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The Atheist bus

Guest couchpotato

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Guest couchpotato

Thought provoking or just being provocative for the sake of it, what's folks thoughts on here?,I personally think it's good to challenge and question what some put out as "gospel "

The Atheist bus

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I am sitting here thinking, now if it had said 'there is probably no Allah' would that not be different?

No buses, we would have the bus lanes to ourselves(well we would when they carted the twisted metal away) - Plenty garage work, like Humpty Dumpty, trying to put the busses together again - Police overtime making that sector very happy - No drivers to drive the busses, like HD above, they would be putting a lot of them together too. OAP's not able to get about, pavements quiet. Mothers with prams...does it never end?? Bliss! Oh, and of course, the bus companies shares would tumble as the share holders are targeted and therefore offload their holding pronto.

Richard Dawkins and Mr Rushdie would be keeping each other company, in a bunker somewhere, along with the advertising executive that accepted the campaign.

Why can't this be considered when the public get immune to this campaign - max two weeks - in the interest of fair play for us drivers.

Isn't tolerance a wonderful thing, we live in a super country.

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I am sitting here thinking, now if it had said 'there is probably no Allah' would that not be different?

No buses, we would have the bus lanes to ourselves(well we would when they carted the twisted metal away) - Plenty garage work, like Humpty Dumpty, trying to put the busses together again - Police overtime making that sector very happy - No drivers to drive the busses, like HD above, they would be putting a lot of them together too. OAP's not able to get about, pavements quiet. Mothers with prams...does it never end?? Bliss! Oh, and of course, the bus companies shares would tumble as the share holders are targeted and therefore offload their holding pronto.

Richard Dawkins and Mr Rushdie would be keeping each other company, in a bunker somewhere, along with the advertising executive that accepted the campaign.

Why can't this be considered when the public get immune to this campaign - max two weeks - in the interest of fair play for us drivers.

Isn't tolerance a wonderful thing, we live in a super country.

God is not the name of a deity, you may call your deity God but if you are a Christian you should be calling him/her/it (delete as according to whatever belief you hold ) Jehovah. Personally if there was a god I would choose Neptune as mine.

CaleyD how can you tolerate something which does not exist? making you intolerant :rotflmao:

EDIT my last statement may be translated as me being a bigot given my atheism but I am tolerant of others beliefs............. feck it religion sucks causes too many arguments.

Edited by birdog
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I hear so many people say religion causes too many arguments. It really isn't religion which causes arguments... it's the IDIOTS who aren't happy to let other people live their lives the way they want to that cause the problems. Not the faiths themselves.

No it's the preachers/teachers of religions and their interpretations of the faiths which they follow which cause the arguments. The idiots are those who follow blindly without thinking for themselves.

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Well......faiths these days are quite cuddly in the main. Far from the books they are based upon which are full of murder, incest and rape. So, most actually preach a much watered down version (of which I'm glad). Try something like http://www.evilbible.com/ to get what is really said, e.g.

God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people (1 Chronicles 21). God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3). He orders another attack and the killing of ?all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses? (Joshua 6). In Judges 21, He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife! Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing somebody! In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.

The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).

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You see the thing is starchief that there are some who still take the bible (or any other religious book) literally. I have in the past enjoyed many conversations with very religious people who still believe that people of other faiths will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity. One church of Scotland lay preacher even tried to convince me that the pope was the anti-Christ intent on bringing the fires of hell to earth. My own view is that the Christian church, which was born at the end of the Roman empire was created to keep control of the people from within Rome and if you look at the numbers of Roman catholics in the world then the Roman empire is still huge.

Religion is just a method of controlling the masses, it subdues freedom of thought with threats of eternal damnation, mind control on a massive basis.

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Good posts, Starchief & Birdog...

Hope you don't mind if I attempt to lighten this debate....

After thirty-five years of marriage Sam's wife died. At the end of a proper mourning period, Sam looked at himself and said, "Life is not over. I can go out and have some fun and perhaps meet a younger woman - and who know what?" Over an eighteen month period Sam joined a gym to tone up, lost 40 pounds, bought a toupee, had all his teeth capped, got a nose job, had a little tuck taken in his chin, got contact lenses, before finally buying a new youth- oriented wardrobe, with elevator shoes. He loved what he saw in the mirror and knew he was ready to step out into the big wide world again. Unfortunately during that night Sam died and went to heaven, whereupon, he met God. "God" said Sam, "I was a kind and loving husband, a wonderful father and grandfather, a charitable person, regular Church attender, always honest and hardworking in my business. I was just about to start a new life. Why did you do this?

"Sam", replied God, "I'm terribly sorry, I just didn't recognise you"

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I have to say that I'm constantly astonished by how many, apparently otherwise intelligent people, choose to believe in a phenonemon for which there is no evidence whatsoever.

As children we tend to accept the existence of God, Santa and the Tooth Fairy. All of us come to accept that at least two of these "beings" don't actually exist no matter how much we'd like them to but so many adults continue to believe in the most far fetched myth of them all.

I have to say it's a mystery to me for which my presbyterian friends tell me condemns me to burn in Hell. At least I'll have some entertaining company !

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I have to say that I'm constantly astonished by how many, apparently otherwise intelligent people, choose to believe in a phenonemon for which there is no evidence whatsoever.

As children we tend to accept the existence of God, Santa and the Tooth Fairy. All of us come to accept that at least two of these "beings" don't actually exist no matter how much we'd like them to but so many adults continue to believe in the most far fetched myth of them all.

I have to say it's a mystery to me for which my presbyterian friends tell me condemns me to burn in Hell. At least I'll have some entertaining company !

You mean there's no tooth fairy!!!! Damn I had a fortune in my mouth untill I read this Thanks Kingsmills..... :rotflmao:

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Religion is just a method of controlling the masses, it subdues freedom of thought with threats of eternal damnation, mind control on a massive basis.

And none are worse than the west coast wee free's

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