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A plan to raise funds to keep our players

Alex MacLeod

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Apparantly MacBookie are offering 12/1 against ICT stopping Kenny Miller scoring. Not sure if its one game or all season. But who cares. Plan is that 2000 ICT fans take up the bet at ?100 stake. Miller is injured, enough to keep him out for the season, in our first game against them. We all return winnings of ?1300, keep ?300 and donate a grand to the club. ?2,000000 would surely be enough to offer decent contracts to the guys we want to keep.

Incidently, tongue is firmly in cheek.

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Well - congratulations on being able to stick yer feckin head up yer erse.

Someone needs to kick yours.....................................Johndo, do you remember the days, not so long ago, when, night before a game, this site would be full of fun and banter...........opposition fans coming on and being sent home with tales between legs......................it aint happening no more!!!! Where's the fun gone? Have the new generation turned all serious?

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I agree that much of the banter of years ago has gone the way of the DODO.

But that is all IHE's fault 'cos he built the HMS Sneck to ride the waves vaingloriously and after only one season on the high seas he allowed it to start rotting in dry dock and the valient crew scattered to the four winds whilst (word has it) he lay in the scuppers overcome by the constant fumes of Johnny Walker, Johhny Haig and Johnny Come Lightly.

Now the doughty crew members could not be found and most have signed on with very adversarial pirate vessels which are amassing a fortune.

When , oh when, will the valiant Captain IHE come back to rescue his ship from the knackers yard to once again delight the cheering supporters and restart the surge of enthuiasm that used to engulf and inspire all Caley Thistle hearts.

Meanwhile back at the Canadian Ranch I wish to opine that the suggestion that heads up this thread is a load of wishful baloney and , furthermore, will never come to fruity tition. :ictscarf:

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