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Can anyone tell me?


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Can anyone tell me what the official ruling is for the following scenario :-

A team has a bye kick which the keeper takes, but when he kicks the ball it hits his centre-half on the back of the head (who is still inside his own box). The ball then goes straight to his right back.

Is this an indirect free kick inside the box where the ball hit the centre-half, as you can not pass to someone in the box? or are you supposed to just play on as it was not intentional?


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I've tried to find a rule on this and found that "once the ball is kicked no player is allowed to touch the ball until it leaves the box".

So this is an infringement, but can't find out if the kick is retaken or if an indirect free kick is awarded.

(Although I think TM4TJ could be right with his retake guess)

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Corect answer is a retake of the goal kick. The ball is not in play until it is outside the box. You may recall a few years back a goalie took a short kick to the full back. The opposing player was too close so the defender intercepted the ball before it left the box. thus a retake.

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