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Stopped me in my tracks...

Canada Bob

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A mate of mine here in Canada sent me this, it stopped me in my tracks.

His son is serving in Afghanistan right now, shoulder to shoulder with lads

from England, Scotland, the US and elsewhere.

I don't know if they should be there, what do I know, but when you see

the price being paid for so called peace it makes me wonder.

Check the video out, it's a tough one to watch...


Canada Bob.

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Canada Bob

After watching that clip and looking at the faces of the men who have died it makes you stop and think.

I think anyone looking at that will be affected in some way, i was.

These men and women go to places like this not sure if they will return, same with there families. It has to be someone brave knowning they might not come home.

They deserve alot more praise than what they get. :clapping03:

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Canada Bob

After watching that clip and looking at the faces of the men who have died it makes you stop and think.

I think anyone looking at that will be affected in some way, i was.

Yeah.... it really does make you stop & think about the senseless waste of life taking place out there.... Lovely looking guys you would have been be proud to call "yer mates".... Like the guys fron Kinloss who recently perished out there too....

And for what? America invaded Afghanistan after 9/11 because one time friend of the Bush family - Osama bin Laden, was in hiding there.... Now of course they find themselves fighting a bunch of religious nutters, the Taliban, who had nothing to do with 9/11.... The plain truth is we should not be there, or in Iraq, where the situation is even worse.... The ill conceived & ill thought so called war on terror is going nowhere and causing utter misery....

I would urge anyone in any country with elections coming up (The US & Scotland) - please don't vote for as$holes who are talking about staying the course, or making the world a better and a safer place to live.... That is complete & utter b0llocks....

:008: :008: :009: :009:

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Canada Bob

After watching that clip and looking at the faces of the men who have died it makes you stop and think.

I think anyone looking at that will be affected in some way, i was.

These men and women go to places like this not sure if they will return, same with there families. It has to be someone brave knowning they might not come home.

They deserve alot more praise than what they get. :clapping03:

Broke me up looking face to face with them, bonny young lads and a few lassies, hard to take knowing they are dead and gone, harder still for their families.

The thing is, this is just the tip of a rotten iceberg, there's man a young Scottish lad {looking no different} and many an English

lad, or Welsh or Irish, you name it, the Yanks and all, even Polish and others, dead in the dust, and for what...

I don't know if they should be there or not, if we don't sort them out in their own back yard these taliban b*stards will once again bring it home to us, so I don't know how you stop it, I just wish they would all pack it in.

Bottom line is the other side will grieve as heavily as we do, and I'd guess many of them don't know what it's really all about.

If I was the PM of Canada or the UK and if some way I could have seen this before I'd sent them out there, they wouldn't have

gone, not one of them, as you say they all look like mates you could be proud of, but how do their mothers and fathers, wives

and children feel, I can't begin to imagine that.

If ever there was a no win situation then this is it for both sides, no one will rest until their hands drip with blood.

Canada Bob.

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