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Lack of home support


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IMO this threads dead on its feet, May i suggest we invite Jerry Springer or Kyle to come to a home game and find the root to why every secton thinks its better or more right that the next... hummmm whos right whos wrong!!

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Jerry Springer would feel right at home in the North Stand. There's always plenty of booing from the crowd.

Think he'd feel more at home in the away end with the county fans. Sitting next to Jerry today is Mr X whos brother is also his dad and uncle and grandfather. He also has 7 toes on each foot and is married to a sheep who happens to be his cousin!! :D

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I love how any discussion like this always refers back to section G they dont own the stadium, people in other sections can also start to sing but yet they dont, or they wait to section G starts then join in

The guys who wanted to lead the chanting chose section G. Every team has a group that leads the chants.

One of the problems with many ICT fans is they have the OF mentallity. If I start the whole stadium will join in. Thats how it went when they sang their sectarian songs. Now even they struggle to craete atmosphere.

Surely this is the mentallity of the fans from Section G

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O.K. A few points from this discussion.

You don't have to sing and make a lot of noise to be a true supporter.

Supporting the team means applauding them when they do well and not getting on their backs when they are not playing well. If you have the energy to voice a criticism then voice some encouragement instead.

Booing your own team provides support and encouragement to the opposition.

The ground does not lend itself to creating an atmosphere. That does not mean people shouldn't try. People should be free to stay quiet if they wish but let's encourage those who want to be vocal in their support for the team.

For me, a key thing to emerge from this thread is that we are not a united support. There has been a bit of a block G vs block E thing which is nonsense; we have folk who do little but criticise the team and never get behind them; and we have folk who criticise the critics rather than support the team. Away from home we are united. Everybody gets behind the team and an atmosphere is created which clearly the players notice and appreciate. Is it not too much to ask for that kind of positive collective spirit at home matches?

Conclusion: If you want to support the team vocally then please make as much noise as you like. Everyone should encourage that. For those who are vocal, remember that the more vocal you are the more likely it is that other will join in.

If you don't want to sing and shout encouragement; fine, but please make a point of showing some support to your team by applauding good play.

If you just can't help but be negative, do the rest of us and the team a favour and keep quiet. Vent your spleen on the forum or go and support County instread because they must just love you.

A final observation. If you attend a concert - whatever your musical taste may be - it is usual to give the performers a good round of applause at the end. Contrast that with Saturday. A fantastic performance by the team and a long overdue home league win - and what do half the crowd do? Most didn't clap at all but just got up and walked out. I stood to applaud the team and was jostled by the guy next to me who was wanting to get out of the row. If everyone had stood and applauded the team for a couple of minutes, wouldn't that have been good! How good would that have made the team feel? After congratulating each other and shaking hands with the Morton boys one or two looked over to the North stand and saw just a handful of folk clapping - the rest couldn't get out quick enough. After all the effort the team put in, do they not deserve a bit better than that? A good ovation at the end of the game would have encouraged the team to come over and acknowledge the fans. As it was, one or two gave a half hearted wave in our direction but frankly that was more than we deserved. Its all a bit sad really. Not surprising, but still sad.

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sorry dude but yawn.... we go round and round and round this topic all the time, I think JKyles the only one that'll sort this out! basicly everyones pish at supporting the team, that is if you dont travel...

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I sit in the upper section above the I in the jock macdonald stand and all they do there is complain about everything and say things like they deserve to score which really gets on my nerves because there supposed to be caley fans! B)

I sing at away games but not at home cos theres no one else to do it with :angry: but theres always a good atmosphere away from home :D

Also not just because i like zadi but when our own fans booed him that was pathetic yes he played horrible but everyone else played bad but just not quite as bad as zadi

Edited by Zadi
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I sing at away games but not at home cos theres no one else to do it with B) but theres always a good atmosphere away from home :angry:

Same here. Even though i sit in the north stand its always being poor. If only more fans got involed with singing and getting right behide the boys

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O.K. A few points from this discussion.

You don't have to sing and make a lot of noise to be a true supporter.

