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It's that time o' year again when I make my first of a thoosand promises that I will dander up to your highland city in search of even more shops than last time, inversnecky castle has moved from one side o' the river to the other when I close one eye, and caley are playing three up front with messi, ronaldo and becks despite me not actually knowing which actual positions any of them play...

I'm having a bit of a sabbat sabbit sabitt a long holiday at the moment and wish to enter the Inverness city with passport in hand and an even bigger smile for the interrogation unit at the electric fences, and looking for a catch up with a few of the regulars from this forum who have been without the pinkness of oneself for a wee while now; also hoping to take in a game.

The arrival in a few months' time of a certain wee (bonny) baby will have me sprinting up here anyway but this is spring break and I fancied springing into Inverness earlier than the aforementioned happy day.

One shall keep ye posted and pencilled in.

Buffy x

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  • 2 weeks later...

batten doon the hatches..... thursday 14th april, is d-day.....

hoping to head to your match on saturday v the mighty jambos, whilst partaking in a small soiree in The Innes pre match....

my bed and brekkie accommodator is no doubt dusting doon the china, polishin up the silverware and hiding the remote control for sat night seshes of CSI....

noo mind, im missing oor home game v queen o the south just to see you lot - so ignore the whooopeeees at half time scores and multiple texts in the caley end... or possible heid in hands scenarios and loud sighs.

Onwards and upwards.

Buffy x

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my bed and brekkie accommodator is no doubt dusting doon the china, polishin up the silverware and hiding the remote control for sat night seshes of CSI....

I'm not doing any dusting ya daft loon, I'll change the sheets on the bed but that's yer lot!!! And you're def no getting near the remote!!!!!

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my bed and brekkie accommodator is no doubt dusting doon the china, polishin up the silverware and hiding the remote control for sat night seshes of CSI....

I'm not doing any dusting ya daft loon, I'll change the sheets on the bed but that's yer lot!!! And you're def no getting near the remote!!!!!

Whit???? Cannae get the staff these days....

I was gonna bring lots o claes with me but thought naw I'll just buy some heeland gear when I get there. I'm assuming that kilts and sheep are the in thing in Inversneck?

Tartan (tin) hat oan ...

Buffy x

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