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Free bus


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I believe that this is not the first time that this has happened.

The bus was invaded by up to 30 motherwell fans. The came up to the top floor rocked the bus, bounced, swore, picked fights with each other and banged four shades of sh1te out of the pour vehicle. Enter plod who saidd

  • [li]Hide you colours
    Go down stairs
    Stop rocking the bus
    And left...[/li]

Who is the bus for? Us or every one

Who cares for segragation? What is thepoint of sperating teh fans, then putting tem in a restricted space!

How many does a bus hold? There were too many on it. What about health and satey now?

Why dont the bobby's stand up to cenral belters?

This is not the first time, that this has happened. It must be sorted out, before someone gets injured, or serioulsy hacked off.


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Apparently a few Motherwell casuals were thrown out today or something.

I think I sat in the same area as them on the train on the way back. One of them said to a girl who was getting off at Elgin "Ho luv, fancy a piece o' the big man?"  :015:

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Enter plod who said

  • [li]Hide you colours
    Go down stairs
    Stop rocking the bus
    And left...[/li]

You missed out the bit where about 30-40 of them were told by plod downstairs to get off the bus as they made their way downstairs  :004:


I do agree though it is a disgrace the away fans come on and do this and like you said it has happend before, nearly every game we are treated to them dancing about doing the bouncy on the bus - a lot of the time while its moving.

I'm glad the plods did take them stoneage morons off the bus today because I've never felt the bus rock so much, and it was an accident waiting to happen if that bus had set off with them on board.

Rangers Fans Bouncy on Underground BANNED

This rule should be made on the free bus as-well because one day there will be an accident, all it takes is the morons to start bouncing when it goes round a corner and the thing could topple over.  :018:

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Didn't know that, WIG, but there were still too many on the bus when it left. Where's yer fekkin health and safety now?

Whether a wobbly bus or a stabbing, it is, like Graham Bayne, an accident waiting to happen.

Rymond Biro wrote to the Club a few weeks ago, who told him that the bus was for home fans only, and that it would be stewarted. 

The usual ICT piece of ***** and lies.

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There should be a plod or steward of some kind on board i totally agree.

Who actually runs the bus, ICT or Rapsons ? If its ICT then it should be for ICT fans only and i think the only way to start combating away fans getting on it, is only allow those who travel on it from bus station to the game the right to travel back on it with somekind of ticket system that way there will be no excuses for overcrowding or away fans who seem to only use it for the ride back into town.

Theres been many times when I've got it from the bus station but ended up having to walk back after the game because away fans have taken up so much room and its left once full. Its not difficult to give a ticket to each of those leaving the bus at the stadium a ticket to get back on it after the game.

But then common sense is too far behind away fans and an accident waiting to happen in the priority orders. :029:

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Ultimately responsibility for safety lies with the driver.  If the bus is overcrowded or people are acting in a manner which will jeopardise the safety and comfort of other passengers then he should not turn a wheel until the matter is rectified.

Double Deckers are naturally unstable and a full top deck is recipe enough for disaster, never mind a moving load on the top deck who are intent on making the bus sway.

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Is this thread a joke.....I could count approx 30-50 well fans there the day ?

Hardly enough for a riot !!!

I don't know where you went to school, RnBCB, but there were more than that i the away stand. 30-50 was about the number in the top floor of the bus.

CaleyD, ultimately or not, I think the club and/or plod should be helping the driver. Or does their responsibility end at the gate?

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That's for Rapsons to decide, they take the contract for the bus and they are responsible for running it.  If it's getting to the stage whereby they are having these problems every week then yes, they need to be raising it with the club.  If they can't come to a solution then they simply pull out and tell them to get someone else to run the bus...or no bus runs at all.

At no point however should the driver be moving away from the stance if these things are going on, if something were to happen the only comeback would be on them and not the club or anyone else.

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