Supporting the team means applauding them when they do well and not getting on their backs when they are not playing well. If you have the energy to voice a criticism then voice some encouragement instead.

Booing your own team provides support and encouragement to the opposition.

The ground does not lend itself to creating an atmosphere. That does not mean people shouldn't try. People should be free to stay quiet if they wish but let's encourage those who want to be vocal in their support for the team.

For me, a key thing to emerge from this thread is that we are not a united support. There has been a bit of a block G vs block E thing which is nonsense; we have folk who do little but criticise the team and never get behind them; and we have folk who criticise the critics rather than support the team. Away from home we are united. Everybody gets behind the team and an atmosphere is created which clearly the players notice and appreciate. Is it not too much to ask for that kind of positive collective spirit at home matches?

Conclusion: If you want to support the team vocally then please make as much noise as you like. Everyone should encourage that. For those who are vocal, remember that the more vocal you are the more likely it is that other will join in.

If you don't want to sing and shout encouragement; fine, but please make a point of showing some support to your team by applauding good play.

If you just can't help but be negative, do the rest of us and the team a favour and keep quiet. Vent your spleen on the forum or go and support County instread because they must just love you.

A final observation. If you attend a concert - whatever your musical taste may be - it is usual to give the performers a good round of applause at the end. Contrast that with Saturday. A fantastic performance by the team and a long overdue home league win - and what do half the crowd do? Most didn't clap at all but just got up and walked out. I stood to applaud the team and was jostled by the guy next to me who was wanting to get out of the row. If everyone had stood and applauded the team for a couple of minutes, wouldn't that have been good! How good would that have made the team feel? After congratulating each other and shaking hands with the Morton boys one or two looked over to the North stand and saw just a handful of folk clapping - the rest couldn't get out quick enough. After all the effort the team put in, do they not deserve a bit better than that? A good ovation at the end of the game would have encouraged the team to come over and acknowledge the fans. As it was, one or two gave a half hearted wave in our direction but frankly that was more than we deserved. Its all a bit sad really. Not surprising, but still sad.

Thanks for setting us straight as to what to do.

Is it ok to boo when we're winning then? And berate those who leave early?

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There has been a bit of a block G vs block E thing which is nonsense

No there isn't.

If you just can't help but be negative, do the rest of us and the team a favour and keep quiet. Vent your spleen on the forum or go and support County instread because they must just love you.

Say goodbye to a lot of Section G then because a lot of the negative stuff comes from people in that area. I refer back to the booing of our substitutes like Barrowman and the abuse of our sub keeper because he is a County fan. Again I will point out that it isn't all of them but there have been frequent comments on here after games about some of the stuff being shouted at the guys warming up by fans in this section.

A final observation. If you attend a concert - whatever your musical taste may be - it is usual to give the performers a good round of applause at the end. Contrast that with Saturday. A fantastic performance by the team and a long overdue home league win - and what do half the crowd do? Most didn't clap at all but just got up and walked out.

This I agree with. I thought it was a shame that our first Home win in so long was greeted with a mass walkabout. You'd almost think we had lost!

The Inverness Real should come back for the County game.

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Indeed it has and I'm not going to go back there but I bet the other subs warming up were very impressed with what was being said.

Regardless, our home crowd is no different to any other home crowd at a football game. They are always quiet. Eitehr do something about it or deal with it.

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If the booing is pinned on Section G, why did TB tell the mainstand to Funk off then, that match for example section G did no booing, but sang for most of it....

The Mass walk outs are not Section G eather, If you ask me its from closer to the bridge and the main stand that walks out, the last humping we had a home i stood till the whistle as did the back 3 rows, apart from that infront of me was still some folk too, to the left and right of the section it was empty and i mean empty, and alot of the main stand had left the stand, the north stand lot did however stand by the wall and near the exit.

