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Do you want to see Marius in an ICT shirt next season?

Do you want to see Marius in an ICT shirt next season?  

248 members have voted

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    • Yes
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Ballot should have an undecided button as well.

I want to see players who can fit in with the team ethos at the club. Players who can fit in with the team. Players good enough to take us to the next level. But most of all players who wear that shirt with pride.

If that is Marius then yes.


Excellent post, back to your best Alex.

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I would love to see they guy in an ICT shirt next season but unfortunately there's very little chance of that happening. I think he'll be playing at a higher level than us, regardless of what is being said on this forum you don't get a look in at going to Euro 2008 if you don't have class. Not only that but I know if my employer was discussing whther or not they could afford to keep me etc. I'd be slightly nervous and would make moves to ensure that I had a plan B if I found my services no longer required and I was being touted to all and sundry.

The problem will be when we can't adequately replace him next season. It makes my chuckle when posters suggest that we can get 4 decent players for the wages he's on because thats complete nonsense. Even if he was on ?4k a week (which he is not) that money would only allow us to bring in 3 SPL journeymen. Our players are not as poorly paid as we may think and none of our first team will be earning less than four figures a week. The simple fact is we can't get anyone of Marius' quality for the same amount we are currently spending on him. The squad is big enough as it is, the problem is that it lacks the sufficient class to carry us to the next level and can only be improved by bringing a couple of higher quality players who will inevitably earn higher wages.

What's really p!ssing me off is that all us fans are allowing ourselves to be duped by the board. Recent comments from DS suggest the club is going to make a loss this year and I have a feeling the accounts will make extremely interesting reading. Marius earns nowhere near what is being reported yet the board are allowing us to believe the press as it gives them something to blame a poor financial performance on. They can simply blame Marius, using him as scapegoat to hide behind and deflect attention from the fact that there are other costs that have increased. The board are taking the fans for mugs at the minute and are using one player to deflect attention from their own inadequecies. Its really about time they came clean about all of their agendas and admit their mistakes as only then will we - the fans learn to trust them again.

At this stage of a season the board are club are killing themselves. Its season ticket renewal time but how many are now going to renew with all thats going on? Probably fewer than at this stage last season. Its really time for the board to start serving us as they should. This means a decent ticket ordering system - i.e. getting an online ordering sytem up and running, more choice with regard to payment plans and a much improved merchandising operation. I noticed that Falkirk have announced new strips which will be out at the start of the summer -Where is the announcement of our new strip??? There are so many other things I could go about but I don't think this is the place.

The club is amateur off the pitch and the board is allowing us to be distracted by the Marius saga. It's about time they actually performed their duties!!

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I would love to see marius in an ict shirt next shirt, he has the hard-work ethic, the likeability and the love of life in the highlands to make a success of himself next season.  I feel sorry for him that fans have decided to blame him for a poor season when he has had to adjust to a new country, language, standard of life and teammates.  Now he has established himself in theteam, had a player of the month award and become a relative fans favourite.  A true genius, but one who can vastly improve on his goal ratio.

However if we vstart to mould the team around him, instead of punting useless balls up the park each and every game, then we could see a legend in the making.

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