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Toxic gas probe at traveller site

Premier ICT

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Found this article on BBC web site relating to the travellers site next to the stadium.

"A council has ordered an investigation of a travellers' site following concerns the land was contaminated.

The area at Stadium Road in Inverness is reclaimed land having been used as a landfill site between 1919 and 1965."

Full article here - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highla...nds/8331780.stm

Wonder if this also affects the ICT ground :lol:

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This wouldn't affect the stadium. The Traveller site is designated a residentual area and the rules are that your not allowed to have a residential area on a reclaimed tip unless you first extract the contents and fill it all up with good strong bottoming.

This actually happened at An Aird in Fort-William. Planning permission was granted to build houses on the reclaimed tip. Everything was ready to go when someone pointed out the problems below ground. Everything had to stop and the whole site was dug out and refilled with rock before building could commence. Cost an absolute mint but the powers that be still never learned their lesson. They used an old sand quarry to dispose ot the rubbish only for SEPA to come along and point out that decomposing matter was seeping into the river Spean. Oops! Dig it all out again and line the quarry with rubber and concrete then fill it all back in. Must say about An Aird though. The grass grows beautifully on the Fort shinty field.

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CalyD your very negitive getting next you'll be booing soon lol, do you need a hug?


Methane and carbon dioxide nothing to worry about, no mention of carcinogenic chemicals or asbestos then, what a relief.

Those carcinogens and asbestos will be well buried and unlikely to surface. The gases, however, can come to the surface.

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Call me a cynic but what is the site worth to a developer with a wad of notes in a brown envelope? Allegedly. One that already has options on the neighbouring site? Allegedly. No really, what do you reckon? Allegedly. :023: Several hundred thousand but with possible contamination the residents are evicted relocated, the site is then sold and made habitable, Allegedly, this time not as a travellers site. Allegedly.

Step in ASDA to buy TCS, travellers site and Council Grit Depot? Allegedly.

God, I am getting so cynical in my old age. :(

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

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