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And now fer the bad news

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08:50 - 14 July 2006 

Stuart McCAFFREY knows exactly how Ross Tokely feels as he tries to recover from a groin injury - but that will not stop McCaffrey trying to replace Tokely in the Caley Thistle side.

Former Hibs defender McCaffrey suffered from osteitis pubis, the problem which has sidelined Tokely, during his time at Aberdeen.

It kept him out for more than a year, while current Inverness team-mate Liam Keogh was kept out by the same injury for more than half of last season.

Tokely is adamant he will at least play some part in his own testimonial against Sheffield United next Friday but his place at right back is up for grabs.

And McCaffrey, who filled Tokely's position in Wednesday's 2-0 win at Elgin, wants to make it his.

He said: "The injury is horrendous. I had the problem at Aberdeen and I didn't play for about 13 months.

"I know putting a timescale on when you will be fit again is not easy. It affects different people in different ways and I know Ross is hoping to be able to play in his testimonial next week.

"It would be a boost for everyone if he could and I obviously hope he gets better soon. But his position is vacant for the moment and it would be good to get a run in the side.

"We saw last season when Stuart Golabek got injured that Richard Hastings came in and was able to keep his place when Stuart was fit again. Hopefully I can do the same thing because I want to play and I don't care what position that is in."

Caley Jags have been in training since June 21 and, with two weeks to go until the SPL starts, are shaping up well for the new season.

McCaffrey believes their early start will give them an edge on their rivals. He said: "It was good to go back so soon as it meant we had done most of our heavy work by July 1."


Osteitis Pubis is the inflammation of the front of the pubic bone, where several important muscle groups attach and move when you exercise. It has a tendency to recur and can be very stubborn to treat because the area has a very poor blood supply. It normally requires a relatively long period of rest.

There is no specific treatment for osteitis pubis, and it frequently causes long-term problems, in some cases ending a player's career. Management strategies involve modification of activity, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication, and stretching and strengthening of the stabilising muscles. Surgical intervention, such as wedge resection of the pubis symphysis, is sometimes attempted in severe cases, but its success rate is not high, and surgery may lead to later pelvic problems.

:007: :007: :007:

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'osteitis pubis' Sounds a painful thing, hope he recovers quickly, but with Caff we have good cover.

Lackofusis pubis is another disease with affects males over the age of 45 who have been injured in some way in gyms, whilst pretending to females they are younger/fitter than they actually are.

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Surely you're far too young for that to happen to you Caley 100?  :001:

I have been reported as looking 40 ish, much younger looking than my mate TMFTJ. :016:

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