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Instilling or destroying confidence?


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I was sat behind the home dug out on sat, as i was interested to see at close quarters as i was interested to see how much involvement he actually has in what's going on.

In my opinion there was very little in the way of communication between Brewster and the players. The only 2 notable exceptions were when Barrowman lost the ball, and Brewster flipped his lid, starting shouting and raving and immediatley screamed for Gary Wood to get ready to come on.

Not long after going on Wood lost out for the ball and again Brewster's reaction surprised me. He screamed at wood and the look on the poor young lads face said it all. He was like the poor kid at school who had really let down his dad.

We have a very inexperienced strike force, and brewster should be trying to build their confidence not destroying it. Brewster remember was a class striker. Why has he been unable to pass on any of his skill/ability to his young players.

It would be unforgivable if Wood or Barrowmans careers suffered due to poor management.

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I was sat behind the home dug out on sat, as i was interested to see at close quarters as i was interested to see how much involvement he actually has in what's going on.

In my opinion there was very little in the way of communication between Brewster and the players. The only 2 notable exceptions were when Barrowman lost the ball, and Brewster flipped his lid, starting shouting and raving and immediatley screamed for Gary Wood to get ready to come on.

Not long after going on Wood lost out for the ball and again Brewster's reaction surprised me. He screamed at wood and the look on the poor young lads face said it all. He was like the poor kid at school who had really let down his dad.

We have a very inexperienced strike force, and brewster should be trying to build their confidence not destroying it. Brewster remember was a class striker. Why has he been unable to pass on any of his skill/ability to his young players.

It would be unforgivable if Wood or Barrowmans careers suffered due to poor management.

Or the whole club for that matter, eh?

Brewster is a ne'er do well that should have been left alone by the DofF last year. We're dooooooomed!

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AMAZING :rotflmao:

Hmmmm a one word reply to a commen from someone who literally watched Brewster, his man management skills, and sideline manner. Sometimes your faith in Brewster baffles me! Did you see what Bronson saw? Or when you do see what has been described do you play the fool and ignore it?

I feel sorry for Wood. He's young, new to the SPL and he works hard in each game he gets the chance you can see he wants to do his best, but with Brewster (a great striker in his time) shouting at you at the sidelines for messing up, I would be upset to if someone who (in my case) was amazing at drums, watched me play then slagged me off!

Not the best way to gain confidence in your team!

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It's pretty clear to me that Ralph Milne is employed by ICT one way or another. Not sure on his role yet, but I'll find out sooner or later... :thumb04:

Perhaps Ralph would like to substantiate on his eloquent response with some reasoning? Or would that be like asking the BoD to do the right thing and sack Brewster?... :rotflmao:

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What's really scary is that a problem which was only rumoured to exist behind the scenes is now rearing it's ugly face in full view of everyone and still our board are doing nothing to rectify it and seem content to keep their head stuck in the sand.

Reading the papers every week fills me with fear in regards to just how bad things are getting...and I'm not on about results or performances, but the complete lack of any acknowledgement from the manager, assistant manager, DoF or BoD that it's anything but business as usual at TCS and our problems are nothing more than bad luck and not getting the rub.

We had Brewster in the Courier on Tuesday desperately trying to justify Barrowmans signing with the "He's a good player, he's shown he is a good player, he just needs to start scoring" type statements. We've got Malky in todays Highland News kidding himself on that the majority of fans are actually behind them hinting that it's the nay sayers that are dragging us down on match day....he even has a try at the old "touches our hearts" routine.

Aside from trying to deflect responsibility onto the shoulders of the players and fans there's also what looks like attempts to make it look like the fans are peeved at the players. Whilst the players are the ones on the frontline and, as a result, the recipient of fan reaction...I don't think for one second that the fans blame the players or are thinking any less of them at the moment because a lot of them (fans) are intelligent enough to see that our problems lie beyond individual performances which are a product of the system.

Brewster, Malky and the club need to stop kidding themselves and start crediting the fans with a little more intelligence.

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What's really scary is that a problem which was only rumoured to exist behind the scenes is now rearing it's ugly face in full view of everyone and still our board are doing nothing to rectify it and seem content to keep their head stuck in the sand.

