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Instilling or destroying confidence?


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Very sorry for boring you Chris. If you don't like the thread then don't post on it. Simple as.

With regard to me talking "Crap" - I don't think i can actually recall the manager offering any constructive advice whatsoever. The assistant manager spent most of his time arguing with the fourth official and our goalkeeping coach (think his highest level at playing was 1st division and now he's coaching premier league players, hmmm) spent his time making eyes at all the County players sitting behind the home dug out.

Think we've got a great managerial team !!!!! :rotflmao:

Edited by Bronson
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I was sat behind the home dug out on sat, as i was interested to see at close quarters as i was interested to see how much involvement he actually has in what's going on.

In my opinion there was very little in the way of communication between Brewster and the players. The only 2 notable exceptions were when Barrowman lost the ball, and Brewster flipped his lid, starting shouting and raving and immediatley screamed for Gary Wood to get ready to come on.

Not long after going on Wood lost out for the ball and again Brewster's reaction surprised me. He screamed at wood and the look on the poor young lads face said it all. He was like the poor kid at school who had really let down his dad.

We have a very inexperienced strike force, and brewster should be trying to build their confidence not destroying it. Brewster remember was a class striker. Why has he been unable to pass on any of his skill/ability to his young players.

It would be unforgivable if Wood or Barrowmans careers suffered due to poor management.

I will expand further but only slightly as my one word reply was given because if you actually read and dilute what was claimed in the original post above some of the content with all respect to the author is complete and utter crap, yes maybe you saw and heard what you say but if you actually ask yourself why then maybe just maybe you might think a bit more WHY ?

Trust me on this chaps when it is suitable I will write some long posts and fill in some posters on some myths and rumours but not yet, oh and while I'm on why oh why don't you all just get behind everyone at ICT instead of bitching and moaning about a lot of bull

You really are a total ersehole arent ya !! Brosnon aint a feckin stirrer but is a very honest individual with the club at heart - (double vodka Simon :rotflmao: ) - the problem is that many of the less criticising supporters are losing their faith.

You havent got the evidence or the feckin intellect to post a lengthy pro Brewster post - You are becoming a total feckin joke really. Anything you say will be ignored basically.

Brew has every rite to bollick the players - that is the rite of a manager - but (listen carefully) - he has clearly lost the dressing room - he has clearly lost the respect of the senior players - he has lost the support of the majority of the fan base - he has had opportunities of redeeming himself in the press but he evidently is a self deluded individual.

Only a matter of time - being perpetuated by the gutless management.

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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

Agreed, Brewster has his faults, as both you and I would probably acknowledge, but the constant nit-picking by some on here really is getting tedious (spelling?).

Oh. Well, that's alright then. Cheers.

Can we discuss Barack Obama, Somali pirates and fiscal policy on here, or would those be off-topic? Cos, apart from us languishing in the erse-end of the league, lacking effective strikers in a way we never have since Robbo took charge, seeing dressing-room discord apparently spill out onto the pitch, watching utter pish at home games - and, significantly, trying to identify the cause of it - in football terms there doesn't seem to be a right lot to talk about. We'll just leave it then, eh?

Yup completely agree :thumb04: If as you say that all this so called 'nit picking' is starting to get tedious then don't post on this thread! (I for one don;t see how this 'nit picking' is not starting to show you the bigger picture) It is a thread for people to discuss things and share opinions and if you don't like it then ignore it! A bit like the board :rotflmao: But I don't like how the club is just now and I am more than happy to vent my anger and opinions on this forum unless/until there is a more conductive way of doing so!

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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

Agreed, Brewster has his faults, as both you and I would probably acknowledge, but the constant nit-picking by some on here really is getting tedious (spelling?).

You really are a tedious **** (spelling?)

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Oh and I don't think people like going on about Brewster all the time because some don't want him at the club and rather see him go so there is never a reason to bring him up again unless like a bad memory!

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If it is O.K for Ferguson to throw tantrums (boots flying etc) is it so bad for Brewster to flip occasionally on the touchline.?

The problem is that he is probably not only frustrated but now becoming desperate as he inevitably slides closer to dismissal, even if that may not be in the immediate minds of the B.O D.

So what do you expect of him--to stroll along the dugout touchlines with a big smile on his face, sayimg politely to all as he does a soft shoe shuffle ..."after you Claude"?

He probably does want the best for ICT as he does for himself but there is not going to be any easy answer--money must be very tight at Tulloch .

