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At it again !

Guest Aboynamedsue

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Guest Aboynamedsue

I know this subject has been done to death but i am so p!ssed off with those @rseh*les of stewards

Yesterday this wee jumped up little f*d actually went up to boys at the BACK row of the family area & told them to sit down ,

Now i ask you who were they obstructing NOBODY !!!

Yet i noticed St Mirren fans standing throughout the game & there was coppers at the end of their section who didnt appear to be bothered !!

How much longer must this go on ? we've little enough following at games ,

At least the boys were good crack & cheering on our team ,

At this rate spending a Saturday afternoon at the library would be more appealing

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I know this subject has been done to death but i am so p!ssed off with those @rseh*les of stewards

Yesterday this wee jumped up little f*d actually went up to boys at the BACK row of the family area & told them to sit down ,

Now i ask you who were they obstructing NOBODY !!!

Yet i noticed St Mirren fans standing throughout the game & there was coppers at the end of their section who didnt appear to be bothered !!

How much longer must this go on ? we've little enough following at games ,

At least the boys were good crack & cheering on our team ,

At this rate spending a Saturday afternoon at the library would be more appealing

I could be wrong but I don't think police are concerned about fans standing at a game that's down to SPL rules which are enforced by stewards who are contracted to the club and it is the club who are ultimately responsible for the behaviour of fans in the stadium. Namecalling such as "wee jumped up little f*d" is counterproductive and will put the club on the defensive. The bottom line is that the boys at the back row were aware of the rules yet they flaunted them.

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I think the point is that the away stand seems to be allowed to flaunt these rules every week !

its all about CONSISTENCY.

Totally agree. Our fans are persecuted in the North Stand yet when we look down the other end we see the away fans standing, jumping up and down and clearly flaunting the rules. Not only are the police down there but stewards too and they don't seem bothered one bit. Yes, a bit of consistency would be more than welcome.


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I think the point is that the away stand seems to be allowed to flaunt these rules every week !

its all about CONSISTENCY.

Totally agree. Our fans are persecuted in the North Stand yet when we look down the other end we see the away fans standing, jumping up and down and clearly flaunting the rules. Not only are the police down there but stewards too and they don't seem bothered one bit. Yes, a bit of consistency would be more than welcome.


OK, if it's consistently the same offenders at the home end then the stewards know who to look out for. To be consistent at the away end would require an increased presence of stewards which would eat into the clubs budget. Grin and bear it. :thumb04:

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OK, if it's consistently the same offenders at the home end then the stewards know who to look out for. To be consistent at the away end would require an increased presence of stewards which would eat into the clubs budget. Grin and bear it. :rotflmao:

You are either consistent throughout the ground or you are not. You cannot have it both ways and you cannot expect people to accept different rules for different parts of the ground (unless of course it is stated somewhere).

My answer would be a proper "supporters section" somewhere where rules are more relaxed. The west stand was potentially a good idea but because of various things it didnt work out.

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Guest Aboynamedsue

OK, if it's consistently the same offenders at the home end then the stewards know who to look out for. To be consistent at the away end would require an increased presence of stewards which would eat into the clubs budget. Grin and bear it. :rotflmao:

You are either consistent throughout the ground or you are not. You cannot have it both ways and you cannot expect people to accept different rules for different parts of the ground (unless of course it is stated somewhere).

My answer would be a proper "supporters section" somewhere where rules are more relaxed. The west stand was potentially a good idea but because of various things it didnt work out.

The West stand is a joke & why is there no roof on it ?

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The West Stand would be ideal if it had proper shelter.

When the supporters trust arranged a singing section, this was one of the best propasals from fans to the club in years. Despite this area being OK'd at first, the stewards were told to clamp down harder on anyone singing or standing - Why?

Is it really any wonder why we receive chants of 's***y home support'?

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When the supporters trust arranged a singing section, this was one of the best propasals from fans to the club in years. Despite this area being OK'd at first, the stewards were told to clamp down harder on anyone singing or standing - Why?

