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For God's sake TM4TJ... be careful what you say! You'll have Bonzo , Midge55 and Clacher on here celebrating because they think you're on about Charlie Christie!

Just to clarify, TM4TJ is referring to the Coronation Street Murder Trial where Old Face Ache Tracey Barlow was tonight found GUILTY of the murder of Charlie Stubbs the demon joiner.

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Is Coronation St still going...?

Aye right Johnboy.....ye'll be one of these "i only watch Discovery and the History channel" folks,but when the Sky+ planner is checked there's Emmerdale,Corrie,Eastenders,Neebors,Home and awa etc all wi series link eh?

(heard a joke last night and thought of you......A couple fae Dunfermline had a bairn and were getting it christened,the meenister asked whit they were calling the child and they answered"Nathan"

"sorry"replied the meenister ",you have to call him something"  :015:

Anyways, it's no fair,Charlie wiz a monster,look whit he did to Shelly and as for Dierdre grassin her up well ,whit kinda mother is she? and as for that David trying to take advantage of her in a weak moment....

never get time to watch it mehself  :001:

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Is Coronation St still going...?

Aye right Johnboy.....ye'll be one of these "i only watch Discovery and the History channel" folks,but when the Sky+ planner is checked there's Emmerdale,Corrie,Eastenders,Neebors,Home and awa etc all wi series link eh?

No way will you find any soaps on my Sky planner, H/Dee - EastEnders & Corrie probably had a lot to do with the break up of my first marriage....

What you're saying reminds me of a by-gone age when I was a TV/VCR repairman. Often VCR's would come in with the complaint - Tape stuck inside - won't eject.... This usually arose when ham-fisted junior would try & force his Thomas the Tank Engine into a machine when it was not switched on - but sometimes there were more interesting occurrences -

A Church of Scotland minister once told me he only ever recorded Songs of Praise - When a tape got stuck in his machine I was intrigued to find the actual tape inside the cassette had been severed - deliberately, I suspected - by a pair of sissors....

Being an inquisitive kind of a bugg@r,  once the cassette had been removed (in the workshop) from the vicar's machine, the next step was of course,to splice and repair the tape - I always love watching Songs of Praise - and so I decided to check out the vicar's recording in another machine....

WELL...!!  I watched that tape from start to finish - not a sermon or a dog collar in sight - plenty of dogs... in fact what the vicar had been watching would have made Gary Glitter blush...!!  :010:

When I phoned to give him an estimate for repairing his machine, I told him the cassette could be spliced/repaired as well -

Would he like me to do that? Strangely he told me it was a very old tape - please - just put it in the bin....!!

I've probably still got that tape somewhere but nowadays I prefer to see everything in HD format..... :023:

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OK.  For all you fans:-

What was the name of Minnie Caldwell's cat?

Who was the third member of the tirumverate of Ena Sharples, Minnie Caldwell and.....................................?

who played Emily's first husband?

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