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I'm back - Job Done!


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Hello Internutters one and all!

March 2002, approx 14.00;a young Internutter sneaked across the border unnoticed into Englandshire.  His mission: to ensure Engerlund's failure at the world cup.  After several weeks of observation, the weakest link was identified - one David Seaman.  With his penchant for long flowing locks his footballing fortune was fast disappearing in a sordid sea of haircare products.  Seeing that he was facing bankruptcy I crafted a plan of simple genius.  After biding my time until the quarter final stage I made my approach.  All it took was an offer of 10 bottles of head & shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo and a bottle of Vidal Sassoon conditioner - the deal was done.  He would throw the crucial tie against Brazil, but maintain his silky smooth mullet.  You all know how that story ends.

But my work was not done.  Intelligence reports leaked from the FA suggested that Engerlund were favourites to win the competition in 4 years time, thanks to an extremely talented batch of players rising through the ranks.  It became clear I would not be returning home for another four years...

My methods must remain secret, but again the best team in the world fell short of their ultimate goal.  Let's just say that the nano robot Frank Lampard was a complete success, and despite the failed attempt to take Wayne Rooney out of the equation pre tournament, the pictures I obtained of Coleen and Ricardo Carvalho had the desired effect.  I cannot take any credit for Gerrard's miss though - it was just a **** penalty.

I'm now back safely on the right side of the border, residing in Edinburgh so add one more to the Central Belt supporters.  Looking forward to seeing some of you at most away games this season (and a few home games too!)  Just a pesky round the world trip to get out the way first but hey, mustn't grumble!

Back in the UK mid-Sept but I'll be sure to pop in on my travels with a weather update!

Bring it on  :011:

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It's all true I tell you, it's all true.

Give us an update when you get to the other side and in return you will get crushers very own match reports.

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Guest sunflower

Good job well done crusher.

Glad to see your mission was accomplished and the English were sent homeward tae think again.

Now that you have returned to base the next project will be kept secret until you return from the other side and the password is 'keep mum'  :005:

007 would have been proud of you, this looked like an impossible mission but you were successful in thwarting the media hyped England FC bid for glory.

Good to see they were shaken and stirred.

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