Because the people over there tried to stand throughout the game despite repeated requests to sit down. No wonder it was a failure. The supporters that tried to use it thought that they were invincible.

It would be great however if they could have a section of the ground that the stewards knew was going to contain more rowdy fans but ones who, when standing up, only did so with the intention of creating a good atmosphere. That way the stewarding could be more relaxed towards them.

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When the supporters trust arranged a singing section, this was one of the best propasals from fans to the club in years. Despite this area being OK'd at first, the stewards were told to clamp down harder on anyone singing or standing - Why?

Because the people over there tried to stand throughout the game despite repeated requests to sit down. No wonder it was a failure. The supporters that tried to use it thought that they were invincible.

It would be great however if they could have a section of the ground that the stewards knew was going to contain more rowdy fans but ones who, when standing up, only did so with the intention of creating a good atmosphere. That way the stewarding could be more relaxed towards them.

Unfortunately the Stewards are right to try and get everyone seated, them's the SPL's rules I'm afraid. I know it's not quite as much fun, but you can still sing when you're sitting down, I've been doing it for years at Easter Road. (yes I am a Hibee, but I also have season tickets for ICT and get along to every game I possibly can).

I do, however, agree that the lack of consistency is ridiculous. You can't have one rule for the North Stand and one for the South! This is maybe somethibg that needs to be brought up via the supporters trust?

***awaits his slagging for being a hibee and a caley jags fan******

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You can draw parallels between some of those in the "singing section" and Ian Black.

Ian Black was getting a hard time for refs for a while, it wasn't always justified, but we knew it was because he had a tendency to push his luck and back chat. A wee change in attitude and a redirection of his energy more in to his game than getting upset at everything and he's all the better for it...and not getting anything like the same problems from refs.

Perhaps some of those within the "singing section" need to do likewise. Redirect your energy more in to doing the singing, chanting and drumming and less into winding up the stewards. Maybe then we'll get situation where you are allowed to stand up briefly for songs and stuff without being immediately reprimanded.

Likewise with the Stewards, perhaps if they were a little less obsessed with looking for something to have a go at you about and concentrated more on matters of safety then they might just get a little less hassle from fans.

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I was at the Aberdeen game at the start of the campaign and there was plenty of noise and atmosphere generated, without the need to stand up doing it. It sounds like the stewards have a problem with the standing (following strict SPL guidelines, no doubt) not the singing - as long as it's clean. Unfortunately it is the nature of officials to believe they are only doing their job when they are having to reprimand someone. I find that watching the game is (usually) more entertaining than watching the stewards :rotflmao:

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I was at the Aberdeen game at the start of the campaign and there was plenty of noise and atmosphere generated, without the need to stand up doing it. It sounds like the stewards have a problem with the standing (following strict SPL guidelines, no doubt) not the singing - as long as it's clean. Unfortunately it is the nature of officials to believe they are only doing their job when they are having to reprimand someone. I find that watching the game is (usually) more entertaining than watching the stewards :rotflmao:

I hate to rain on your parade Billy, but the vast majoirty of the noise came fom the lads standing at the back.

Edited by chris123
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I was at the Aberdeen game at the start of the campaign and there was plenty of noise and atmosphere generated, without the need to stand up doing it. It sounds like the stewards have a problem with the standing (following strict SPL guidelines, no doubt) not the singing - as long as it's clean. Unfortunately it is the nature of officials to believe they are only doing their job when they are having to reprimand someone. I find that watching the game is (usually) more entertaining than watching the stewards :rotflmao:

I hate to rain on your parade Billy, but the vast majoirty of the noise came fom the lads standing at the back.

Yeah, thanks for that (fyi, there was plenty of noise coming from the lads in the seats beside me). However standing up is not actually a pre-requisite for singing/chanting/noise generation.

