speaking to Motherwell fans on Twitter, maybe not.
    1 point
  22. The proof WILL be in the pudding ! One thing is for sure - next season will be INTERESTING !
    1 point
  23. McCall would be a great choice. Did brilliantly well at Motherwell, and did well at Rangers considering the circumstances. The article written by Barry Wilson in the Courier makes a good point in regards to recruitment. If we offer players in the SPL the same money as they are getting from teams in the central belt, they're not going to choose to join us. We can't afford to pay higher wages then even the likes of Partick or Dundee, so it's virtually impossible for us to recruit players who have already proved themselves in the SPL, which is a major factor behind JH being unable to recruit successfully. McCall is English, an no doubt has contacts down there, so he would hopefully fit the bill in terms of being able to recruit new players. We need around 8 new players for the upcoming season, and therefore we need to bring in a manager who has an eye for talent.
    1 point
  24. A different approach to either of the games against a Hibs side on a dreadful run of form and it could well have been us again...
    1 point
  25. I too am not giving up hope. The feel good factor for ICT fans would be priceless if David Raven got a contract.
    1 point
  26. goodbye yogi . I found your style of play very boring, so not bothered you are leaving. if you are lucky you may find another team just about to fulfil their potential as you did when you came to us.( missed Europe the year before after defeat in dingwall) you lost my support when you walked past thousands of our fans at the cup final. you walked from the corner flag where the players were celebrating with the cup past people shouting for you to stop so they could get a photo ( deffo not me), even a wave would have done some, to the half way line and gave a fist up to the Falkirk supporters before walking across the pitch to the main stand. butcher built the team that won the cup, and according to the club on a smaller budget than you operated on.
    1 point
  27. What a day that was. Never forget centenary square afterwards. Been in the pub all night. Still having a few ales
    1 point
  28. How anyone with any self-respect would demean themselves enough to Butcher back is astounding. He treated the club like absolute dirt when he left.
    1 point
  29. Lots of people hating this decision, and tbh I can't make up my mind. Kingsmills post sums it all up nicely though. i don't agree however, with our perception in the media being tarnished bla bla! Perhaps, things could have been handled differently, but the board are operating without hindsight! To suggest that the board of a club at the highest level of Scottish football have 'no vision' is rubbish also. They might not communicate that vision, or the budget may not match that vision, but there will still be a long term plan in place. This may simply be 'survive' and to that end, they are succeeding. The club still exists, and for another season, exists in the premiership. However the new manager is, they will have a budget, and they will know from this, that the budget available is very inflexible, and 'if your not happy with that, don't bother trying to bully us' I actually think in this regard, the board looks quite strong. im happy they never yielded to the pressure, I only wish they'd taken that view before extending his contract. It would've saved money and face. good luck in the future yogi, thanks for the memories.
    1 point
  30. what is this ... Ikea ?
    1 point
  31. Smashing post there from Kingsmills. Also, Calderwood is a terrible shout although I suspect the suggestion was in jest. We're looking like we're getting rid of someone who is trying to bully the club. We don't need another bully coming in.
    1 point
  32. Certainly not Jimmy Calderwood thanks.
    1 point
  33. Ah yes, I can see now that is a matter for solemnity and grave shaking of heads.
    1 point
  34. Lets be honest here folks, the only reason we attracted the quality players we did was because of Butcher - a big name former player and the chances of us doing this again, after this fiasco, is nigh impossible.
    1 point
  35. Sybil Fawlty on Mastermind. Specialised subject 'the bleedin' obvious'
    1 point
  36. Charles doesn't do 'light relief'
    1 point
  37. So much for it being something people on social media have invented cause they don't like him...
    1 point
  38. Plagued by injuries, lack of width, disappointing but acceptable
    1 point
  39. Better still, how about just appointing someone out of the North or Main stand? There seem to be plenty in there who regularly know far better than any professionally qualified manager.
    0 points
  40. In other words conveniently ignoring the fact that Caley Thistle only had bottom six counterparts to play in the last five games while two of the teams placed "below" them had the more successful top six clubs to contend with.
    -1 points
  41. One criteria that Yogi lacked that I'd like the new manager to possess is apperception for the fans in a way Butcher did during his helm. Doesn't need to make it over the top like butcher but still appreciation all the same. I would pick any of the following: Stuart McCall Richie Foran Paul Sheerin Ronny Deila (Ambitious, I know) Allan Johnstone Chris Powell
    -1 points
  42. Butcher? I bet he regrets leaving us now and what he did up here worked well, 80% of the current squad (whats left of it that is) was brought in by Butcher. It wouldn't please many fans as the way he left us was pretty grim
    -1 points
  43. Not a single fan I've spoken to today is sad to see him go FWIW
    -1 points
  44. yer right kingsmills
    -1 points
  45. Not when, just as the last time this happened in around 2007, people were seriously claiming fifth place whilst in the bottom six.
    -2 points
  46. Can we shift this to UK football or somewhere else?
    -2 points
  47. Ffs you can't go for someone who wants funds to compete at this level. Get wise people
    -2 points
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
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