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Glasgow Airport Attacked


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By the terrorists own admission, Britain is #3 after "The Jews" and "America" and I agree with the earlier posting that to most terrorists the differentiation between Scotland and England is at best fuzzy. If its on the island, its a target.

Where I would agree with you is that if a home-grown terrorist or one who has spent some time here has any say in where they attack, then it is more likely that it would be further south.

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I don't agree that America and 'the Jews' are at more risk the UK. Logistically the UK is a far easier target than either Israel and the US so, although the terrorists would LIKE to target them, in actual fact Britain is at more risk of an attack.

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I don't agree that America and 'the Jews' are at more risk the UK. Logistically the UK is a far easier target than either Israel and the US so, although the terrorists would LIKE to target them, in actual fact Britain is at more risk of an attack.

I didnt mention risk - I only responded to your assertion that the UK was the #1 target by pointing out that the terrorists own (published) list shows the UK at #3. I do concede that the difference between #1 and #3 may be minimal and the choice of one over the other has more to do with opportunity than the position on the list.

Risk is an entirely different matter and I tend to agree that logistically it may be easier to target the UK but for some reason I have more faith in the UK security services to minimise the risk in the UK than I do in the similar bodies in either the US or Canada to minimise it within their own borders.

At the end of the day, I am going to take the Michael Bloomberg approach and be aware that there is a threat but not let it consume me over all the other 'normal' threats that exist in day to day life.

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Guest TinCanFan

I don't think it matters what religion you are to the terrorists because they want to kill as many people as possible regardless of their religion.

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They just want the media coverage IMO.... if someone really wanted to kill a lot of people they would go to a shopping mall on a Saturday.  Why go to one of the most highly secured places in Scotland?? and crash a car outside the building?? When they could have easily walked in??

They are either complete muppets (which I doubt considering one of them is a Dr) or were more concerned about getting on TV rather than killing a mass of people.

Doesn't matter anyway Smeaton (Legend) has our backs covered!!  :allhail:

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Eyewitness accounts.

America: "Oh my God! there was a man on fire,he was running about, i just ran for my life..i thought i was gonna die,he got so close to me"

Glasgow: "c**t wis running aboot on fire,so a ran up n gave him a good boot,then decked him"

America: "I just wanna get home,away from here..i just wanna get home,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow: "here shug,am no leaving here till am oan a f**kin' plane!"

America: "there was pandemonium,people were running in all directions,we didn't know what was hapening,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow: "f**k this fir a kerry oan,moan we ll get a pint in"

America: "We thought he was gonna blow us all up he had a gas canister,and was trying to get into his trunk,i thought we were gonna die,i just ran for my life"

Glasgow: "a swaggered by the motor that wis on fire,and the dafty couldnae even open his boot,he wis in fire annaw so a ran up n gave him a good boot to the baws"

America: "there was this huge explosion,it sounded like war,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow: "There wis a bang, yi know when yi throw BO basher intae a fire it wis like that"

America: "i'm too traumatised even to speak,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow "here mate,gies 2 minutes till a phone ma auld dear,if am gonna be oan the telly a want her tae tape it


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An Ode to the Smo’

Twas doon by the inch o’ Abbots

Oor Johnny walked one day

When he saw a sicht that troubled him

Far more that he could say

A fanatic muslim b*st*rd

Wiz doin what he’d planned

And intae Glesca’s departure hall

A Cherokee he’d rammed.

A big Glaswegian polis

Came forward tae assist

He thocht “a wumman driver”

Or at least someone half-pissed

But to his shock nae drunken Jock

Emerged to grasp his hand

But a flamin Arab loony

Frae Al Qaeda’s band

The mad Islamist nut-case

Had set hissel’ on fire

And swung oot at the polis

GBH his clear desire

Now that’s no richt wur Johnny cried

And sallied tae the fray

A left hook and a heid butt

Required tae save the day.

Now listen up Bin Laden

Yir sort’s nae wanted here

For imported English radicals

Us Scoatsman huv nae fear

Oor hame grown Glesca Asians

Will have nae bluidy truck

So tak yer worldwide jihad

An get yersel tae F***

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You really have to wonder what the terrorists are making of all this.

I'm not saying that Scotland as a whole isn't taking these events seriously, but you can just envisage the Al-Qaeda PR department searching the net for articles regarding the fear and terror they have struck into the heart of the Scots only to be faced with all these images, videos, poems and one-liners about John Smeaton and basically mocking their efforts.

In short I think Scotland has done what Scotland does best - they haven't let the b*stards grind us down.  In fact, we've practically turned it into an excuse for a few drinks with reports that 1200 pints have been bought and paid for and wait behind the bar at the Holiday Inn for John Smeaton.

It really all is a bit "Braveheart"

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LEGEND :rotflmao:

John Smeaton (these are real). John just surpassed himself on the National ITV new. The interviewer asked "What message do you have for the bombers" - he replied "This is Glasgow - we'll just set about you"

John done an interview on cnn and they asked how he restrained the guy and he said "me and other folk were just tryin 2 get the boot in and some other guy banjoed him" !

Biggest laugh I've had in ages....classic, priceless!  :rotflmao:

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Mr Smeaton has made it onto several news broadcasts over here and the subject has been discussed on many a radio talk show - especially the one I listen to as I drive home. all showing him and Scotland's reaction in a very positive light.

I hope he takes up the offer of all these pints and also the undoubted media interview and appearance offers he will get over the next few weeks ... enjoy it while it lasts John, your star will fade as quickly as it rose

My favourite video shown on TV over here - considering that most were shown once and never repeated or re-filmed so they could get him to speak more slowly and with sanitised or less colloquial language is the one I saw on CNN ... The interviewer asked him how he came to be outside the airport at just the right time and he started by saying ..... "I was outside having a fag .....". I had visions of the gay movement hogging the internet and booking flights to Glasgow in their thousands .... some slang terms just dont mean the same over here  :015: :015: :015:

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