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Black slams Brewster


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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty, your last statement is the important one!

The 'getting rid' element, on here, has now got their way - the most important part now, is the recruitment of the correct, for ICT, manager. We are an unusual club (family feeling, with this being our first sacking of a manager for instance) and our feelings were normally focused on the end result, with little personal criticism of the players/ managers/ board.

Now that the power of attack, via this type of medium has been experienced, I fear the future will not reflect the past!

A bad result, in someones view, will result in a verbal attack on here, with the managers past life, wifes past, grannies past, all being posted and used as ammunition and of course, 'and he's lost the dressing room' and this will result in pages of 'I knew this before we signed him' 'We could have done better'

Hope I'm wrong But..........!

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The 'getting rid' element, on here, has now got their way - the most important part now, is the recruitment of the correct, for ICT, manager. We are an unusual club (family feeling, with this being our first sacking of a manager for instance) and our feelings were normally focused on the end result, with little personal criticism of the players/ managers/ board.

Now that the power of attack, via this type of medium has been experienced, I fear the future will not reflect the past!

A bad result, in someones view, will result in a verbal attack on here, with the managers past life, wifes past, grannies past, all being posted and used as ammunition and of course, 'and he's lost the dressing room' and this will result in pages of 'I knew this before we signed him' 'We could have done better'

Hope I'm wrong But..........!

Why so bitter? :rotflmao:

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A bad result, in someones view, will result in a verbal attack on here, with the managers past life, wifes past, grannies past, all being posted and used as ammunition and of course, 'and he's lost the dressing room' and this will result in pages of 'I knew this before we signed him' 'We could have done better'

Hope I'm wrong But..........!

The highlighted part will certainly not happen - as far as we are concerned, personal/private lives are just that and we will continue to be vigilant on that front. Regardless of our individual opinions about Brewster, I can hold my head high and say that we let very little slip through the net as far as the "internet driven rumours" that were quoted in the Herald article and I have had PMs from quite a few people who were pro-Brewster right up until the end that have acknowledged this. The moderators have done a lot of work behind the scenes making sure this happened so please dont make sweeping statements like that when we can cite numerous other instances where we also took the same action (Tokely, Hart, Bennett etc).

As always - opinion is fine, regardless of which end of the spectrum it comes from, but if the abuse/personal line is crossed we will continue to deal with that as it happens and you the user have the report button available to you to report anything you think crosses that line - we may uphold it, we may not, but we do look at each report and make a decision one way or another.

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' Now that the power of attack, via this type of medium has been experienced, I fear the future will not reflect the past! '

I can assure you that this type of protest has been used by lots of clubs supporters before us, it is indeed the first for ICT, but then this was an unusual situation for us to be in.

Neither CC nor Baltacha ever got to the stage we got with Brewster, but there is a first for everything, and he certainly did not help himself with weird team selections and subs.

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I would agree with Black tbh. I watched the players sometimes in home games and their body language told me they looked unfit which was strange because thats virtually impossible given the fact that Brewster was such a fitness fanatic and now it turns out they weren't unfit... they were overworked.

I wonder what that "private matter" was about.

Edited by ajsict92
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Everything Black and the unnamed source have said have confirmed everything that i've been told from those within this season.

The thing i do wonder is now all theese revelations have come out, who in their right mind is going to employ Brewster again :thumb04: although im sure there will be some mug out there. But more importantly why did the board persist with him for so long, surely they knew what was going on within their club and could have seen the faults and where the problems were :rotflmao:

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Guest aldalzz

Yep, as we suspected about Black. Which is surely indicative of how far CB had got from acting to the benefit of the club. Not totally sure I believe the Partick story, however, as he is now free from Cup tie, should Hearts want him early. Will be interesting to see if he plays in the next round.

Nothing to do with the beauty of a black eye the bold blackie was sporting on the day of the Partick game, makes you wonder who he was mouthing off at this time, maybe Brewster thought the fans would all start laughing at the wee ****.......and yes I would, great player, not a team player, will get on all well with all the divers at Tynecastle.

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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

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Yep, as we suspected about Black. Which is surely indicative of how far CB had got from acting to the benefit of the club. Not totally sure I believe the Partick story, however, as he is now free from Cup tie, should Hearts want him early. Will be interesting to see if he plays in the next round.

Trust me you can believe it, he wasn't told he wouldn't be playing, and because he felt he had been consistent in previous games, asked why , only to be ignored, to say tempers then flared, I believe would be putting it mildly, I think Blackie felt used and abused, if CB wanted to leave him out to get a better fee, then could he not have used the man management skills he has (joke) and given Blackie an explanation? it would have saved a lot of grief, and if what im told is true a heafty fine as well. I believe Blackie then tried to talk to him again by asking to speak to him in private, only to be told NO, this is when Blackie erupted, but this was done in private with no one around, he basically told Brew what he thought, so was dropped again. Will he play in the next round, if he is selected, then YES, but dont bet on him being selected, because the board are aware he says it as it is, and i dont think Bennet likes him either, so even although we need him, it wont happen, but again, why dont we just ask him, he has the guts to say it as it is,

It's not like Blackie to be mouthing off :thumb04:

:018: :rotflmao: I suppose he is the only one that can do the talking as he has already decided his future is elsewhere

you are usually quite accurate stevie, however i know you know blackie better than that, he cares passionatly about the game and ICT, and has a football brain, he challenges things he dosn't like, albeight he is young so probably goes about it the wrong way, but its because he cares and not because he is leaving us for pastures new, if this was the case, he would never have been training with the reservs.

