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Time for change

Guest BringBackBavidge

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Guest BringBackBavidge

Yes, it's time for a change .........

But NOT a change of Management, a change of attitude amongst certain elements of the support.

Let's put the mistakes of DJS and his comrades behind us before any lasting damage is done.

We are NOT Rangers, we are ICT. We should not feel aggrieved when we lose games, whether it is single games or a run of games. We should not believe that a driving instructor with little knowledge of the game has the right to dictate terms to the Board or Manager.

With the SPL setup we need to work within our resources and whilst we do we will continue to struggle. Some seasons we will perhaps scrape into the top six, other seasons we may get involved in a relegation scrap. Can we please just enjoy the ride and hope we stay up as long as possible. The fact that we have a good chance of surviving our fifth consecutive season in the SPL is remarkable. Can we stop getting suicidal when we lose a few games, can we stop having totally unrealistic expectations?

Sure, most football fans would love to run their clubs and feel they may be tactically better than the Team Manager - but please accept, you're probably NOT.

During seasons, like this one, where we are involved in a bit of a scrap ICT needs its support. It needs the belief and commitment of the support. It does not need so called supporters running to the Board and giving the media an opportunity to relish the thought of our relegation.

The support was good today. It contributed to a tricky cup win. We need this backing as much as possible. You don't need to be watching Manchester United to enjoy your football. A dedicated Stirling Albion supporter can have an equally good match day.

As for Brewster ...........................

We all have our own ideas on the best team selection, tactics and substitutions - but remember Brew sees a lot more than we do throughout the week and has more information to make his choices on. We are never all going to agree with him - that's life.

He HAS made good signings. All three new recruits on show today look to have excellent potential - so well done Brew, a while before the window closes and you are already delivering your promise.

So, come on. 2009. A new year, with new hope. Let's all get back to supporting the club we love. Let's get behind the players and Manager, and let's start enjoying ourselves.

Edited by BringBackBavidge
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nice sentiment,yet blinkered, clueless and condesending.

dont see what being a driving instructor has got to do with it.just ask our board. joiners, hauliers etc etc.

the supporters pay the money and are entitled to their opinion which is just as valid as the boards

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A good post but I find it staggering the amount of posts of this theme that have cropped up after one win against an SFL team :rotflmao:

Obviously 6 straight defeats and 1 Home win all season were just unlucky / a flash in the pan.

Edited by RiG
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It would be nice to continue today's feelgood factor but it is important that we continue to work against the odds and get some more results. The debate in the last 6 or so weeks may prove to be very beneficial for this club because it has focussed thoughts. It is a little unfair now that we can reflect on a win to back bite againgst people who have genuinely sought to bring change because they are passionate about SPL football in Inverness.

From that point of view we should cautiously begin preparing for next week's game. We underestimated them the last time we played them and they beat us. This time they are favourites to win and may well stick the sword into this club. All factions should get behind the club next Saturday, and for this week at least, focus on pulling the Club through its current crisis. As posted previously tonight, this was probably one of Craig Brewster's best weeks in football management. Next Saturday he knows it could be one of his worst but for all of us this has been a good week and long may that continue.

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nice sentiment,yet blinkered, clueless and condesending.

dont see what being a driving instructor has got to do with it.just ask our board. joiners, hauliers etc etc.

the supporters pay the money and are entitled to their opinion which is just as valid as the boards

Agree with you there, people should not be judged on the jobs that they do...unless they are taxi drivers :018: :rotflmao: :thumb04:

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Firstly, Everyone has the right to their own opinion.

What has got me annoyed throughout all this is that some fans have taken it upon themselves to speak for all the supporters when some clearly disagree. Organising email petitions, protests, banners at games... it reflects and represents all supporters and I don't like (and never have) someone speaking for me.

I can understand why people would want someone else at the helm but all this organised chaos has reflected badly on the supporters and made us look more like a fickle mob than the loyal support we should be (IMO)

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Guest BringBackBavidge

nice sentiment,yet blinkered, clueless and condesending.

dont see what being a driving instructor has got to do with it.just ask our board. joiners, hauliers etc etc.

the supporters pay the money and are entitled to their opinion which is just as valid as the boards

Agree with you there, people should not be judged on the jobs that they do...unless they are taxi drivers :018: :rotflmao: :thumb04:

All I am saying is that DJS is a Driving Instructor, not a football man.