My biggist gripe is the fact that alot on here as well as folk that go to the games and windge are the same folk leaving early... the young lads at the back that most of the bad vibes are pointed at STAY till the end, as for the subs abuse, again, its normaly "give us a wave" and the likes, Ive never heard the guys slag barroman off when warming up, Rooney gets a song, LDZ got a song, kyle got slagged off for about 2 games but it was little comments from one or two, so why knock the whole section....

in summery, no one is a real supporter end off story, if you know the team for under preforming you are not a real fan, if you dont sing you are not a real fan, if you dont stand up you are not a real fan, if you dont pay full price you are not a real fan, if you dont sit in the right section you are not a real fan, if you dont sit in the main stand you are not a real fan, if you find it hard to cheer on players you are not a real fan... the list goes on, eveyone has there own feelings on what makes are real fan, and no one is right or wrong so why continure this thread when it will just end up in a big bun fight...

no one has the right to say im wrong on how i support my team and i dont have the right to say anyone else is wrong....

what is wrong is........ CaleyD's Shirts at times...... :P

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I'm not pinning the booing on "Section G". I never have done. However, by their own admissions they have booed players warming up (as an example). "Section G" are the most vocal part of our support, both positive and negative. Barrowman has been booed for some bizarre reason when warming up (it's been discussed on here), Eagle gets booed when his name is announced over the tannoy and you only have to look at the reaction when Djebi Zadi was subbed subbed during the County defeat to see that a lot of our crowd prefer to moan and groan as opposed to getting behind the team. Seems to be easier for them to do that than be positive.

I have not once linked the mass walk outs to "Section G" so I don't know what your point is with regards to that and, as clearly stated in previous posts, I am not knocking the whole section as I know several folk in there and they are all good guys. I just think the booing, all over the stadium needs to be cut and try and get behind the team instead of shouting tripe after one slack pass leads to a throw in for the opposition on the half way line.

Edited by RiG
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the walk out one wasnt directed at you, its IMO somthing Section G should get a pat on the back for, Ive nevern hurd the booing of barrowman, its not everyone that boos back there to be honest. I rate Eagles and would notice if one it was a big boo, anyway im done on this thread now, i shouldnt have come one here, can any of the mods answer the question...

Whos right and whos wrong?? whos a true fan?

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Think it's fairly evident if you read the posts RiG isn't just having a go at people in Section G, just pointing out how some in that area will gurn about other supporters not getting behind the team etc. when a lot of negative vibes are coming from that area aswell.

Think the Barrowman 'abuse' was at Falkirk away last season. And as for Eagle getting booed, I've never heard that :P

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Think it's fairly evident if you read the posts RiG isn't just having a go at people in Section G, just pointing out how some in that area will gurn about other supporters not getting behind the team etc. when a lot of negative vibes are coming from that area aswell.

Think the Barrowman 'abuse' was at Falkirk away last season. And as for Eagle getting booed, I've never heard that :P

Ahhh i cant help myself!! Im not a real fan because i take my own wee bit of munch so i dont have to Que up for 15 mins!! dame it, I'll hang my head in discrace and hand back my ST... lol

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I'm not pinning the booing on "Section G". I never have done. However, by their own admissions they have booed players warming up (as an example). "Section G" are the most vocal part of our support, both positive and negative. Barrowman has been booed for some bizarre reason when warming up (it's been discussed on here), Eagle gets booed when his name is announced over the tannoy and you only have to look at the reaction when Djebi Zadi was subbed subbed during the County defeat to see that a lot of our crowd prefer to moan and groan as opposed to getting behind the team. Seems to be easier for them to do that than be positive.

I have not once linked the mass walk outs to "Section G" so I don't know what your point is with regards to that and, as clearly stated in previous posts, I am not knocking the whole section as I know several folk in there and they are all good guys. I just think the booing, all over the stadium needs to be cut and try and get behind the team instead of shouting tripe after one slack pass leads to a throw in for the opposition on the half way line.

Its never been anything serious. For instance it happened on saturday after a couple mins of singing his name, not even a glance up by him, dont think i've ever seen him clap the fans tbh. But if you look at Rooney for example when he's warming up, he'll give a nice wee clap to the fans if were singing or not.

Edited by RowdyBey
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Great point there Rowdy, DI gave a wee wink, LDZ used to give a wee wink too, Rooney always gave a wave, even Nick Ross gave a wee smile when we sung... but not Barrowloads now you come to type it....

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