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Society....whats the answer?


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As a 17 yr old losses his life to some waste of space fellow 17 yr old in Inverness (the second murder down south kessock within 3 months) following a suspected stabbing.....got me to thinking....where have we as a society gone wrong and what is the answer?

I despise the way this country is going and often think WHY have we arrived at such unsafe times? I think things are gonna get a lot worse in the next 10-20 yrs, especially in Inverness as it is so rapidly expanding. I am a firm believer that all these "incomers" are going to bring additional problems over the next few years regarding crime, but I know there was already an existing problem, as i know of about 6 or more people that have murdered someone and about the same again who have been victims of murder within Inverness.

Also why is it.....a youth murders a youth here and there is a few words on local news....happens in London or Manchester etc and its main news?

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I think it's deeper.  Something to do with a desire for conflict buried deep within.  If it's not individuals it's countries.  Look at what people die for: economic systems, my king/country is better than yours, pieces of land when there's enough for everyone, some deity who created everything but needs people to protect it...the list goes on.

I just don't know what goes through someone's mind for that level of violence.  You hear of these people that kill someone because their particular Mr. Big ordered it.  And they do it!  Next 20 years in prison.  No female company. No trips to the pub or the fitba.  No real life.  Is proving you're a hard man worth anything like that?

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Yeah JB.......yer not wrong there. Only last week, in city centre....there was a group of about 5-6 youths (maybe 15-16) pished being a nuisance at 10 in the morning. AND there was police on duty doing sod all about it.

But drink and drugs aside JB, theres more to it than that, there seems to be a whole different psyche now to these kids and i find it quite disturbing. DOnt get me wrong...i was no angel as a youth.....but i was never malicious or aggresive in nature toward others

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  Next 20 years in prison.  No female company. No trips to the pub or the fitba.  No real life. 

Au contraire...these goons in jail are allowed Playstations, XBox, DVD and tv etc in their cells. In porterfield prison, there is 2 hrs per day where power is down, failing that, they allowed their creature comforts! I couldnt believe that when i heard.

I think that has something to do with it. There i s no REAL punishment any longer. Yanks have it right.....a cell 6ft x 3ft wi sod all in it except toiletries and yer in it 23hrs a day

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There can be little doubt that there is no real deterrent these days to committing acts of mindless violence, often for the most trivial and meaningless reasons. If anyone showed me "lack of respect" when I was younger I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on. Wouldn't have dreamt of being violent for such an unimportant reason. You just drew your own conclusions about the person.

Aye, the Americans have the right idea - life should mean life. End of story.

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That's what I mean SMEE - parents don't teach them right from wrong; don't teach them respect - neither self-respect nor respect for others.

When the parents don't have it, it's very unlikely the kids will!

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I know what your saying Buckett but.....my parents did teach us right from wrong, and there was fear factor if we did wrong, beleive me, but my oldest brother was still a complete tearaway of the highest degree. That was in early 80s!

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Guest TinCanFan

We need prisons like the ones in Norway.  It may be a complete contrast to what many people think is the answer but it works.

I am a firm believer that all these "incomers" are going to bring additional problems over the next few years regarding crime

Unlikely, you seldomly if ever hear of trouble being caused by immigrants.  IMO if everyone in Britain acted like the Poles this country would be a far better place.

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The boy that did it was scum! real scum and it was only a matter of time before he got a serious doing or a killed by somone in the ferry! if the events of that day get released then you'll really see how much of a scumbag he is and the loss of a completly decent lad!

But the guy that did it will be out in like 10 15years. which is an utter disgrace! life should mean life!

After speaking and seeing the family of the victim yesterday at work it really hit me, it's terrible.

People don't know how bad inverness really is! TCF you are completly wrong in your comment about britian being a better place if we acted like poles!

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Who mentioned Poles TCF? Your jumping to conclusions there! I sed "incomers"! And for the record, wait till we start getting romanians and bulgarians etc. Everywhere that has them has suffered increased crime!

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Guest TinCanFan

TCF you are completly wrong in your comment about britian being a better place if we acted like poles!

No I'm not.  You almost never hear of crimes caused by Polish people and these Poles work, not like a lot of British people who can't be bothered getting out of bed in the morning and live on benefits all the time.

Who mentioned Poles TCF? Your jumping to conclusions there! And for the record, wait till we start getting romanians and bulgarians etc. Everywhere that has them has suffered increased crime!

Is there not going to be/already is a limit on the amount of Romanians/Bulgarians coming so maybe the crime wouldn't be too high.

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Johnboy that comment is highly inappropriate for this topic!

Totally agree with you roscoe23. This is a tragedy for this young boy and his family- what they must be going through just now. Not a time for flippant comments.

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Johnboy that comment is highly inappropriate for this topic!

Totally agree with you roscoe23. This is a tragedy for this young boy and his family- what they must be going through just now. Not a time for flippant comments.

Ok... ok... Of course it's a terrible tragedy and as I said right at the top of this thread and I DO share Smee's concerns regarding the direction our society appears to be heading...

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In fairness to JB....i took his comment about nicuale from the context of the comments i made about romanians and bulgarians which i made earlier, and in NO WAY in reference toward the sad incident down south kessock

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Johnboy, in these dark days you are a little ray of sunshine.  :022:

As to the main topic of the thread, which seemed to be lost before JB'S contribution, it's not the immigrants we should be discussing here, it's the local youths ( and some not so young ) that are the main instigators of violence on our streets.

Yes, the paremts are to blame, but when they have been brought up to see this way of life as normal, how can you expect their kids to know any better? As a society. and I'm looking to the government to take the lead here, we have to concentrate our efforts on todays kids, educating them not only in the three R's, but also in social responsibility. To be honest thats the only way we are going to change anything. Jail is not the answer, education is.

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