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The York Ward


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There was a time when part of growing up in Inverness involved a trip to the RNI to have your tonsils or adenoids yanked out.  Anyone out there suffer in this way?

DJS (less his adenoids).

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I too remember having my tonsils out as a lad and being promised ice cream as a 'reward'.  All I got was semolina pudding!  Also I remember being 'put to sleep' for the operation with a pill of some sort crushed in a spoonful of blackcurrent jam.  To this day I cannot face blackcurrent jam without the horrible taste of that pill coming back to me.

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My mother came over that rickety bridge with ice cream for my after my dreaded op... by the time she arrived it was melted. God I hated that place though, it was so intimidating and the Sister on the ward I was in, was so nasty to the staff, nowadays with pc etc, ?????

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If it was over the Infirmary Bridge she came, I wonder, if it was summer, if she got the ice cream in Bellfield Park. What wonderful ice cream you got there!

Best ice cream in Inverness came from Bellfield, Ness Cafe, Salvadori's, Pagliaris (did they supply Bellfield?) and, the only non Italian in the group... Stratton. I'm sure there were more that were just as good, but you just can't get that kind of ice cream in Inverness these days.

Bring back the Tally Cafes!

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I could not agree more "Bring back the tally cafes/chippers "From the cheese and tomato bridge rolls from the Locarno ,the best ice cream in my opinion from the ness cafe and the fabulous fish and chips from Ronnies in eastgate it beats a Big mac and Mcflurry any day of the week !!!!Mind you we still have the legendary "Castle Restaurant "with the steak pie to die for and how to they do these chips !!!!!!!

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Gosh do I remember the rolls in the Locarno, was he called Renzo?I remember the girls there Olga I remember and Maggie, Who Chas had the chip shop on the east side of Eastgate I remember it was an Italian family,l and the chip shop was next to a SHOP but was ownwed by them all and the guy who run the chip shop was at one time a hairdresser, dimensure going away

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yeah the Locarno was owned by Renzo Serifini and his able assistants were Olga and Jean some of his family also worked there sergio his son but I cant remember the rest. The chip shop at eastgate was owned by the Pieracinis and they also had the papershop next door although it traded under Greenlees

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I've some recollections of RNI and tonsilectomy. Was 12, never been away from home. Sunday afternoon driven up from Roy Bridge and dumped in RNI. I remember the ward I was in was next to the burns ward. First time I'd ever come across an Asian doctor. He came to check me out and asked if my bowels had moved that day. Hadn't a clue what the **** he was on about till a nurse came by and say 'have you sh!t today young man'. The ice cream and Pennigum (chewing gum impregnated with penicillin were good though.

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A visitor was touring a hospital ward when he spotted a patient standing on his bed proclaiming: "Wee sleekit cow'rin timorous beastie..."

He moved on to meet another man intoning: "And scarcely had he Maggie rallied when out the hellish legion sallied..."

And in the far corner: "Oh thou who in the heavens doth dwell, who, as it pleases best thysel..."

Turning to his guide the visitor asked: "Is this the psychiatric ward?"

"No," came the reply. "It's the Serious Burns Unit."

Just thought I'd take the thread back to hospitals. I have to say that watching The Royal on ITV on a Sunday night creates strong echoses of the RNI in the 60s. I was just too old for the York Ward when I had to go in to get my sinuses flushed out (couple of tubes rammed up your nose so they could pump salt solution through... very messy.) As a result I had to go into an adult ward. Don't know if I missed anything or not.

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CB  I've been using that story, or a variation of it, with longer Burns quotations, as an icebreaker at the start of speeches I've done at Burns suppers, for the past 2 or 3 years now.  And very well it goes down too,  making the audiences much more amenable to the slightly more serious stuff which follows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To go back to the dreaded  York Ward, I remember being dropped off and then left, I felt abandoned, Then  as I have read,  I  too met  a doctor with a different colour  face, thought I was in ****, what have my parents done to me I thought. I had never encountered a person, a different coour from me.

But the tonsils were sorted ,

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  • 2 months later...

Hey i must be lucky i never had to go there was never in hospital as a kid but from you lot are saying it was horrible. But i do love the ice cream ya get on the kids ward in raigmore i always nick some of Marcs when hes on the ward.

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