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It could be us (Manager Scalps - Merged)


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Aberdeen have confirmed that McGhee will remain as boss.........but it looks like we could help to remove him on Tuesday night. I'm sure plenty of Don's fans will be hoping that we can do them a favour and beat them thus removing the Dons problem.

So, It could be us............


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So long as Stewartie Milne doesn't come in for Terry and Mo... Surely there can't be too many managers who would go near the Aberdeen hotseat if McGhee does get his P45.

Ideal situation though - Adams takes over the sheep, Brewster takes the job at our feeder club. That would be good fun.

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If they beat us there will be little between the clubs in terms of points. We had a bit of a hangover yesterday so Tuesday will be about who can recover quickest from such pain. Aberdeen will be no pushover. This is a major challenge for Terry and Mo.

Good post. Aberdeen are obviously poor at the moment, but yesterday could still have been one of those freak days. As Simon Jordan was pointing out on 606 yesterday, Crystal Palace lost 9-0 to Liverpool in the early 90s then beat them in the FA cup semi the same season. From a selfish point of view I'm hoping Aberdeen's capitulation was because McGhee has completely lost the dressing room, but they did beat Hibs 4-2 3 weeks ago so we can't assume they'll be incapable of bouncing back from Saturday. Hartley being out has to be good news for us though.

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Put it like this - will we ever have a better opportunity to take three points from the Hill of Dung ?

I am sure that TB is aware that the tactics have to be to be patient but to hit on the break and an early goal could be the biggest ever blow to the Don confidence plus we have to get the crowd on their backs.

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According to the Sun (I know, I know) ... he will be sacked if he fails to beat us tomorrow night: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3216225/Win-or-youre-sacked.html

With that kind of pressure on them it really suits us as they'll be pushing for the win and we'll hit them on the break. Looking forward to this one and I'mm off to find my thermals. :twothumbsup:

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And terry will be named Dons Manager...

Will you stop that! Why would he want that poisoned chalice anyway. He stays here til the end of the season, get's us to Europe and his stock is a lot higher than it would be going back to the First Division again with the Dons.

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They hated Calderwood for supporting Rangers as a boy, I can't see them going for Butcher. Pressure must be intense. Aberdeen have so many young players, I'm not sure how they'll react. Could be very badly.

I do think they need a manager who has cut his teeth in Scotland. Aberdeen can pay decent salaries (compared to the majority of bottom six clubs), so he has to pick some key players from Scottish clubs as a backbone, rather than teenagers and lower end English divisions picks. Hartley showed how much this type of player can improve the midfield. Diamond and Considine (who I think could be good defenders alongside a leader) are desperately lacking such a player alongside them (Dods?). Ifill isn't such a player.

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They hated Calderwood for supporting Rangers as a boy, I can't see them going for Butcher. Pressure must be intense. Aberdeen have so many young players, I'm not sure how they'll react. Could be very badly.

I do think they need a manager who has cut his teeth in Scotland. Aberdeen can pay decent salaries (compared to the majority of bottom six clubs), so he has to pick some key players from Scottish clubs as a backbone, rather than teenagers and lower end English divisions picks. Hartley showed how much this type of player can improve the midfield. Diamond and Considine (who I think could be good defenders alongside a leader) are desperately lacking such a player alongside them (Dods?). Ifill isn't such a player.

dont just assume that Aberdeen pay well, McGhees hanging on in there as they dont have the cash to push him out, He would always talk up Motherwell but I would say he has seemed more disspondant since his arrival in Aberdeen as he didnt have the cash to spent that he assumed he would.

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THey've got heaps of pressure on them from the fans, Mutley and the media. For a young team to be under so much pressure can only benefit us. Their heads will go down as soon as we get our first goal and we'll emulate or surpass the events of last weekend. :tongueincheek:


Edited by PullMyFinger
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THey've got heaps of pressure on them from the fans, Mutley and the media. For a young team to be under so much pressure can only benefit us. Their heads will go down as soon as we get our first goal and we'll emulate or surpass the events of last weekend.



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Contrary to what some may think I believe, no matter the result, McGhee will not be sacked. He may walk of his own choice though. Aberdeen have not the money to pay him off and likely have to compensate another team for a replacement. Like many other builders Stewart Milne is feeling the pinch. The club have not been able to buy in players of the expected calibre for a few seasons now and what they have is no better than most of the other teams in the league. I also hear on the grapevine that some of the players brought in were on the say so of Willie Miller and are not really McGhee's choice. A lot of Dons fans I've spoken to believe Miller to be the problem at Aberdeen. It was he who got shot of, probably, the best goal keeping coach in the country.

But I digress. I believe we will win tonight. They have not gelled as a team and they cant maintain their discipline. We go out and play as well as we have in recent games and the away record will be protected.

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Not sure if its just me but we seem to often to be the straw which breaks the camels back. How often have other clubs managers teams been sacked after defeat to the boys from Inverness. Is it the old story of you cant lose to them, they are just out of the Highland league.

McGhee and his backroom team wont find people lining up to take them on. But will the Dons try and come calling for our two masterminds.

How many managers have we cost their jobs over the years

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