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I was at the Aberdeen game at the start of the campaign and there was plenty of noise and atmosphere generated, without the need to stand up doing it. It sounds like the stewards have a problem with the standing (following strict SPL guidelines, no doubt) not the singing - as long as it's clean. Unfortunately it is the nature of officials to believe they are only doing their job when they are having to reprimand someone. I find that watching the game is (usually) more entertaining than watching the stewards :rotflmao:

I hate to rain on your parade Billy, but the vast majoirty of the noise came fom the lads standing at the back.

Yeah, thanks for that (fyi, there was plenty of noise coming from the lads in the seats beside me). However standing up is not actually a pre-requisite for singing/chanting/noise generation.

Plenty of noise by our standards possibly, but other than the odd rendition of Caley Caley etc, it was the usual suspects making all the noise. There seems to be a feeling on here that we have a noisy away support, but with the exception of a few lads that do a stirling job, our travelling support is pish in terms of atmoshpere.

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Plenty of noise by our standards possibly, but other than the odd rendition of Caley Caley etc, it was the usual suspects making all the noise. There seems to be a feeling on here that we have a noisy away support, but with the exception of a few lads that do a stirling job, our travelling support is pish in terms of atmoshpere.

Actually, it's got worse over the years. Once upon a time (well, a couple of seasons ago :rotflmao:) people would sing for the majority of the game. Doesn't help when young kids take horns to generate a bit of noise and have them confiscated by the Gestapo.

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As a (former) season ticket holder who was present through our rise fromDiv3 to Div1 but had relinquished those tickets and moved over here by the time we reached the SPL I can only comment on the atmosphere I see now on home visits and I must say in all honesty that each time I visit, it is more and more like a morgue. The entertainment seems to have been sucked out and replaced by fear/apathy.

During my season ticket holding days the craic in the main stand above the tunnel was great. We sang the odd song, we werent all quiet, and we also had banter going with the opposition bench (Yogi was a particular favourite - top bloke). It made for an enjoyable day out and a good few beers after the game.

On my last couple of trips home I have watched us play Celtic and Kilmarnock. For the Celtic game we had tickets in the north stand - the atmosphere was flat, totally flat until we scored and then flat again when Celtic scored (apart from the away supporters in the home end). For the Kilmarnock game, I was more or less back in my old seat thanks to the offer of a ticket and it was really weird. You could literally hear a pin drop, people seemed scared to chant or make any effort at having some craic for fear of being huckled out by stewards and handed a banning order. Think you can see just how enjoyable it was in this pic ! and perhaps not surprisingly, not too many people mingled for a beer after the game - they were drained and just wanted to go home despite a 3-0 winning scoreline.


I dont necessarily blame the club or the stewards for all of this but they are both certainly major factors. They are following rules laid down by football or other authorities but perhaps they need to take a look at how these are enforced both in terms of consistency and also in terms of the reported heavy handedness we hear about from time to time [note: I am not including incidents where fans have been found/suggested to be at fault as that happens too!!!].

The entertainment and tolerance needs to be brought back - otherwise the poor 3501 crowd we saw last week will seem good sometime soon.

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I arrived at the game about 5 minutes late on Saturday. Walking along by the stadium I wasn't even sure if it had kicked off yet such was the lack of noise. It was only when I saw a ball lumped high in the air towards the South Stand did I know the game had started. And that we were attacking the South Stand.

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Which one of those two is your big team? :thumb04:

That would be Hibs, to the great delight of my missus who just loves winding me up about our record against caley! :rotflmao:

I reckon the folks on here are onto something though, If you're all sat down, regardless of whether you're singing or not, what reason would the Stewards have for approaching you to break you all up? Is anyone around you complaining to the Stewards about you? Are they complaining about your language during songs?, If so, just substitute any swearie words with something else.

The gist of what I'm trying to say is make the system/rules work to your advantage. If you do things that are gonna wind the Stewards up, they're gonna win, as they have the power to eject you. If you adapt to the rules, you don't give them an excuse to persecute you and still get to sing your hearts out for your team.

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