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ICT Going Green

Guest TinCanFan

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Guest TinCanFan

I've just thought up a good way of ICT gaining more recognition, possibly a larger support and even the possiblity of European football.  I was down at the Stadium the other day and noticed how windy it was.  Because of the stadium's location, ICT could easily capitalise on this by sticking up a few small wind mills that you get from places like B&Q, to power things like the floodlights on matchdays.  If they were to do this and also stick up something else like solar panels, then this could cut ICT's energy bills, leaving more money for things like new players etc and they may also receive extra money from the government because they want to encourage people to do more green things.  This could gain ICT recognition as something along the lines of "Britain's Greenest Team" or something like that.  Even though, this may be expensive to set up in the first place, the more money could actually be saved in the long term.  Also, as the dump is fairly nearby, then ICT's garbage could be easily transported to recycling.

But how do the fans get involved?  I reckon a good way ICT could involve the fans with this, is to set up an other of something like the more old cans and paper you bring , then then you get deductions on tickets or in the club shop.  As people would bring more of there waste stuff, then this could give ICT a larger support, and the money from this larger support, may once again cover, in the long term, cover the cost to set this stuff up in the first place.

Finally, I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I heard a while back that Uefa were keen to bring a "Green Cup", for the greenest teams in Europe.  This could be the stepping stone for European football for ICT.  What does everyone else think of this idea and do you think it would be successful in the long term? 

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While I am not so sure that the power generated would be able to run the floodlights to the specified lux levels on a matchday, the idea of solar/wind power in principle definitely has some merit. The club might be able to reduce costs in other areas of the ground and it is therefore worth exploring ... especially if the government or other agencies might bear a large part of the cost.

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Whilst it might not be possible to generate enough power to run the floodlights, it would definitely be possible to make a contribution towards the power required.

Also, it is possible to sell power back to the National Grid - this scheme is already in place for those who generate their own power. There are times that you are generating more power than you need - e.g. at midnight on a very windy night. I believe that all you need is a special meter.

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The solution has to be two-pronged.......find more efficient, less harmful ways of producing energy, and more importantly...use less energy.

Floodlights and USH must be two of the most wasteful uses of energy I can think of in relation to football.  If they shifted football to the summer then it would eliminate the need for floodlights for all but the evening matches and it practically negates the need for USH.  As a result clubs would save a fortune in energy bills and it would be of huge environmental benefit.

If your more concerned about the eco element, then lets get rid of the car parks and put proper bus links in for matchdays.

The best thing about all of the above.....it wouldn't cost a penny to implement it.

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Wave energy, tidal turbines, wind turbines and solar combined could do quite a bit to reduce the energy costs at TCS but there is a down side to that and that is the cost of the equipment needed. One of the little B & Q turbines wouldn't keep the boardroom fridge running never mind all the other power required. Its not just lights and kettles. Theres the heating system, the office equipment, lots of hot water required, all the pie ovens. Added up a lot of power is required.

Unfortunately the technology that would generate the required power is not yet cost effective enough to justify it.

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Make Tommy fill up his tractor with chicken poo and run it off the resulting methane I say! :015:

Or cut out the middleman and get Tommy sponsored by Heinz :farting01:

seriously though - there are a few things the club probably could do to go a little greener and if they make sense financially then why not ... it would be a good bit of PR and might cut costs in some small way.

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