He can state his views, but has no right to dictate anything to the Board.

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What a load of drivel BBB... One win against lower league oposition and all of a sudden you expect 80-90% of the ICT fan base to eat humble pie and recognise that craig brewster isn't as bad as he seems as a manager GIVE ME A BREAK.

2 deflected shots, poor finishing from a man who scored 29 goals with his previous club, and against lower league opponents to boot. Hardly something to inspire confidence when we resume league business next week is it.

Don't get me wrong, any win at the moment will inevitably bring a smile to the faces of many fans - myself included - but to insult the chairman of the supporters trust who has worked on all sides of the story with the fans to put forward a legitimate statement of concern from the fans to the club? totally disrespectful IMHO !!!

look at the performances, look at the results, look at the players who have left, look at brewsters record, look at the incosistancy in selections and formation, look at the league table and look at every comment and press report for at least the last month and then come back with some sort of realistic post and not just to slate all those fans that have the best interests of ICT's future at heart.

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mmm how I wish I could live life with rose tinted spectacles?

We have just won 1 game against lesser opposition. Perhaps this was a brilliant tactical move playing a winger as a second striker and by all accounts a clown at left back, or perhaps he got lucky (we were due a bit of luck). Either way next weeks game will tell us more about our new signings.

I hope this is the ICT having ?turned the corner? but I will reserve judgement until after we have played some SPL matches. I am still of the view that Brew should already have gone and if we do not beat Hamilton we will go down. I will be very happy if this is not the case and Brew keeps us up.

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I think it's a great post by bavidge, and a tremendous reply from junior.

Time for change..............maybeees yes.........maybeees no, results over the next few weeks are crucial.

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Guest BringBackBavidge

to insult the chairman of the supporters trust who has worked on all sides of the story with the fans to put forward a legitimate statement of concern from the fans to the club? totally disrespectful IMHO !!!

It is meant to be. 100%.

I think that DJS is a fool.

I believe that his antics are detrimental to our SPL survival.

I also think he is motivated by his own ego rather than by any interest in the furure of the club.

Are you getting the impression that I don't care for him too much?

I hope so.

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nice sentiment,yet blinkered, clueless and condesending.

dont see what being a driving instructor has got to do with it.just ask our board. joiners, hauliers etc etc.

the supporters pay the money and are entitled to their opinion which is just as valid as the boards

Agree with you there, people should not be judged on the jobs that they do...unless they are taxi drivers :018: :rotflmao: :thumb04:

All I am saying is that DJS is a Driving Instructor, not a football man.

He can state his views, but has no right to dictate anything to the Board.

so you reckon our board are football men?

djs is representing the views of many fans and your attack on him is an attack on the fans who are all entitled to be heard

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Guest BringBackBavidge

Mr bavidge.........as a Moderator, may I remind you that personal abuse is not allowed.

For this site it's pretty tame - but sure, I'll say no more about him. You all know my feelings on the matter.

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I'm getting a bit p1ssed off with people who post on here in an attempt to sway fans' opinion one way or another relative to an individual or group of people.

This forum is for ICT fans to debate amongst themselves. It is not for people "in the know", or those who are mates with influential people to try and sway fans' opinions.

To those that are attempting to do that, BUGGER OFF.

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I don't think BBB's post is 100% accurate, but the basis behind it is spot on. The whole premise of todays game was to raise the confidence of the players and of the fans, and from the game today it seems to have done exactly that. For people to be knocking the performance and the result aginst a decent partick side is ludicrous. Everyone should be using this as momentum to be carried onto the league games coming up.

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Yes, it's time for a change .........

But NOT a change of Management, a change of attitude amongst certain elements of the support.

Let's put the mistakes of DJS and his comrades behind us before any lasting damage is done.

