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Am I an incomer? Born Raigmore but brought up in Lochaber. I've never thought myself as such cos of the shire of Inverness. And I believe I do know Joe.

Well let's put it this way say a pet cat gave birth in a kennel it doesn't make the kittens puppies does it?

You are a perfect example of the type of ICT fan that the club targeted and that make up a large proportion of our support

Yokels can accuse me of fishing if they want but the fact that other posters agree with me only shows that I and others don't tow the party line on CTO and have our own opinions.Is it any wonder more and more posters stop logging in and choose Pie & Bovril as an alternative?


I was an incomer who is now moved away again. I have followed ICT since 1994, so have no affiliation to what went before. And going by this trash, I am glad I didn't have to mix with such idiots as Dougal or Dalneigh.

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DalneighCaley and Dougal remind me of fans of a band who have been following a group from its early incarnations. As the band gets more popular and more people come along to see them and buy their music the "original" fans resent them for not being there from the beginning and the band as well for "selling out". They slag the band off at every opportunity for "changing", despise the new fans for not knowing what the band is "really about" and pine for the days of old when they used to watch the band with 4 other people.

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Out of interest here is our average attendance since we came into the league colour coded for the respective divisions and also includes the finishing positions as well. Big jump when we got into the SPL.


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