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Sporting Quotes from 2006

Guest Bonzo

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Most managers would give their right arm for a European Cup, and Bob Paisley had three."

Football Focus presenter Manish Bhasin.

"The Americans have started a fightback...and Stuart Cink is literally on fire here today."

Talksport commentator on the Ryder Cup.

"The sight is in end."

TV commentator David Pleat gets in a muddle during the Champions League final. Minutes later, Barcelona equalised against Arsenal.

"Will Andrew Strauss have a pull or will he put it away for a while?"

Nasser Hussein pondering whether Andrew Strauss would show a bit of self-discipline in his second innings in Brisbane.

"Scholes walks away a bit gingerly."

David Pleat after Paul Scholes had been hurt during Man Utd's Champions League game against Celtic.

"People need to understand what kind of goldfish Wayne Rooney lives in."

Graham Taylor on Rooney.

Commentator: "Did you ever have a lucky charm Graham?" Graham Taylor: "Yes, my wife. But I never laid her on the touchline."

Taylor on Stuart Pearce's daughter's toy horse, which he had been placing on the touchline.

"Where did you get the nickname Dickie Dosh from?"

Ray Stubbs to Walsall manager Richard Money.

"And the winner of the women's race was Deena Kastor with a time of 2 minutes 20."

Sue Barker declares the bionic woman the winner of the London Marathon.

Manny always performs better with the wood in his hand."

ESPN analyst commenting on Boston Red Sox player Manny Ramirez's fielding errors.

"Gul has another ball in his hand and bowls to Bell who has two."

CMJ on TMS, day two of the Old Trafford Test.

"It's a funny game isn't it? One minute you're a statue, the next you're a pigeon."

Peter Alliss on Tiger Woods losing at the World Match Play Championship at Wentworth.


"We went to watch a show - Billy Joel. Half of the foreign lads weren't quite sure who Billy Joel was, but I enjoyed it anyway. For the Charlton game I'll really punish them - I'll take them to see Mamma Mia."

Portsmouth boss Harry Redknapp celebrates the 3-1 win over Fulham in unconventional style.

"I think he is taking everyone for a ride. It's fairyland. And given that we are not Snow White and the Seven Dwarves I think that what he did was unsporting and against everything."

Renault boss Flavio Briatore accuses Michael Schumacher of unsporting behaviour to deny Fernando Alonso pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix.

"I hear Peter Ebdon swims a mile every day. That means that in a year he could be 365 miles away. That is the best that we can hope for after this. If this was a boxing match it would have been stopped on Sunday night to spare the fans any more punishment."

Snooker promoter Barry Hearn on the tedious World Championship final between Ebdon and Graeme Dott.

"It's been harder this year, Liverpool have got better, Man U have got better, Arsenal have got better, and Tottenham have joined the quartet of five teams."

Chelsea's Joe Cole celebrates winning the title against Man Utd - you do the math.

"Hansel and Gretel and Dizzy's double hundred - they're one and the same. An absolute fairytale."

Aussie nightwatchman Jason 'Dizzy' Gillespie on his 200 against Bangladesh.

"It would have been a great week if we could have turned the scoreboard upside down!"

Spaniard Sergio Garcia after finishing second from bottom in the Masters.

"By the time you read this we'll have had a scan on Fabregas

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An old quote worthy of a mention from the book "The Damned Utd" explains the reason behind Brian Clough's tendency to wear a green goalkeepers jersey on match days.

One day at Forest apparently he thought Peter Shilton was getting too big for his boots so he went into the dressing room wearing Shilton's shirt and pointed to the number on the back:

"There's only one fu**ing number one around here, young man..."

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