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Glasgow Airport Attacked


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Being someone whom works within an airport - even though a small one - I feel totally inconvenienced and in a sense scared to go to work.

I already have to do seperate liquid orders and wait an age for them to arrive in my outlet, but now I need to use a seperate security entrence and practically undress to my kegs before being alloud to serve my customers.

The guys that pick me up for work can no longer leave their cars unattened to even use the loo now. They need to now log their cars on spreadsheets and have them searched every time.

To say people are not inconvenienced is wrong. People are scared and rightly so. This may well have been an amature attempt, but it's linked to a bigger picture... lets look at this bigger picture BEFORE passing stupid comments. People can get very hurt from stupid comments!!!

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Gringo Jnr i agreed that people were inconvenienced, though i do have alot less sympathy for those who choose to few the security that surrounds all airport employees as inconvenience, it goes without saying that the inconvenient security checks may be saving your life every other day.  its the passengers who have no choice but to board planes at airports i feel sorry for

if anybody else didnt read what i said then ill just quote it directly and summerise -

"its worrying the intent was there but the actual capabilities of thise involved was embarrassing.  al queda or hamas make bombs, these guys crashed into a door then jumped out to unload gas cylinders and throw petrol bombs!"

"i dont think 'terrorism has now arrived in Scotland'"

....these people were obviously acting on instinct and hate rather than carrying out a calculated plot to disrupt the communication network of this country, dont be scared about seeing anymore 'attacks' from them or worry they are giving others ideas.

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This may well have been an amature attempt, but it's linked to a bigger picture...

Car bombs in London, 'Car bomb' at Glasgoq Airport and a 'Device' found at Alexandria Hospital in the space of 48 hours does not seem to me to be an 'amature attempt' at terrorism!!!

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I thought I heard on the news that despite the car at the hospital being connected to someone involved/being held in connection with recent events that initial forensic investigation found nothing to indicate that it had any kind of device/bomb in it?

Also, I wouldn't be so hasty as to say that we had no prior intelligence.  The speed by which they closed Edinburgh and Liverpool and how quickly they managed to locate houses and properties for searches and make further arrests suggests that they had some information on these people and their possible intentions.

I am in little doubt that this was a serious, although poorly executed, terror attack.  The only people who will know exactly who or how many they intended to injure/kill are the terrorists themselves, and despite the relatively fortunate outcome (for joe public) you can be certain they won't be viewing this as a failure.  They sent the UK and North America in to a state of panic and above all else that is the objective for these people.

Don't let this be turned in to some kind of game of politics, or be led down the path that an Independent Scotland would in any way be less effected.  Terrorism is a world wide problem and is something we all have to be aware of.

I'll also echo what Scotty said above.  I too flew to the states not long after 9/11 and was extremely anxious about the whole deal.  However, I was no more anxious than I was when I sailed from Hull to Zeebrugge shortly after the Zeebrugge disaster which was an accident.  Things happen every day which threaten our well being - some by accident, some by design.  You have 2 choices, hide yourself away in your home (which poses just as many threats every day) or get on with your life.  Not saying we should ignore these threats and we all need to learn to be a little more alert to our surroundings, but if we give up and hide away then these people win.

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LEGEND :rotflmao:

John Smeaton (these are real). John just surpassed himself on the National ITV new. The interviewer asked "What message do you have for the bombers" - he replied "This is Glasgow - we'll just set about you"

John done an interview on cnn and they asked how he restrained the guy and he said "me and other folk were just tryin 2 get the boot in and some other guy banjoed him" !


Once a cobra bit John Smeaton’s leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

John Smeaton uses his abs to smooth diamonds

John Smeaton does not dodge bullets. Bullets dodge John Smeaton

Everynight before the bogeyman goes to bed, he checks his closet for John Smeaton.

John Smeaton doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants

It was once believed that John actually lost a fight to a terrorist, but that is a lie, created by John himself to lure more terrorists to him

Smeaton went tae the same school as Charles Bronson and stole his dinner money everyday.