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I think comparing Brewster and ferguson is impossible. One is a manager who commands respect from his player, through years of success as a manager and apparently knows how to get the best out of his players, the other is Brewster. Who has next to no managerial experience, has had no success, and appears to have lost the dressing room. So yes i would say it is ok for ferguson to have tantrums esp as its done within the privacy of the dressing room

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I think comparing Brewster and ferguson is impossible. One is a manager who commands respect from his player, through years of success as a manager and apparently knows how to get the best out of his players, the other is Brewster. Who has next to no managerial experience, has had no success, and appears to have lost the dressing room. So yes i would say it is ok for ferguson to have tantrums esp as its done within the privacy of the dressing room

The other major difference that has been touched on previously in this thread is the context of the shouting. Ferguson will give someone the hairdryer treatment when they are performing poorly. That player is surrounded by world class players and his failure to perform seriously impacts on the teams chances of winning the league.

When Brewster throws a hissy fit on the other hand, the question has to be asked is he shouting because the player in question is having an overall poor performance? Or is it because Brewster is making the player a scapegoat for his own failings as a manager?... After all, it's never Brewsters fault is it?... :rotflmao:

Edit: Just for the record, I'm not against managers shouting at players at all given the correct circumstances such as a player performing poorly or not adhering to the gameplan. I am against Brewster shouting our players down as I feel he is just making the players scapegoats for his own failures.

Edited by Jay_7
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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

Agreed, Brewster has his faults, as both you and I would probably acknowledge, but the constant nit-picking by some on here really is getting tedious (spelling?).

You really are a tedious **** (spelling?)

Hello Pot? This is Kettle. Your black.

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It is nit-picking though.

As I've said, Brewster has a lot of faults, but if for instance Gary Wood had taken the same touch and Brewster had just stood there looking at him, most on here would be talking about a lack of passion.

You lot are all very entitled to your opinions, as I am mine, and if you come to me with Brewsters abysmal record of late or his stupid idea that wingers should play on their less comfartable sides, then I will agree with you straight up.

However, when someone moans because a manager gave a player a bollicking for doing something poorly :rotflmao:

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Brewster did nothing wrong in shouting at his players, the way they were playing they deserved it. The only thing it will do is spur on the players to do better. It at the very least shows that he expects better and wants the club to start winning games; and the players need motivation for this to happen.

It seems to me that brewster cannot win with some people. One minute the players are being slagged off for playing badly and brewster doesn't show enough passion; the next he's getting slaughtered for shouting at his own players and urging them on.

Is there anything that any of the anti-brews like about the man?

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Brewster did nothing wrong in shouting at his players, the way they were playing they deserved it. The only thing it will do is spur on the players to do better. It at the very least shows that he expects better and wants the club to start winning games; and the players need motivation for this to happen.

It seems to me that brewster cannot win with some people. One minute the players are being slagged off for playing badly and brewster doesn't show enough passion; the next he's getting slaughtered for shouting at his own players and urging them on.

Is there anything that any of the anti-brews like about the man?

I'd like him a lot more if he left. Seriously though I think he's a fantastic fitness coach. Without being able to play, that is literally the only positive he has.

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Like some of the previous posters, I am also bewildered at some of the comments made abour Brewster. There have been comments previously that he lacked passion but this season, I think there has been more passion from on on the touchline, possibly becuase his job is on the line. I sit behind the away dugout and if Bronson thinks Brewsters commenst will have a negative impact on the players, he should have heard what John Hughes was shouting at some of his. I don't think anyone here would object if John Hughes was our next manager so double standards again maybe when it comes to Brewster.

Don't get me wrong, if results do not improve, then the decision will have to be made, at the end of the season if we are not in relegation danger, other wise sooner, who we replace Brewster with but let's be honest, not exactly a lot of candidates out there.

One final point on some commenst about how we are playing especially at home. I've been to all the home games apart from the St Mirren game. Other than the Hamilton game, where don't think we created a chance, there have been good spells in most games and luck has certainly not gone our way. A couple of breaks and we would be in a much better position. Yes we have not played flowing attacking football but have we ever in the SPL - what do people expect (and by the way, for those calling for John Robertson to return, don't really recall his side playing any differently in the SPL). However, if we can stay up this season, 3 or 4 youngsters will have gained much needed SPL experience which will help hugely next season. Whether Brester will be there, we will find out in the coming months.

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I'll make a deal with all of the anti-brews; if craig doesn't win at least one games between now and the first game in January then I might have some doubts about him. Until then, we have falkirk, st mirren and motherwell trailing in our wake and we are 8th in the league. We are 6 points clear of the bottom and Hamilton don't look like they are winning their next couple of games. It all looks pretty good to me. A couple of home wins and we'll be laughing all thew way to the top six.

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