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Does anyone remember........................

Alex MacLeod

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I barely check the boards before a game these days, and I was never off them two or three seasons ago. The only way I can begin to explain it is to say that I wouldn't sit by the side of the road discussing the circumstances leading to a car crash, in which someone will sprain their wrist, ahead of time. We're sitting sixth (oops, seventh), but at a point in the season where our league position doesn't really mean much in that regard; I've become accustomed to seeing either crap football or crap results at home, albeit with the odd glimmer of hope this season; we're clearly not going to get relegated, but we won't be playing in Europe next year either; and with Brewster's glaring inability to read a game from the dugout (he should do a Walter Smith and watch from the stand) I approach each match with a dread of the wheels falling off twenty minutes into the second half and nothing done about it. None of that makes me want to log on - I'm happy to leave impending doom posts to the cultists. Humbug.

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Oh right! That's easy, it was far more like a family, an extension of the Innes, before; maybe because there were many fewer posters. There was plenty of history, a patina of smoke and steam-let-off on the ceiling, beer mats a-flying, reminiscences and aspirations for the club thicker than gulls on the Longman tip, Feb8's immortal I-can't-post-a-pic thread, and the "we'll score one more than ye" mentality that came from the Pele days. The new boards have been pretty soulless from the start - SPL rules, old chap, no standing, no smoking - and have never regained that clubhouse feel, despite separating from the official site. This isn't the Innes, it's [insert name of popular but slightly unwelcoming Inverness pub here]. And there was me thinking you were talking about the state of the football  :004:

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Oh right! That's easy, it was far more like a family, an extension of the Innes, before; maybe because there were many fewer posters. There was plenty of history, a patina of smoke and steam-let-off on the ceiling, beer mats a-flying, reminiscences and aspirations for the club thicker than gulls on the Longman tip, Feb8's immortal I-can't-post-a-pic thread, and the "we'll score one more than ye" mentality that came from the Pele days. The new boards have been pretty soulless from the start - SPL rules, old chap, no standing, no smoking - and have never regained that clubhouse feel, despite separating from the official site. This isn't the Innes, it's [insert name of popular but slightly unwelcoming Inverness pub here]. And there was me thinking you were talking about the state of the football  :004:

so how do we get that warm and fuzzy feeling back without being relegated  :017:

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IMHO,I dont think it's an ICT thing or an SPL thing,it's just an internet thing,when websites were in their infancy their was more of a small group feel to them, the craic was great and was contained within the site.Now the media and clubs are aware and watching , mods(quite rightly) are concerned about litigation leading to closer scrutiny and moderation of posts,some of the more extreme posters see this as censorship and move on,it's a shame but just the way it is.For what it's worth i still think this is one of the best site for craic and club information,some sites tend to become so moderated and football orientated as to become completly dull ,others,to liberal and an intimidatory attitude from some posters can be offf putting.

Thats meh thoughte on it anyways.......BRING BACK CYRIL!!!!

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With a few notable exceptions posters on this board fall into two broad categories:

1. Dalneigh dispora / Innes irregulars

2. Adolescent authors

Many, I believe are turned off by both.

I would venture that both groups are to blame - The former due to the (understandable) tendency towards insularity and the latter, well the arrogance of youth.

The negative and basic nature of debate, there is an example on this thread, just isn?t attractive enough to encourage others to contribute.

A negative post in itself, I can?t deny.

What is the solution?

Don?t be a voyeur, contribute and do it with some humour.

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With a few notable exceptions posters on this board fall into two broad categories:

1. Dalneigh dispora / Innes irregulars

2. Adolescent authors

Many, I believe are turned off by both.

I would venture that both groups are to blame - The former due to the (understandable) tendency towards insularity and the latter, well the arrogance of youth.

The negative and basic nature of debate, there is an example on this thread, just isn?t attractive enough to encourage others to contribute.

A negative post in itself, I can?t deny.

What is the solution?

Don?t be a voyeur, contribute and do it with some humour.

I think it's quite ironic that you describe the arrogance of youth where in actual fact that is  an arguably arrogant viewpoint itself and one i would challenge. Some of the more interesting commentators on this board fall into 2 of those categories i think you need a bit of controversy, contrast and debate of a good board however i agree that some can feel alienated by the old boys club vibe sometimes - i'm a newbie but i don't think there's much of that about really. Also i think the time of year has a little to do with the dip, students have exams and so on (although sometimes that's an excuse to go on the forum), I think the school prelims are on at the moment, a lot of folks arn;t going to many games this month due to the economic hangover of the festive period and due to the lack of matches in recent weeks there has been less to talk about. Hopefully we can get back on track now we're getting closer and closer to the split...

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In truth there are a few people who rarely post these days - myself included.

Yompa, the Coia's, Caley Canary, Naelifts and The Wanderer hardly post as much as they used to.

My reasoning is due to the mass of posts on the forums - even with the different sections - and I simply dont have the time or patience to read through them, as so many start to weave away from the subject that has originally been posted.

For instance, a topic about line-ups would all of a sudden become a personal relay of 'text messages' slagging the other person off - something I really can't be bothered to read or reply to!

The Caley Inn Crew, The Innes Bar Bunch and those from the borders created the heart of this site. The craic, the matchday hype and even club goings on. This has slowly changed to a Supports Trust versus Other Fans versus Club Members versus IHE website that has almost zero banta as a whole.*

*This is only my opinion and others are welcome to theirs. I will ALWAYS be a regular to this website and also play my part as a supporter of ICT. I have no doubt however that there will be a mixture of responces to this from each of the seperate fans bases mentioned above, and also the neutrals to this site!!!

