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Society....whats the answer?


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Names are now in the courier online, a 17-year-old appeared in private at Inverness Sheriff Court today charged with murder.

Sad days indeed, but the youth of today have gone overboard with daily abuse of alcohol and drugs.  You only have to trawl through bebo to see what goes on. Wreckheads are taking over, something really needs to be done about it or more incidents like this will soon be commonplace.

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I blame some of it on the parents as some kids only behave like what they see at home. Yet what cant help is getting done for slapping your child in public.There is a differeance between a slap to let them know they have been bad and giving the a hammereing.

A slap when i was a kid has done me no harm i have grown up to repect other people. Drug.s being on tap for kids dont help matters to.

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Guest TinCanFan

I reckon it's to do with both living conditions and many of these kids parents.  First of all if a family live in poverty then the kids may get involved in gangs to entertain themselves and to get away from their awful home.  It also down to the parents.  First of all, many of these parents who are yobs reproduce (probably at a young age) and then at the grand old age of 16 the ned child has another ned child and probably a whole bunch of others over the next few years and gradually the amount of ned kids continues.  Another reason is because of gangs.  Many of these ned kids live without a father and look to older kids in gangs as father figures and thus get involved in crime and drugs etc.

Might not be the full cause but these reasons are probably partly the cause  of it.

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TCF a child does not need a father about its all about respect. When i was growing up my dad worked away from home and we didnt see him to much yet i dont go around causing trouble. All because my mum taught me respect. My dad worked away so that my sisters and i could have the best they could give and we didnt turn out to be spoilt little trouble making kids .

So no i dont think not having a father figure around is a bad thing.

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To an extent, I do believe that some of the blame lies with the parents.  I grew up in South Kessock and my friends used to think it was amazing that my parents punished me for being late home or back-chatting them.  I spent half of my childhood being grounded and it taught me to respect people and that my actions had consequences.  However CCC has a point.  Parents now may be too scared to try disciplining their children for fear of the authorities.  The thought of my father's shovel-like hand connecting with my backside was enough of a deterent for me!

I believe it's because of my parents discipline that I did really well throughout school, got good grades and am doing ok now... one of my old friends who was NEVER disciplined as a child has just been released from jail...   :007:

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Jaggedthistle i was brought up the same grounded for back chatting etc and like yourself taught me about respect . I will bring my 2 kids up the way i was brought up to respect people. Yes the can be cheeky at times but what child isnt. Yes i give my parents the odd bit of cheek and they laugh it off but it is never said with disrespect for them.

I am still and always will be scared to give my parents cheek !!!

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The answer is lies within Robert A Heinlein's 'Starship Troopers'.

The problem is a basic lack of respect for Authority, be it parental/police/justice system.  Our current liberal system doesn't appear to be working, something certainly needs to change, so do we return to a corporal punishment system?

Robert A Heinlein talks about how society began falling apart in the early 21st Century with the lack of respect that children had for authority,  and highlights just how tied society's hands are when it comes to punishing children for their actions.  Considering that the book was first published in 1959, he's scarily accurate!

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Johnboy, my folks caught me smoking about 5 months before my 17th birthday.  My dad didn't speak to me for 4 days because he was so disappointed in me.  But at that point, I couldn't see how right he was.  I still get lectures everytime I spark up "That's another nail in your coffin" etc.

I think my dad's proudest moment was when I was about 19 and I admitted that he was a fantastic Dad and was right about most things when I was growing up.  He was so chuffed!  :003:  I'm 22 and I still can't bring myself to swear in front of my folks for fear o getting a skelp!  The odd one slips out every now and again and they take great delight in taking the mick when it happens. 

Something really has to be done and fast.  I have two visions of the future - either everything is going to go completely to pot and society will crumble or it will go all "Demolition Man" - everything that is bad for you is illegal, licences needed for pregnancy etc.  Scary thought like!

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The boy that did it was scum! real scum and it was only a matter of time before he got a serious doing or a killed by somone in the ferry! if the events of that day get released then you'll really see how much of a scumbag he is and the loss of a completly decent lad!

But the guy that did it will be out in like 10 15years. which is an utter disgrace! life should mean life!

After speaking and seeing the family of the victim yesterday at work it really hit me, it's terrible.

People don't know how bad inverness really is! TCF you are completly wrong in your comment about britian being a better place if we acted like poles!