John Smeaton isn’t afraid of the dark…the dark is afraid of John Smeaton.

John Smeaton once killed a lion with his bare hands.

John Smeaton can make a woman climax just by looking at her and shouting ALLAH!

Anthropologists are studying John Smeaton to try to find the origins of the lack of “flight” in his “fight or flight” response

Smeaton used to racially abuse Bruce Lee to his face, and forced him to cook him Chicken choi mein every night free of charge.

Alex Salmond has abandoned any future plans for wind farms in Scotland.He is just going to use Johnny’s arms to power the whole of Scotland and sell the surplus energy to the East Coast of America.

There was a Comet headin straight for Earth one year ago, it was too big for Nasa to destroy wi Nuclear bombs.. so they phoned Smeaton to jump up on springs and punch **** oot it.

John once challenged Chuck Norris to a square go. Mr Norris kindly refused the advance.

John Smeaton can strangle you with a cordless phone.

John Smeaton won a game of connect 4 in 2 moves.

John Smeaton can delete the recycle bin

If you wake up tomorrow, it’ll be because John Smeaton allowed you to

Smeaton once held down eight Tigers and gang r@ped them.

John Smeaton dosent sleep, he waits.

When John Smeaton does push ups, he’s actually pushing the ground down.

The Argies surrendered Port Stanley when the heard that John Smeaton had been born.

John Smeaton is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a ****ing Jeep.

John Smeaton drowned a fish.

Death once had a near-John Smeaton experience.

John Smeaton died 5 years ago, Death never had the balls to tell him

John Smeaton once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.

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I got a shock when reading the Glasgow coverage as you dont expect it to happen in Scotland, but Scotland would not be immune from this either as part of the UK or as an independent nation (within the EU).

Scotty, that's not strictly true. The UK (primarily due to it's involvement in the Iraq conflict) is the number one target for Islamic terrorists in the world. How many attacks or attempted attacks have their been in other EU countries? Not very many. Scotland needs to disassociate itself with British conflicts to be a safer place. To me that is absolutely crystal clear.

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Those hapless al-Qaeda boys were to find out that Glasgow has no respect for international terrorism. Nobody gets between 10,000 Weegies and a £99 week in Ibiza booked on Thursday night through Barrhead Travel.

:rotflmao: :021: :clapping03:


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The texts have started already..... :001:

Police name glasgow airport terrorists as Sinj Mahjeep & Bashir Dorrin. Both confessed 2 have been celebrating the muslim feast of Ramavan.

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Hamish, independent or not, Scotland would still be a target and although I am pro-independence, I dont like seeing the "if we were independent this wouldnt happen" bullshit being trotted out. As an independent nation, we might be a lesser target, but we would still be a target nonetheless because we would be members of both the EU and NATO and therefore on the "hitlist".

London and any of the major cities in the US will always be the prime targets as hitting them has most impact but other places cannot be complacent. Toronto is supposedly high on the list because of the Canadian involvement in Afghanistan as are other cities/countries who have troops in either Iraq or Afghanistan.

If these groups decide that London, New York, Washington or other high profile locations are harder to hit because MI5, MI6, CIA, Homeland Security or other government agencies are breathing down their necks, and in the case of London, both the people and the authorities have a well oiled process because of experiences with the IRA in the past, then its a no-brainer for them to think ... ok, lets go somewhere thats not expecting it and isnt ready for it .... like Scotland, or Canada, or somewhere else.

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I think it's VERY obvious we would be a lesser target (obviously we cannot eliminate the risk emtirely)  if we were not part of the UK. And I go back to my original point, no other EU or NATO countries are being targeted nearly as much as the UK.