Reading the papers every week fills me with fear in regards to just how bad things are getting...and I'm not on about results or performances, but the complete lack of any acknowledgement from the manager, assistant manager, DoF or BoD that it's anything but business as usual at TCS and our problems are nothing more than bad luck and not getting the rub.

We had Brewster in the Courier on Tuesday desperately trying to justify Barrowmans signing with the "He's a good player, he's shown he is a good player, he just needs to start scoring" type statements. We've got Malky in todays Highland News kidding himself on that the majority of fans are actually behind them hinting that it's the nay sayers that are dragging us down on match day....he even has a try at the old "touches our hearts" routine.

Aside from trying to deflect responsibility onto the shoulders of the players and fans there's also what looks like attempts to make it look like the fans are peeved at the players. Whilst the players are the ones on the frontline and, as a result, the recipient of fan reaction...I don't think for one second that the fans blame the players or are thinking any less of them at the moment because a lot of them (fans) are intelligent enough to see that our problems lie beyond individual performances which are a product of the system.

Brewster, Malky and the club need to stop kidding themselves and start crediting the fans with a little more intelligence.

Even Munro's been at it in the Highland News with the old "But the OF have more money than us" routine. The fans aren't angry at the fact that we were beaten, it's the manner in which it happened. It appears that the entire club have lost touch with the fans...

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I'm not so sure the players have lost touch with the fans. I think it's just impossible for them to be making statements in the press saying what they really think about their employers/bosses and when they have a Dictaphone shoved under their nose then they have to come up with something and the tried and tested "We're not the OF and can't expect to be winning every game" or "we could really do with the fans getting behind us" line comes as an easy answer.

To a certain extent I can understand the players on the fans thing. They must be as frustrated as we are, and when we start getting frustrated and hacked off them they (the players) are the ones caught in the cross-fire.

As I said, I just hope that (for the most part) the players realise that the real frustration for the fans is coming from the actions (or inactions) of the manager and Board and not necessarily as a result of their performance on the pitch. Last Wednesday against Falkirk I made a point of heading over to the tunnel at the end of the game to clap the players off the pitch because I felt it important to show them that I appreciated the effort they put in and the performance of the second half.

It's not the players who are losing fan support, it's the manager and those who are keeping him in a job. It's just very difficult for the fans to separate them from the players when it comes to giving support (or not). If we cheer the team on for 90 minutes regardless then that gives the impression that we are happy with what's going on....if we don't then players think we've somehow turned on them.

I think the players and the fans are very much in the same no-win situation at the moment.

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This, I would agree, getting back to the original point, is not the way to man-manage and instill confidence IMO.

However, the game the boy is in, is full of that behavior and he will have to get thicker skinned if he is to go to, say, Aberdeen - I use the case of Sone Aluka on Saturday who was publically 'done' by his manager, as an example.

If he goes to Man Utd, he better get practice in ducking, there's a teapot on it's way.

So, according to this board, Brew may be a bad tactician, selector of signings, selector of teams, retainer of excellent players, reader of games, substituter of players, public speaker(has he anything going for him?) BUT he is not on his own, as a football manager, when it comes to shouting at players, young or old!

Did I not read on here that even the 'perfect' SPL manager, according to this board, Yogi, was shouting at his players last week??

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You're right, Brewster isn't the first manager and won't be the last to have a go at a player, and other managers, and very successful managers, are known for it. I think if your a respected manager/boss in any business then you can get away with giving someone the occasional chewing out for a bad performance.

The problem comes when it's the manager that is viewed as the source of the overall problems and his bollocking of staff (players) becomes the vehicle for trying to hide their own inadequacies.

I guess what I'm saying is....if Brewster was doing his job right and he had a go for a bad performance or an error then you can put your hands up and say "fair enough boss". However, when it's blatantly obvious that Brewster isn't getting things right and his actions are generating the bulk of the problems on the park then his "authority" is going to carry very little weight and be met with a negative response.

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It's pretty clear to me that Ralph Milne is employed by ICT one way or another. Not sure on his role yet, but I'll find out sooner or later... :rotflmao:

Perhaps Ralph would like to substantiate on his eloquent response with some reasoning? Or would that be like asking the BoD to do the right thing and sack Brewster?... :thumb04:

Manager or coach?? The Dundee United link to the username makes me suspicious

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While it may seem that by moaning at the management is going to affect the players as they'll get caught it the cross fire, and cheering for 90 will make everything look rosey. Why not all unite with the chant " BREWSTER OUT BREWSTER OUT" or "BREWSTER BREWSTER GET TAE ... SORRY BUT WE CANNOT COMPLETE THIS AS WE ARE A FAMILY CLUB"

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Manager or coach?? The Dundee United link to the username makes me suspicious

That certainly makes me suspicious... Alternatively it could be a cleverly chosen username to throw folk of the scent.