I wonder if the "dressing room source" is a certain Ian Black. ;)

no its not, but we will have to wait and see, if they are big enough or as some would say stupid enough (threat of being dropped like Blackie) to come out and say who they are.

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Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

With hindsight it looks as though the answer should have been YES. :rotflmao:

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Yep, as we suspected about Black. Which is surely indicative of how far CB had got from acting to the benefit of the club. Not totally sure I believe the Partick story, however, as he is now free from Cup tie, should Hearts want him early. Will be interesting to see if he plays in the next round.

Trust me you can believe it, he wasn't told he wouldn't be playing, and because he felt he had been consistent in previous games, asked why , only to be ignored, to say tempers then flared, I believe would be putting it mildly, I think Blackie felt used and abused, if CB wanted to leave him out to get a better fee, then could he not have used the man management skills he has (joke) and given Blackie an explanation? it would have saved a lot of grief, and if what im told is true a heafty fine as well. I believe Blackie then tried to talk to him again by asking to speak to him in private, only to be told NO, this is when Blackie erupted, but this was done in private with no one around, he basically told Brew what he thought, so was dropped again. Will he play in the next round, if he is selected, then YES, but dont bet on him being selected, because the board are aware he says it as it is, and i dont think Bennet likes him either, so even although we need him, it wont happen, but again, why dont we just ask him, he has the guts to say it as it is,

It's not like Blackie to be mouthing off :rotflmao:

:thumb04: :018: I suppose he is the only one that can do the talking as he has already decided his future is elsewhere

you are usually quite accurate stevie, however i know you know blackie better than that, he cares passionatly about the game and ICT, and has a football brain, he challenges things he dosn't like, albeight he is young so probably goes about it the wrong way, but its because he cares and not because he is leaving us for pastures new, if this was the case, he would never have been training with the reservs.

Wasnt saying that as a slant on Blackie more how the other players couldnt put there point of view out

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Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

If my right hand man knew more than me about certain aspects of the job, I would work with him so that together (as a management team) we would both prosper and learn from each other.

I have been in this situation in a business sense and when you show faith in the ability of others to do their jobs rather than just follow orders, the outcome is usually a lot better than if you try to rule with an iron fist (tried that too - it doesnt work unless it is used extremely sparingly).

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Yep, as we suspected about Black. Which is surely indicative of how far CB had got from acting to the benefit of the club. Not totally sure I believe the Partick story, however, as he is now free from Cup tie, should Hearts want him early. Will be interesting to see if he plays in the next round.

Trust me you can believe it, he wasn't told he wouldn't be playing, and because he felt he had been consistent in previous games, asked why , only to be ignored, to say tempers then flared, I believe would be putting it mildly, I think Blackie felt used and abused, if CB wanted to leave him out to get a better fee, then could he not have used the man management skills he has (joke) and given Blackie an explanation? it would have saved a lot of grief, and if what im told is true a heafty fine as well. I believe Blackie then tried to talk to him again by asking to speak to him in private, only to be told NO, this is when Blackie erupted, but this was done in private with no one around, he basically told Brew what he thought, so was dropped again. Will he play in the next round, if he is selected, then YES, but dont bet on him being selected, because the board are aware he says it as it is, and i dont think Bennet likes him either, so even although we need him, it wont happen, but again, why dont we just ask him, he has the guts to say it as it is,

It's not like Blackie to be mouthing off :rotflmao:

:thumb04: :018: I suppose he is the only one that can do the talking as he has already decided his future is elsewhere

you are usually quite accurate stevie, however i know you know blackie better than that, he cares passionatly about the game and ICT, and has a football brain, he challenges things he dosn't like, albeight he is young so probably goes about it the wrong way, but its because he cares and not because he is leaving us for pastures new, if this was the case, he would never have been training with the reservs.

Wasnt saying that as a slant on Blackie more how the other players couldnt put there point of view out

sorry stevie, but you know and i know aint gona happen

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If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

If I was a useless manager yes, and incidentally I'd still be in a job now.

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

Tennis is not a team sport, to practice set pieces requires....yes the team!

If you were employed in a fastfood shop and your best seller was burgers and your trainer kept showing you how to make fries why would that be and what would happen?

Brewster didn't have a clue about tactics and that is plain for everyone but you to see. Just as you don't have a clue or maybe you are Brewster which would explain a lot of your posts eh?