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I go back to my original point, no other EU or NATO countries are being targeted nearly as much as the UK.
maybe not "as much" Hamish, but please dont confuse that with "not at all"

http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=101209 - The "order of importance" list published after the July 05 bombings in London - Jews first then Christian nations with America and Britain topping the list. Take note that Spain and Australia (who were both targeted with real bombs) as well as Canada and Italy are specifically mentioned.

http://www.thestar.com/News/article/227170 - As recently as 10 days ago, both Germany and Canada were specifically named as targets in a Taliban/Al Qaeda propaganda video.

http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=3333817&page=1 - Did authorities have prior knowledge of these attacks ? (maybe not the specifics, but at least the general threat)/ Also, there is further talk of the targeting of Canada and Germany .....

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LEGEND :rotflmao:

Alex Salmond has abandoned any future plans for wind farms in Scotland.He is just going to use Johnny’s arms to power the whole of Scotland and sell the surplus energy to the East Coast of America.

LOL - was thinking that about the arms when I watched the clips ... which now appear to have been sanitised somewhat.

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....these people were obviously acting on instinct and hate rather than carrying out a calculated plot to disrupt the communication network of this country, dont be scared about seeing anymore 'attacks' from them or worry they are giving others ideas.

Police investigating the London car bombs traced phone calls to the bombers house in Houston and at the very moments the attack on Glasgow airport were attempting to search houses, it's clear it was part of a calculated plot rather than anyone acting on instinct.  Often inexperienced terrorists make mistakes when bombing targets - the IRA used tolose members quite regularly in the early days of it's campaign when bombs blew up prematurely, this tailed off as they became more hardened and competent with the use of explosives.

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Yes, this guy has become a legend in his own lunch break.

I had to chortle when I heard his message to the terrorists.

Basically threatening them as Glashgow will no put up wi it.............legend :021:

Remember when you were we and you always wanted to be like someone, well, here is the legend we all want to be

check out the 5th clip

stardom awaits

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Guest donmac298

Clacher - I don't know if you have ever been to the Middle East but I have lived and worked there and in my experience very few of the inhabitants can differentiate between Scotland and England.  To them the British Isles is "England".  I'll say it again, terrorism has arrived in Scotland - you'd better believe it.

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And some more.....

Jabba the Hut used to be a tall beautiful blonde woman named Susan, until she talked too much during a date with John Smeaton

After piting her to the point where she melted into the slug beast form, John Smeaton re-named her Jabba to remind her not to jibba-jabba so much.

John Smeaton invented orphans.

The Virgin Mary isn’t really a virgin. Just ask John Smeaton

When John Smeaton folds his arms, the U.K. Terror Alert Level is raised to gold.

John Smeaton doesn’t have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel.

Ghosts are actually caused by John Smeaton killing people faster than Death can process them.

Bill Gates lives in constant fear that John SmeatonPC will crash.

John Smeaton is not hung like a horse… horses are hung like John Smeaton

John Smeaton plays russian roulette with a fully loded revolver… and wins.

John Smeaton once had an erection while lying face down and struck oil.

When God said, “Let there be light”, John Smeaton said, “say please.”

The grass is always greener on the other side, unless John Smeaton has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.

John Smeaton keeps his ID on the bottom of his right foot. Nobody ever asks him for his ID.

John Smeaton doesn’t need a miracle in order to split the ocean. He just walks in and the water gets the **** out of the way.

Most men are okay with their wives fantasizing about John Smeaton during sex, because they are doing the same thing.


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I go back to my original point, no other EU or NATO countries are being targeted nearly as much as the UK.
maybe not "as much" Hamish, but please dont confuse that with "not at all"

http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=101209 - The "order of importance" list published after the July 05 bombings in London - Jews first then Christian nations with America and Britain topping the list. Take note that Spain and Australia (who were both targeted with real bombs) as well as Canada and Italy are specifically mentioned.

http://www.thestar.com/News/article/227170 - As recently as 10 days ago, both Germany and Canada were specifically named as targets in a Taliban/Al Qaeda propaganda video.

http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=3333817&page=1 - Did authorities have prior knowledge of these attacks ? (maybe not the specifics, but at least the general threat)/ Also, there is further talk of the targeting of Canada and Germany .....

