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Misguided Fools


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Don't know they are born

this is really starting to wind me up. you look at these ungratefull scum taking out their frustrations on the police who are merely doing there job and then you take a look at places like libya,bahrain,egypt etc where protests are being met with death and maiming. some people in this country need to take a long hard look at themselves

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Here are some pictures of today's overwhelmingly peaceful protest against the violent cuts being imposed by this government. It's worth looking at them because the front pages of the reactionary right-wing press will focus entirely on a few scuffles between the police a small minority of the protesters.

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Here are some pictures of today's overwhelmingly peaceful protest against the violent cuts being imposed by this government. It's worth looking at them because the front pages of the reactionary right-wing press will focus entirely on a few scuffles between the police a small minority of the protesters.

You might want to edit that link, as it takes you straight to the last picture: "Demonstrators break windows at the Ritz hotel", which shows the breakaway group that as you say, the press will concentrate on. Try Better pictures instead, which at least starts with a more accurate representation.

What we had yesterday was a reasonable demonstration, and a bunch of hardcore vandals who used it as an excuse to assemble, then diverge to their own agenda. This lot should all have been huckled as soon as they started playing silly buggers.

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this is my point exactly

i am 100% behind the people that want to protest in peace but i have no time for people who are only out to cause trouble purely because they can. i sometimes think that some people take the freedoms granted to them in this country for granted

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The point about those who engage in violence and do damage at these demonstations is that it completely undermines the message that the vast majority of protestors are wanting to get across. It has three very negative effects. Firstly, it captures all the publicity so that the arguments the organisers want to get across is lost. Secondly it results in the cause and the genuine protestors being associated with criminal actions. Thirdly, the threat of violence puts people off attending either because they are geniunely fearful for their safety or because they do not wish to be associated with such acts.

Those who engage in such activity do so much damage to the cause of the protest that I often wonder whether they are in the pay of those the protesters are protesting against.

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