While it may seem that by moaning at the management is going to affect the players as they'll get caught it the cross fire, and cheering for 90 will make everything look rosey. Why not all unite with the chant " BREWSTER OUT BREWSTER OUT" or "BREWSTER BREWSTER GET TAE ... SORRY BUT WE CANNOT COMPLETE THIS AS WE ARE A FAMILY CLUB"

The club may well be able to control what is displayed at TCS, but they have no control what so ever as to what banners or flags are displayed on the road... :rotflmao:

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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

As said, yes there are managers who do this, but I don't think you would appreciate someone shouting at you for mistakes they have made. The players can see what's happening and some are not happy and I know that for a fact. Managers get respect from players they treat right and use in the right way, but shouting at them giving them sh*t for their (managers) mistakes where there is very little respect in the first place makes it a whole lot worse.

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I was sat behind the home dug out on sat, as i was interested to see at close quarters as i was interested to see how much involvement he actually has in what's going on.

In my opinion there was very little in the way of communication between Brewster and the players. The only 2 notable exceptions were when Barrowman lost the ball, and Brewster flipped his lid, starting shouting and raving and immediatley screamed for Gary Wood to get ready to come on.

Not long after going on Wood lost out for the ball and again Brewster's reaction surprised me. He screamed at wood and the look on the poor young lads face said it all. He was like the poor kid at school who had really let down his dad.

We have a very inexperienced strike force, and brewster should be trying to build their confidence not destroying it. Brewster remember was a class striker. Why has he been unable to pass on any of his skill/ability to his young players.

It would be unforgivable if Wood or Barrowmans careers suffered due to poor management.

I will expand further but only slightly as my one word reply was given because if you actually read and dilute what was claimed in the original post above some of the content with all respect to the author is complete and utter crap, yes maybe you saw and heard what you say but if you actually ask yourself why then maybe just maybe you might think a bit more WHY ?

Trust me on this chaps when it is suitable I will write some long posts and fill in some posters on some myths and rumours but not yet, oh and while I'm on why oh why don't you all just get behind everyone at ICT instead of bitching and moaning about a lot of bull

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I would expect it as i have never seen Garry Wood take a convincing first touch...ever. Young players sometimes need a bit of tough love from managers. I can only assume thats what Brew was intending out there on the touchline. I can understand his frustration at Barrowman. He faded from the game so badly in the second half and it got worse as the game went on. So you can understand Brews problems. Managers aren't there to be teamates, they are there to be managers and when players don't do the right thing it will anger them at times.

On the other hand you could blame Brew for not beefing up the strike-force with some experience during the summer, something which has evidently shown as this season has worn on. Both Rooney and Barrowman lacked any real intrest in the game on Saturday IMO. And the fact that Garry Wood was the only real forward we could turn to in an attempt to change the game suggests re-inforcments are required in January(said not for the first time).

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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

Agreed, Brewster has his faults, as both you and I would probably acknowledge, but the constant nit-picking by some on here really is getting tedious (spelling?).

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I see nothing wrong with giving players a rocket when they're under-performing. Just look at Jim Mclean and Sir Alex, or how about Fabio Cappello and Otmar Hitzfeld? I'd take a grumpy old b"stard over a nice guy any day. Some of the anti-brewster threads on this forum are becoming rather petty.

Agreed, Brewster has his faults, as both you and I would probably acknowledge, but the constant nit-picking by some on here really is getting tedious (spelling?).

Oh. Well, that's alright then. Cheers.

Can we discuss Barack Obama, Somali pirates and fiscal policy on here, or would those be off-topic? Cos, apart from us languishing in the erse-end of the league, lacking effective strikers in a way we never have since Robbo took charge, seeing dressing-room discord apparently spill out onto the pitch, watching utter pish at home games - and, significantly, trying to identify the cause of it - in football terms there doesn't seem to be a right lot to talk about. We'll just leave it then, eh?

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