Scotty, at no point did I say there was no risk. All I said that we'd be at less of a risk which you appear to be agreeing with now. And although all those other countries are apparently being targeted, to date, nothing's happened there yet. I'm not saying it won't but the fact that attacks are relatively frequent in the UK compared to other EU/ NATO countries says a lot to me.

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Scotty, at no point did I say there was no risk. All I said that we'd be at less of a risk which you appear to be agreeing with now.

Have always agreed with that - never said we were ever "a prime target", just that we would always be "a target", independent or not. Scotland (as well as Wales & Northern Ireland) contain targets that although of "lesser importance" to the terrorists than just about anything in London or the big cities of USA still have the effect of making the news worldwide and disrupting people in Toronto, New York, Washington etc when something happens.

This whole plot, whilst it appears amateur in its execution appears to have been carefully planned and the perpetrators dont appear to have raised any eyebrows when getting ready for it ... and that is worrying. 

And although all those other countries are apparently being targeted, to date, nothing's happened there yet. I'm not saying it won't but the fact that attacks are relatively frequent in the UK compared to other EU/ NATO countries says a lot to me.

Terrorist attacks are like icebergs Hamish .... you only see the small tip, but there is a lot more to it than the bit you actually see. We are lucky that our security services - for the most part - ensure we dont see the rest of the iceberg by nipping a lot of these ideas in the bud.

In Toronto 30+ people were arrested before Xmas for plotting stuff here. Recently, people were arrested In Los Angeles for plotting to blow up fuel lines under LAX airport and those are only the ones that have made the news. That propoganda video that surfaced 10 days ago is not only a speech to "graduates" in the videos but seen as inciting people already in Canada and Germany and who may sympathise with certain groups to think of "joining the fight". Many in Canada see it as a only a matter of time.

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Clacher - I don't know if you have ever been to the Middle East but I have lived and worked there and in my experience very few of the inhabitants can differentiate between Scotland and England.  To them the British Isles is "England".  I'll say it again, terrorism has arrived in Scotland - you'd better believe it.

But presumably ones who've lived and worked here for some time do know the difference...

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Scotty, at no point did I say there was no risk. All I said that we'd be at less of a risk which you appear to be agreeing with now.

Have always agreed with that - never said we were ever "a prime target", just that we would always be "a target", independent or not. Scotland (as well as Wales & Northern Ireland) contain targets that although of "lesser importance" to the terrorists than just about anything in London or the big cities of USA still have the effect of making the news worldwide and disrupting people in Toronto, New York, Washington etc when something happens.

This whole plot, whilst it appears amateur in its execution appears to have been carefully planned and the perpetrators dont appear to have raised any eyebrows when getting ready for it ... and that is worrying. 

And although all those other countries are apparently being targeted, to date, nothing's happened there yet. I'm not saying it won't but the fact that attacks are relatively frequent in the UK compared to other EU/ NATO countries says a lot to me.

Terrorist attacks are like icebergs Hamish .... you only see the small tip, but there is a lot more to it than the bit you actually see. We are lucky that our security services - for the most part - ensure we dont see the rest of the iceberg by nipping a lot of these ideas in the bud.

In Toronto 30+ people were arrested before Xmas for plotting stuff here. Recently, people were arrested In Los Angeles for plotting to blow up fuel lines under LAX airport and those are only the ones that have made the news. That propoganda video that surfaced 10 days ago is not only a speech to "graduates" in the videos but seen as inciting people already in Canada and Germany and who may sympathise with certain groups to think of "joining the fight". Many in Canada see it as a only a matter of time.

I still maintain that Britain is the number 1 target for Islamic terrorists in the world right now and recent events seem to support that. The more we can distance ourselves from Britain politically, the safer we'll be. I can see no argument in that.

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