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Pope to visit the UK


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lets not turn this personal please ..... if personal mud slinging starts spiralling the thread downwards I will have no hesitation in closing it.

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

but did the Queen turn a blind eye to it ?

When Britain ruled the world, terrible acts of violence were commited by British Army members. The Queen would have known about this and turned a blind eye... So im not really seeing where you are going with this?

And yes, the Queen did turn a Blind eye. She doesn't care. Just because these people may have been arrested does not mean the Queen batted an eye lid, does it?

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

What i wanted to say, but i'm not intellegent enough to say it that way :)

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

If you are insinuating that I am anti-Catholic by your "what side of the divide you come from" you are 100% wrong and I suggest you get your facts right before coming out with something like that. I am not here to start an arguement with you or anyone else so grow up. I put my personal opinion in my first post, you have put yours which I have accepted - they are opinions, that is all they are as far as I am concerned. As Scotty says, no mud slinging. By the way I am more worldly wise than you obviously give me credit me for so save your lectures for someone else.

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

What i wanted to say, but i'm not intellegent enough to say it that way :021:

DornochCaley, let me assure you that in my case Alex has got it completely wrong, I am not a bigot and it hurts to be labelled as such. I couldn't care less what religion anyone is, some of my friends are practicing Catholics and we seldom discuss each others beliefs. As regards my comments about the Pope, and the Queen, I was only airing my opinions. I was not decrying the followers of the Catholic Faith apart from some of the Priests, not all of them. If I was a bigot why would I go to Parkhead to watch Celtic play Dundee United when I am not a United fan? You have never heard me slagging off Celtic, Rangers, Ross County or any other team on this site. I go to (hopefully) watch good football, that's all I am interested in. I even go to watch the juniors in Aberdeen. Peoples religion is their business, not mine so all I am saying is don't believe Alex MacLeod's inaccurate and awful label of bigotry that he has attached to me. He has never met me and obviously doesn't know the true me.

I know that I have not contributed much to the site but have enjoyed reading some of the posts on this site including yours but being labelled a bigot is the last straw for me. I will await your reply and then I will leave this site for good. Do you wonder why so many previous posters have deserted? It is not the site it used to be.

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

What i wanted to say, but i'm not intellegent enough to say it that way :P

DornochCaley, let me assure you that in my case Alex has got it completely wrong, I am not a bigot and it hurts to be labelled as such. I couldn't care less what religion anyone is, some of my friends are practicing Catholics and we seldom discuss each others beliefs. As regards my comments about the Pope, and the Queen, I was only airing my opinions. I was not decrying the followers of the Catholic Faith apart from some of the Priests, not all of them. If I was a bigot why would I go to Parkhead to watch Celtic play Dundee United when I am not a United fan? You have never heard me slagging off Celtic, Rangers, Ross County or any other team on this site. I go to (hopefully) watch good football, that's all I am interested in. I even go to watch the juniors in Aberdeen. Peoples religion is their business, not mine so all I am saying is don't believe Alex MacLeod's inaccurate and awful label of bigotry that he has attached to me. He has never met me and obviously doesn't know the true me.

I know that I have not contributed much to the site but have enjoyed reading some of the posts on this site including yours but being labelled a bigot is the last straw for me. I will await your reply and then I will leave this site for good. Do you wonder why so many previous posters have deserted? It is not the site it used to be.

Fair enough. I apologise

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Having read DAM's posts on this thread...at no time would i have said he comes across as a bigot....a little intolerant perhaps (calling people "sad" for wanting to see the figure head of theri faith/Nation) But that is the only thing he said that could be viewed as slightly dogmatic.

These scandals go on in all faiths, but for some reason, the Catholic church seems to be singled out as fair game for constantly attacking over it for some reason. These things go on elsewhere, make no mistake about it!

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When priests stop molesting young boys I might have more sympathy. You don't honestly believe that no-one in the Vatican, even the Pope, did not know what was going on for years.

It may surprise you to learn but its not only priests who molest. Should the queen have known when ministers of her church were convicted of peadophile acts. Because they have, as have sunday school teachers, BB leaders etc, etc.

It does not surprise me at all but it was never as widespread and swept under the carpet. I would never go out of my way to go and see or respect anyone who turned a blind eye to that filth. Perhaps my morals are higher than yours.

DAM, you are very wrong and very blinded by sensationalist journalism, more especially in a country where religious wrong doings are the main story of the day. Children are molested, and worse, every day of the week. There is no class, creed or religious bias to whom or what the perpetrators abide by. They are evil, vile people and they come from catholic, protestant, hindu, islamic, jewish and every other faith under the sun. Yes the catholic church tried to cover up. They tried to deal with it without involving the law. We all know that was the wrong way. But thats great with hindsight. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Nobody knows who isn't or who is a paedophile. It could be your next door neighbour. It could be your local copper. It could even be your babysitter.

Its very obvious to me what side of the divide you come from and I don't really care but, one word of warning, If you have children don't ever believe that only catholic priests can harm them.

Relinquish your blinded bigotry and see the word for what it really is.

What i wanted to say, but i'm not intellegent enough to say it that way :P

DornochCaley, let me assure you that in my case Alex has got it completely wrong, I am not a bigot and it hurts to be labelled as such. I couldn't care less what religion anyone is, some of my friends are practicing Catholics and we seldom discuss each others beliefs. As regards my comments about the Pope, and the Queen, I was only airing my opinions. I was not decrying the followers of the Catholic Faith apart from some of the Priests, not all of them. If I was a bigot why would I go to Parkhead to watch Celtic play Dundee United when I am not a United fan? You have never heard me slagging off Celtic, Rangers, Ross County or any other team on this site. I go to (hopefully) watch good football, that's all I am interested in. I even go to watch the juniors in Aberdeen. Peoples religion is their business, not mine so all I am saying is don't believe Alex MacLeod's inaccurate and awful label of bigotry that he has attached to me. He has never met me and obviously doesn't know the true me.

I know that I have not contributed much to the site but have enjoyed reading some of the posts on this site including yours but being labelled a bigot is the last straw for me. I will await your reply and then I will leave this site for good. Do you wonder why so many previous posters have deserted? It is not the site it used to be.

Fair enough. I apologise

Fair play to you DC, thanks.

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I've just had a PM from the Pope urging all site users to display forgiveness and tolerance towards each other.

He then ended his message "'Mon the Caley Jags, get it right up they Gypos! There's only one Terry Butcher! Oh, and **** the Dee and **** that Bob Malcolm ****."

At least I think that's what he was saying, it was in Latin.

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Celtics new manager Neil Lennon has come out in defence of the Catholic Church, stating that when he was young he never suffered any sexual abuse. It just goes to show you... Even priests have standards.

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So are you leaving us DAM or have you had a change of heart after DornochCaleys apology ?

Yes, and this is my final comment on the matter. I applaud DornochCaley for being big enough to apologise, which is more than I can say for the village idiot who influenced him.

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DAM...there are those on here that dont respect the rights of others to hold opinions different than theirs. Then they like to start labelling people this that and the other. Just ignore it. I have just had my say on the Racist remarks at TCS thread. If it upsets anyone...i suggest they tuffen up, grow a backbone and get real. The more we pander to such folks...the more rediculous this world is going to become!

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DAM. I haven't looked at this thread in a couple of days so hadn't seen your response till now. Obviously I got it wrong and for that I apologise sincerely.

You brought up child molestation by priests as a reason why the Pope should be ignored. Normally that type of statement is brought up by those with very bigotted views. People who cant acknowledge that those vile acts happen all around us and by people from different walks of life.

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