We are NOT Rangers, we are ICT. We should not feel aggrieved when we lose games, whether it is single games or a run of games. We should not believe that a driving instructor with little knowledge of the game has the right to dictate terms to the Board or Manager.

With the SPL setup we need to work within our resources and whilst we do we will continue to struggle. Some seasons we will perhaps scrape into the top six, other seasons we may get involved in a relegation scrap. Can we please just enjoy the ride and hope we stay up as long as possible. The fact that we have a good chance of surviving our fifth consecutive season in the SPL is remarkable. Can we stop getting suicidal when we lose a few games, can we stop having totally unrealistic expectations?

Sure, most football fans would love to run their clubs and feel they may be tactically better than the Team Manager - but please accept, you're probably NOT.

During seasons, like this one, where we are involved in a bit of a scrap ICT needs its support. It needs the belief and commitment of the support. It does not need so called supporters running to the Board and giving the media an opportunity to relish the thought of our relegation.

The support was good today. It contributed to a tricky cup win. We need this backing as much as possible. You don't need to be watching Manchester United to enjoy your football. A dedicated Stirling Albion supporter can have an equally good match day.

As for Brewster ...........................

We all have our own ideas on the best team selection, tactics and substitutions - but remember Brew sees a lot more than we do throughout the week and has more information to make his choices on. We are never all going to agree with him - that's life.

He HAS made good signings. All three new recruits on show today look to have excellent potential - so well done Brew, a while before the window closes and you are already delivering your promise.

So, come on. 2009. A new year, with new hope. Let's all get back to supporting the club we love. Let's get behind the players and Manager, and let's start enjoying ourselves.

Interesting sentiments, and laudable, but that's about all there is.

I paid my membership to the Supporters Trust the first time round but, despite my regard for DJS and the rest, I can't see this making a difference with a very small core support (about 1900 was it, today?).

I do however have a lot of respect for the driving instructors, council workers, businesswomen and all the rest who give of their spare time - on top of the time and money the rest of the regular fans put in - to do this sort of thing. It's easy enough to sit here and type a few paragraphs in support of the manager or against him, but it's a step beyond to get off your erse and do something about it.

We know fine that there's no divine right held by ICT or any other team to stay in the SPL - we removed that, if you remember, the season we won promotion - but I cannot see any reason why the core of a team which was working as a well-drilled unit, 'grinding out results' as the pundits have it and showing the effort and enthusiasm which made us a nightmare fixture, why that should have fallen apart when Brewster and Thompson returned, unless they're the problem.

As for enjoyment, you may enjoy seeing players out of position, the defence losing the plot, a toothless strike force completely uninspired by Brewster, watching your side lose while playing mostly sh!te football, and the rest. I do not. There was a time when I would watch us lose a goal and think 'now we'll score three'; these days I can more readily see us conceding another two. That is not my fault. That is not the fault of the people around me. That is not the fault of the Supporters' Trust. Something has changed at this club, and all the rah-rah-rah cheerleading for Brewster and boo-boo-booing of those trying to address the problems will make not a whit of difference, except to take us further from reality and closer to the first division.

Wake up.

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> Sure, most football fans would love to run their clubs and feel they may be tactically better than the Team Manager - but please accept, you're probably NOT.

So when should a football manager be sacked then? They all have decades of experience. They all have participated in coaching at some degree before they became manager. Now, most have the certificates. Does this mean that they should be unsackable?

> can we stop having totally unrealistic expectations

What would you call unrealistic? That a team previously fighting for a top 6 spot is now below a team with very little SPL experience? To say nothing of the transfer fiascos that have gone on,

> As for Brewster ...........................

was in this position before and showed no signs of getting out of it. He was sacked and a new manager came in and improved the squad no end.

> All I am saying is that DJS is a Driving Instructor, not a football man. He can state his views, but has no right to dictate anything to the Board.

The Board also have no experience in football. DJS has probably watched at least as many matches however.

> Let's all get back to supporting the club we love. Let's get behind the players and Manager, and let's start enjoying ourselves.

If the fans thought a little cheer here and there was all the team needs, then they'd get it. Personally, I doubt the problems are so superficial.

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