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Driving Nags


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Rightyo I've been on the road a fair bit now and luckily so far haven't been involved in any close calls...

...due to me! Today after getting Caley100 to modify my car to Ned proportions - he fixed the reverse light - I was driving round the roundabout by the stadium to go onto the A9 towards Tesco then onto Balloch. As I went round I moved out to the outside lane as the painted white lines 'guide' you to do. One over eager woman decided now would be a great time to fire out and did so but forgot I was coming all the way round - something I would have thought was obvious given my right hand indicator being on. As I braked to a halt a mere couple of inches from her door she held her hand sin the air and then drove off. Cheers luv!

Not something I want to have to go through again and while I know I am by no means 100 perfect at driving I know I am a **** of a lot better than some of the other plums on the road. One thing I despise is folk who never indicate at junctions/roundabouts (and is why I made sure my indicator was on at all points of the roundabout described above). I also hate tailgaters. On Tuesday night after leaving Elgin I had a 4x4 in my rear view mirror so close that I couldn't see the guys registration plate or the bottom of his bonnet in my rear view mirror. I was doing ~ 55 - 60 at this point and as a car travelling in the opposite direction passed us the 4x4 pulled out and shot past giving me a 'wanker' sign as he went by. How nice :006:

Any other tales of terror from the roads?

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I was leaving Elgin the other night in a friends 4x4 and I got caught behind this complete t0sser crawling along like he had feck all better to do. I fair sorted him out though - sat right up his erse so he could see my number plate and would know me again if he saw me. Gave him the w@nker sign as I overtook him - he looked so nervous it must have been a new driver.

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Rant on

Cyclists!!! Before ic ould drive I didn't see the problem but now they get right on my tits. People that don't indicate on roundabouts is another bad one, IF YOU DON'T INDICATE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING!! People that go slower than the speed limit especially when you can't see far enough ahead to overtake. Them fecking chuckies that they've put down on heaps of roads in the area that force you to drive at about 10 mph all the time. Police I crap myself every time I see a car sitting in a side road. Parking, I'm pish at it:008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008:

Rant off

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Where do I start !!!!

Lets just say that a LOT of drivers over here are 'not very good' ..... I would hate to see how much worse they would be if most of them also had a clutch pedal !!!!

Main reason for this I would say (other than those who are truly bad drivers) is that 99% of the feckers who are driving badly have a mobile phone glued to their ear and are not paying attention (havent made it illegal here yet)

have a look at these links and click on some of the cameras anytime around 1pm, or from 9pm - midnight (roughly) to see how bad it is



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Rig, both incidents show that you have taken onboard all that DJS taught you and that you will turn out to be a good, sensible driver.

Incident 1. Your awareness and defensive driving skills shone through and an accident was averted.

Incident 2. No signs of road rage

Well done :021:

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oh my!!!

having driven taxis for over ten years, i'd say i'm a pretty experienced driver.... and have seen all sorts....but you know what? we all bugger it up now and then, when we change our minds half way round that roundabout cos we forgot we needed to go 'there' so we switch lanes...etc....

a wee bit of patience is all it takes, no need to get all flustered about it.

i think that's why we do energency stops in our test.... well, do we still do them?

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I have to say your perfectly working reversing light, AND new seat adjuster saved you from certain death today.

I'll have a pint of 70 and a large one for me and TMFTJ in the Innes.

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I think it may well have done!

No problems on the way back through to Aberdeen aside from one daft woman on a mobile going through Elgin and then getting stuck behind the oldest bus in the world from Ketih which I blitzed past at the Fochabers climbing lane - I think it blew up trying to get up that hill! :015:

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Driving standards in the UK are, generally, atrocious. Never trust anyone (even your best mate) when out on the road. Its a dog eat dog world out there and a case of everyone for themselves. Nerer EVER trust an indicator - all that should tell you is the bulb is working and nothing else, don't ever take it as read.

Keep your wits about you and keep them eyes on the road and off the mobile, DVD, GPS, Stereo, Radio and Fluffy Dice.

Take care out there - them roads are safe, its the drivers that make them bad.

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LOL on the subjuect of road nags i just got this email

While I was driving down the A720 the other day, (going a little faster than I should have been)

I passed under a bridge only to see a copper on the other side with a radar gun laying in wait.

The copper pulled me over, walked up to the car, and with that classic patronizing smirk asked:

"Runway too short??

To which I replied, "I'm late for work."

To which he asked, "What do you do?"

I responded, "I'm a rectum stretcher"

The copper was surprised and confused. "A rectum stretcher?? And just what does a rectum stretcher do?"

"Well," I said, "I start by inserting one finger, then I work my way up to two fingers,

then three, then four, then with my whole hand in, work side to side until I can get

both hands in, and then I slowly but surely stretch the hole, until it's about 6 feet."

Then the copper asked questioningly and cautiously, "And just what do you do with a six-foot ar s ehole?"

To which I politely replied, "You give him a radar gun and park him behind a bridge ..."

Speeding ticket: £105.00

Penalty Points : 3

Court costs: £45

Look on copper's face: Priceless.

There are some things money can't buy ...

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