Roscoe23 i agree with everything you have said regarding crime in Inverness, i'm 20 so not that long left school and when you go to school and see and hear about what your peers are up to on a daily basis you quickly realize how bad things are. I went to a school which as far as i know is looked on as one of the better schools in Inverness, I was threatened with a knife on 2 occaisions, jumped by a gang of neds on another occasion for sticking up for a kid they were bullying, i've had similar things happen to friends and friends borthers and sisters, i've seen guys who started out as just a bit rowdy turn in to drug addicts, nutters and lawless idiots. When i venture back to Inverness which is rare i see so many fights, drunken and drugged up kids causing trouble and total lack of respect shown to joe public by gangs of neds hang about the city centre and the estates. I know of many kids who i went to school with who are complete loose canons and who egt away with criminal activities on a daily basis, i've been at parties where kids have tried to gatecrash and returned wielding an axe or kids threatening to stab you because you won;t buiy them booze from the shop they are standing outside. I am fed up with the way society is going, and very fed up with the way Inverness is going, there is no easy answer and different people need differerent approaches to change their behavior, some need rehabilitated some need locked up for the rest of their lives.

It's nice to know that someone else shares the same views...

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Guest TinCanFan

TCF you still haven't explained yourselve regards your polish people/british people comment?!

From what I have seen/heard Polish people who have immigrated over here never seem to cause any crimes with the vast, vast majority of crimes being committed by British people.  Notice the people who cause the problems the problems being mentioned in this thread, most are committed by British people.  That seems to be the way it is, thus going back to my previous comment on the way that this country would be better if the trouble makers acted like the Polish people (who don't seem to cause trouble) that are over here.

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Exactly RichieKass and I have to deal with that scummy people everyday!

TCF you still haven't explained yourselve regards your polish people/british people comment?!

Yup, i always used to say to my folks, Inverness is getting worse and they always used to say that these things have always gone on throughout history (my Da is fae London and he was exposed to quite a bit of crime when he was a nipper) but it's not what is happening as opposed to how often it is happening these days, and the number of people from our generation who are turning into total douche bags is definitely on the up. And now my folks agree with me that things are getting worse - exponentially in relation the growth of Inverness' population..

In regards to Polish people and the likes, the reason so many seem to be in fights is because they seem to get persecuted by drunken racist idiots in or outside pubs and clubs all the time. Every Polish migrant i have met is a hard working decent individual just trying earn a living and have a good life and almost all of them have suffered abuse because of they nationality, only last week i was in a pub with a former polish colleague of mine and the bar manager was making snide remarks about 'his kind coming over hre and stealing our jobs or sponging off the dole' his views were factually incorrect and based on pure unfounded prejudice and frankly i struggle to comprehend the stupidity of racist morons likes him. If people want to have a go at anyone they should be having a go at the people from our own country who sponge of the doll, get involved in criminal activities and generally cause a menace to society.

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Guest TinCanFan

They do though! 

Well obviously there always will be some, ever heard the old Chairman Mao saying: "When you open the window, you are bound to let in a few flies?  But on the whole I reckon that MOST Polish people over here are fairly well behaved.

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Meant to add - every country has crime, someone's nationality shouldn't be taken into account when considering weather they may be a criminal, if someone is conducting themselves inappropriately then they are doing so because they are choosing to do so, not because of their nationality and therefore it would be totally wrong to judge someone on their nationality. It's like saying every white person from South Africa during the apartheid was a racist - that is a total insult to every white person in that country who is not a racist and it is a totally ridiculous  sweeping statement.

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There is a few decent Polish people in inverness...but they do commit a lot of crime and there is a lot here that are illegal and are living like 9 10 to a house.

They get really aggresive after a drink and have had no respect for police over in poland..but in saying that most people in inverness have no respect for police!

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Guest TinCanFan

there is a lot here that are illegal

I don't think it's possible for a Polish person to be over here illegally.

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There is a few decent Polish people in inverness...but they do commit a lot of crime and there is a lot here that are illegal and are living like 9 10 to a house.

They get really aggresive after a drink and have had no respect for police over in poland..but in saying that most people in inverness have no respect for police!

Rossco23 :  Can you back these statements up with newspaper reports, court reports, actual statistics etc..?

Do you really believe that the Poles are any more aggressive after a drink than their indigenous counterparts...?

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