Do you like my signature? It'll be there til the end of the season, how do you like your hat cooked eh?

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Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

If my right hand man knew more than me about certain aspects of the job, I would work with him so that together (as a management team) we would both prosper and learn from each other.

I have been in this situation in a business sense and when you show faith in the ability of others to do their jobs rather than just follow orders, the outcome is usually a lot better than if you try to rule with an iron fist (tried that too - it doesnt work unless it is used extremely sparingly).

scotty, you are spot on agree 100%

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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

Ralph that is a total crock , I wasnt going to say this when Brew was still manager but Marius has played under a lot of top managers, including International ones, he thought the training under Brew was ridiculous, he hardly ever took free kicks when here as he never had the opportunity to practice them, as he said was training just running and worst of all running without a ball at his feet.

How can players develop the basics without using a football, after all they are meant to be footballers not olympic athletes.

Edited by stevico1
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Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

If my right hand man knew more than me about certain aspects of the job, I would work with him so that together (as a management team) we would both prosper and learn from each other.

I have been in this situation in a business sense and when you show faith in the ability of others to do their jobs rather than just follow orders, the outcome is usually a lot better than if you try to rule with an iron fist (tried that too - it doesnt work unless it is used extremely sparingly).

And if it reached the point where that wasn't possible?

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

If I was a useless manager yes, and incidentally I'd still be in a job now.

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

Tennis is not a team sport, to practice set pieces requires....yes the team!

If you were employed in a fastfood shop and your best seller was burgers and your trainer kept showing you how to make fries why would that be and what would happen?

Brewster didn't have a clue about tactics and that is plain for everyone but you to see. Just as you don't have a clue or maybe you are Brewster which would explain a lot of your posts eh?

Do you like my signature? It'll be there til the end of the season, how do you like your hat cooked eh?

Are you expecting ICT to go down then? I'm certainly not hence my quote yesterday. And for the record once and for all NO I'm not CB

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I would first have to ask why it wasnt possible .... conflict resolution requires both parties to be willing to compromise somewhat or at least lay their cards on the table.

As Donald Park worked alongside three ICT managers (Robbo, CC and Brew) one wonders what made CB so different to the rest ? There is no suggestion that he was undermining Robbo or CC nor the club itself (who wanted him as manager after Robbo and CC) so perhaps the problem was not Park?

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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

Ralph that is a total crock , I wasnt going to say this when Brew was still manager but Marius has played under a lot of top managers, including International ones, he thought the training under Brew was ridiculous, he hardly ever took free kicks when here as he never had the opportunity to practice them, as he said was training just running and worst of all running without a ball at his feet.

How can players develop the basics without using a football, after all they are meant to be footballers not olympic athletes.

I suppose he also mentioned to you then some difficulties at the training ground like not getting the grass cut for 4 months due to ridiculous regulations, or maybe that would be CB's idea so that they could run all day instead :rotflmao:

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At this time we need winners. Brewster was a big time loser as a manager. His ego was his downfall. Anyone who has a four foot high card board cut out of themselves in their hallway is not a motivator of other people as the great Shankly was.

Ian is a winner and at the current time all other players I suspect really want the freedom to express themselves and win. It is quite pleasing to see Ian being relieved of the burden that was Brewster. Brewster destroyed the winning ethic. Increasingly players lost the belief that they could win especially at home.

The players have in general been polite about Brewster but are restricted in what they can say. He is history now so we hopefully will have a new manager soon so that the old regime can be soon forgotten because it was ICT's greatest disaster.

A new chapter begins and it would be magic if Ian could do a Dodds and give his all on Saturday and score the winner for ICT.

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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty quote

He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

Ian Black ( alledged quote )

I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

Ralph that is a total crock , I wasnt going to say this when Brew was still manager but Marius has played under a lot of top managers, including International ones, he thought the training under Brew was ridiculous, he hardly ever took free kicks when here as he never had the opportunity to practice them, as he said was training just running and worst of all running without a ball at his feet.

How can players develop the basics without using a football, after all they are meant to be footballers not olympic athletes.

I suppose he also mentioned to you then some difficulties at the training ground like not getting the grass cut for 4 months due to ridiculous regulations, or maybe that would be CB's idea so that they could run all day instead :rotflmao:

So you are now telling me that the reason the players ran all day is that the facilities were not up to scratch

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I would first have to ask why it wasnt possible .... conflict resolution requires both parties to be willing to compromise somewhat or at least lay their cards on the table.

As Donald Park worked alongside three ICT managers (Robbo, CC and Brew) one wonders what made CB so different to the rest ? There is no suggestion that he was undermining Robbo or CC nor the club itself (who wanted him as manager after Robbo and CC) so perhaps the problem was not Park?

Perhaps you're right

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Are you expecting ICT to go down then? I'm certainly not hence my quote yesterday. And for the record once and for all NO I'm not CB

I hope we don't go down but as things stand in the league I certainly wouldn't make any references to Graeme Spiers. If you're not CB you must be very close to him? :rotflmao:

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