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Yesterday's Support


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Okay here goes.  I have deliberately waited until today to post this.  Bits have been covered on other threads, but I think it warrants it's own space.

Boooing Proctor has been covered elsewhere.  I was asked on my way into the ground if I would be booing him or if I thought he should be boo-ed.  I said no to both.  I spoke to Proc just before he left and he just wants to play football.  He's slotted right into the first team, doubled his wages and we got a fee for him.  That's what it's all about.  He just never looked like getting a run in our first team.  I think he was able enough, just couldn't oust Rossco.


I think the crowd made a bit more noise than they usually do at home and even a bit of noise from the Main Stand (whatever next)  :015: :015: :015:

I sit in the lower section C in the main stand and we were subjected to the most negative person.  He didn't support or encourage the team as far as I could hear, but spent the whole game shouting at Charlie who is clearly within shouting distance.  Charlie was getting really angry (and who could blame him)  Can we sit at your work and shout at you all day.  Charlie and Parkie weren't happy with the performance on the park(as was obvious) but this guy was shouting for changes from about 20 minutes into the game. The people round about me all agreed that we are glad this person doesn't seem to sit there every week as we were sick of listening to him.  IMO the stewards should have had a word.  We can all be guilty of shouting at a player who makes a stray pass or misses a great chance at goal, but this guy was constant throughout the game and really got on my nerves.  Not sure if he's someone who posts on here or not, but if it was you then please hold your hands up and be counted.  Or if you know who it was then name and shame please. 

There was one other person who also spent a bit of time shouting at Charlie and he was in hospitality seats.  Many say that they pay their money so are entitled to an opinion, but this guy was on a freebe.

The performance wasn't great and Brewster took a bit of stick - no surprise there then. 

Get a grip guys and get behind the team, try to save your voices for supporting the team rather than personal abuse.

As you can tell I was raging and that is why I didn't post this yesterday.  These people spoilt the game for me and those around me, and certainly didn't help Charlie's concentration.

:008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008:

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I too experienced this in C section, which is by my own admission, not one of the noisiest sections of the main stand - unless we aren't doing too well of course which was the case yesterday. I heard  a lot of shouts from the same few individuals I think and it was one of these shouts which provoked a response from CC himself, during a quiet period of play on the field - a response which was a bit x rated and indeed easily audible to the front sections...

Now I can't condone the idiots who don't get vocal unless they're having a go at ICT staff, but CC has to watch how he handles this type of thing in the future or it will further alienate him from some already indifferent sections of the home support.

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Yes he did react probably inappropriately, but he had tolerated quite a bit before he lost it.  Who could listen that for the whole game and ignore it.  I couldn't see who was shouting or I would have said something.  They were further back from me and over towards section B. 

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We are being touted in some Sunday papers as the quietest in the SPL, from where we were in the North Stand there was quite a good bit of singing/shouting, but i must admit i heard nothing from the main stand.

Now maybe this is because the team never gave us much to shout about, but the crowd have a duty to get behind the team at all times, and in this we are really awful.

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Agree Caley100.  North stand sounded not bad at all and even a little noise from the Main Stand. (Not all negative I might add). I thought as far as home support goes we did okay yesterday. Not great, but better than usual.

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Don't know why everyone expects there to be a big noise from the main stand. In my experience a bit of cheering , moaning and clapping is all you get from main stands around the whole country, heard the deafening silence from Old Trafford lately. There may be  the odd exception like Celtic or Rangers but in general you always expect the main vocal support to come from behind the goals, and thats the same with us............on occasions.

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We've only got 3 stands though - surely it's up to the Main Stand to make up for that.

Give the players something to play for - after all they run out facing a feckin pie stand!

We sit right behind the Away Dug-out - few noisy ones beside us - not much heckling -

more screams of anguish! :007:

Whatever Parkie's got - bottle it and send it out with the Season tickets!

The man is a legend!

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I wasn't there- I'm probably limited to about 8 home games a year, but why didn't somebody turn round and tell him to shut the phuqup? They'd probably get a round of applause and a laugh from the silent majority and somebody might even start up with 'give me a Ceeee'  :015:

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If I could have identified him I would certainly have said something to that effect.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but this guy spoilt the game for a number of us.  Charlie was absolutely raging.  He was under enough pressure as the game wasn't going well, but with this idiot constantly rabbiting on in his lug it's no wonder he flipped.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Crowdwise we had less than 1st Division Dundee so that explains some lack of atmosphere, Charlie is well used to abuse from the stands or have we all forgotten the reception the RC fans used to give him,think we are being a wee bit over the top there as he has spent most of his life on the pitch and I'm sure he got worse from his fellow opponents.

As for booing Proctor I was a wee bit put out with it but was bolstered by knowing that those fools who boo'd the lad will be the same ones cheering him when he pulls on that Scotland shirt.

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I have sat near a guy who sounds just like this one on a few occassions and all he did for the whole 90 mins, even when we were playing well and goals up, was hurl downright abuse at our players. Assuming this is the same person then he is not offering an opinion. He is being a big mouthed prat and the sort of person who shouldn't be allowed into any stadium.

I go to games to support my team, to enjoy myself and to revel in the atmosphere. I dont go to listen to blatant abuse of our players. I can critisise a move or a miss or whatever but I would never hurl personal insult. Thats no way to boost anyones confidence.

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I know Tony Blair is trying to turn us in to a police state but surely everyone's still entitled to their own opinion,just because the majority don't agree,doesn't make it wrong :004:

Opinions are fine, even when they differ from yours ... but this doesnt sound like an opinion, its sounds more like prolonged and systemic abuse

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Unfortunately, there is no accounting for morons. I too have sat close to a moron......not you Richard, another moron, and for the entire 90 minutes it is just drivel that comes forth from his opening.  Every club has them.  But we should also remember that not everyone is blessed with the same amount of brain cells and are not fully responsible for their ineptitude.  Live and let live............within reason..........thats why I sit beside you Richard.

If these guys continue to utter tripe, maybe someone should politely remind them that they shut the fork up before they get a smack on the jaw.

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