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Barry Ferguson...


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he has already confirmed today that he wont be back so the point is moot.

For me its similar to the discussion about Hastings in another thread. We, like Scotland, are down to the bare bones in one area of the park and invariably the suggestion is always made about a player that could still do a job for the team .... some fans will welcome the idea, others will not.

Personally, I have never thought he performed well for Scotland in the first place, certainly not as well as he could. Whilst any of us would crawl over broken glass to represent our country at any sport, it appears that his heart is not in it (and some would question whether it ever has been) so for me its a resounding NO.

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I heard many years ago that he goes to Celtic park every year and buys his father in law a season ticket. His problem seems to be that he takes everything for granted. Playing for Scotland should be a big deal for any player. I also think there were many years when he got in to the squad simply because he turned out for the Huns. A friend of mine made an interesting comment - he said he thinks Levein is picking so many hun players (past and present) to appease the media and keep them off his back. Kinda fits in with the idea of approaching Barry Ferguson.

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I have never bought into that idea ...... The simple fact is that Rangers and Celtic tend to buy the best Scottish players from the other teams in the country and either play them or sit them on the bench so you will always have a disproportionate amount of OF players in the scotland setup compared to the rest.

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I heard many years ago that he goes to Celtic park every year and buys his father in law a season ticket. His problem seems to be that he takes everything for granted. Playing for Scotland should be a big deal for any player. I also think there were many years when he got in to the squad simply because he turned out for the Huns. A friend of mine made an interesting comment - he said he thinks Levein is picking so many hun players (past and present) to appease the media and keep them off his back. Kinda fits in with the idea of approaching Barry Ferguson.


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Not for me and I'm glad that he has finally come out and stated that he won't play for Scotland again.

A guy that has to think about playing for his country shouldn't even be welcomed back in my opinion. He should have been big enough to accept that he made a mistake and working in the business he does it would be the centre of attention for the whole of the press fraternity for months to come, by not giving a proper answer he just kept it dragging out. I also believe that the persistence in asking him if he would play for Scotland again would have made his already over inflated ego even bigger.

Furthermore had he come back it was almost backing Levein into a corner in the fact that he would have to play him, why persue him for that long to potentially not play him.

For at least his last two years at Rangers he was very poor and continually made back and sidewards passes with no forward invention and his most notable trait was to stick his chest out and blame and berate anybody else who made a mistake especially the younger players. I for one do not want a player like that in my team, encouragement is what is needed not what Barry Ferguson does.

Yes down in England with Birmingham he is playing well but he has better players round him and the spotlight isn't on him. If he had of decided to come back all everyone would have heard was what Barry Ferguson would do for Scotland and over shadow Scotland as a whole.

I for one am very glad he has decided that he won't be back and hopefully now we can all move on for the good of the Scotland team and hope that the press now drop it.

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Dont want OR need Ferguson back...hes the most overated Scottish Player since Paul Mcstay! Both incidently, chose to be crablike in their approaach to the game!

Are you talking about the Paul McStay who played for Linlithgow Rose in the late 1970s?

Seriously, you cannot be talking about the one who played for Celtic? A hugely talented midfielder who through blind loyalty and stupidity turned down every top English club at some point in his career to stay in Glasgow. One of the best box to box players of his era, he suffered from playing in one of the poorest Celtic sides in years (before Barnes and Mowbray granted!) and could hardly be described as a sideways player.

For the record he also played for his country with pride and passion, never refused the jersey and despite (commonplace at that time), as a Celtic player, getting considerable abuse from sections fo the Tartan Army in the same was as his peers such as Brian McClair never once criticised or questioned.

As for Ferguson (or anyone else who turns their back on Scotland), no thanks.

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McStay is Scotland's 4th most capped player, Ferguson is not even in the hall of fame, says a lot IMO.

Ferguson should never have even been asked back. To act like that while CAPTAIN of your country shows what a wee ned he is, we don't need him, he'd be a bigger disruption that anything else. I think Levein was only asking so as the media would get off his case, giving BF the opportunity to say no and finally put the whole sorry tale to bed.

The guy's a fudd of the highest order. End of.

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barry ferguson is not as talented as he thinks he is and there are better scottish players in the english leagues, Dorrans for example,

He began to pick and choose his games and he should have been dropped then.

Paul Mcstay was an excellent player and does not deserve to be mentioned in the same context as barry ferguson.

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