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I think that many truths have been spoken on this thread. The apathy shown by previous generations of posters may well be to do with a reluctance to tear themselves away from the memories of , what seemed like, better days. Like childhood summers.......everything under Pele was great. I always said, to the point i am sure of boring everyone, that i would not follow ICT into the SPL where the rules and regs are heavily influenced by the powerful few and enforced in a bullying fashion on the "minor" clubs. Where the stadia are sterile, concrete and plastic, soulless places overseen by stewards with ideas above their station and no notion of letting people enjoy themselves, let off steam and build an atmosphere. Of course....I still go. But I do not have the same passion and do not glean as much enjoyment out of a trip as I used to. The Innes clan, and indeed the Caley Inn before it are still around but the SPL tears the heart out of football. I feel so sorry for Scotty and CaleyD for the many hours they put in to keep this ship afloat but I think these things are inextricably linked.  So many times they ask for input/ suggestions and get very little or no reponse. It is up to all of us to keep the site going..............if you don't use it ....you'll lose it.

Perhaps the only thing that would really buck things up would be relegation........and we don't want that..............or do we????

Happy Birthday to DC Weeman in Washington DC

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We all want to see sparkling wit, banter and healthy debate........but the essence of on this website is very different to switching the TV on and expecting to be entertained. It's about interaction, and I guess that means we all need to make a bit more effort : start interesting threads and make good posts, rather than leaving it to others to do all the good work.

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so how do we get that warm and fuzzy feeling back without being relegated  :017:

Gin. Lots of it.  :003:

I don't think we can - it's a bit like Swindon, you should never go back. All part of growing up, however painful.

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I think Naelifts has hit the nail on the head.

The only people who can make the site what they want it to be are the people who use it.  If people have ideas for changes that they think will help improve the setup then we are all ears.

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Mr PP, you know I have a sneaky admiration for you.

Michael says you are not alone.


Don?t feel in any way defensive.

The problems and the solution are there for all of us to see on this thread.

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Not feeling defensive (don't think there's anything to defend  :001: ).

It's all down to progress/evolution of the site which has been brought about by the progress/evolution of the club and the team.  However, we (Scotty and I) also realise that these things need to be "managed", for want of a better description, and that we don't always get it right.  That's why if people have ideas and suggestions they should feel free to raise them and we will address them and, where practical, tweak things.

One example is the lads in Section G who asked for a place where they could talk about their stuff away from the main forum.  We were only too happy to oblige as it's not something everyone is interested in and it doesn't have to be talked about in the main part of the forum where other things get lost among their chat and their chat gets lost among other things.

That's not an option for every little thing, but it may be that we are missing something in that regard and if so, then we are only too happy for people to be pointing it out.

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It may be the numerous different boards.  Gone are the days on the main (only board) where the meeting points for away games were regulaly discussed.  Gone are the idea's of block booking at big ground as we are at them week in week out.

Maybe we could reduce the different boards.  Start up a negative board where all the bad stuff gets posted.  It is important but it seems to bring everyone down.  I would suggest main board, negative board and anything else board.  Anything else would cover all non ict posts, non ict rumours, sneck memories or any dam thing people want to post.  If it is complete tosh however, get rid.  Clogs the site and is a waste of time and effort to most.

We all miss the days of standing, regular pubs in Ayr and the likes.  This can continue but in new pubs in Motherwell and Edinburgh.  Could the matchday post start earlier and be pre-match day so we can all make arrangements for bars, trains and buses that are open for all to join?

Lets stop getting to a point were some therear ends stop us having fun in our own ground.  We used to be able to stand together,  so can we come to a plan of being able to site together.  This makes us all comrades in arms supporting the cause.  We take this with us to away games as well and soon the warm fuzzy feeling will come back on the site.

What is the possibility that we could look into having a website block of seats for home games?  We must all get our tickets in advance either by season ticket or pre purchase.  We can then all be together and get the atmposphere going at games and it would follow on to the site.  Say the club allocate 50 seats in section F or G to the website.  If anyone wants a season ticket in these seats they get first dibs (website people) then the rest must buy a ticket in advance for this section.  Unslold tickets go back in the pot.  This would also work for old firm games, hopefully driving out non ict fans.  I would even be happy to pay some amount each season to help with admin for this, say ?5 each?

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I know what people are saying - I used to be on the ICT website all the time 4 or 5 years ago and am now hardly ever here (as you can see by my posting count). This is not any refelection on the site which is just as good as it always has been, but more a reflection on me.

I think I was more passionate about ICT in those days as it all seemed new and exciting, look at Scottish cup games for example - If say we had been drawn against Kilmarnock away (which we were twice in a week) for instance on a Tuesday night in January a few years ago I would have been there come rain, hail or snow as this was a 'big game' for us. Now, I wouldn't even consider taking an afternoon of my work to go down unless it was a semi-final or final. There was even one game - Partick away where in the morning there was a weather warning telling people they should not travel on the A9 as the snow was so heavy. Of course we went anyway, I took the car, skidded and crashed it, left the car where it was, got my Wife to deal with the insurance etc, got a lift from someone else and still made the game (which we drew). Today, I must say I would have stayed at home (in the warmth).

I think this comes from the fact we are a mid-table team so each game is not 'life or death' whereas if you are challenging at the top of a table or fighting relegation every game is very important .

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Not feeling defensive (don't think there's anything to defend)


But you misunderstand me, that?s the point I was making.

It?s not the site, the management of the site, or even the number of forums.

What I crave is a bit of quality amongst the quantity.

How?s the bone?

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