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Cuprinol man attacks ICTs cyber fans.

Guest birdog

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Calderwood in the record.

My good friend Craig Brewster is finding that out at Inverness. They are going through a bad spell but since moving up from the Highland League, Caley Thistle have done brilliantly.

Their fans demand top six but ignore the fact their wage structure and geographical position makes it difficult to attract players to the club.

I don't remember anyone demanding a top six finish.

Fans, through the internet, radio phone-ins and newspaper columns, have more power than ever before and it takes strong characters in the boardroom to withstand the pressure they exert.

You'd better believe it.

EDIT- Note to Brewster, fight your own battles and stop getting your fat permatanned mate to do it for you. Let's hear your take on the situation.

Edited by birdog
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Calderwood in the record.

My good friend Craig Brewster is finding that out at Inverness. They are going through a bad spell but since moving up from the Highland League, Caley Thistle have done brilliantly.

Their fans demand top six but ignore the fact their wage structure and geographical position makes it difficult to attract players to the club.

Fans, through the internet, radio phone-ins and newspaper columns, have more power than ever before and it takes strong characters in the boardroom to withstand the pressure they exert.

"I don't like the guys but he's got a point"

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I think that it has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of AFC fans still dislike Calderwood and he empathises with Brewster but he is not looking at the big picture and seeing that Brewster just has not got what it takes to be a manager.

What I do like about the article is that we, the fans, are seen to have a lot more power nowadays and we should continue to use and expand that power.

In business there is the saying that the customer is always right. Well football, whether we like it or not, has become a business and we the customers have every right to demand that the product we receive is up to the standards for which we are paying. We have a second rate manager at the moment and we have every right to demand that someone is put in place who will at least give us a decent product. No-one is demanding a top six finish we are demanding that we can see some decent football or results, it is all well and good playing dross and grinding out the results but playing dross and getting humped week in and week out is not acceptable.

Calderwood should also realise that his comments in national newspapers only serve our campaign better as the more publicity we get on this the harder it is going to be for Brewster to stay in position if he can't get the results.

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Yes we have done brilliantly coming from the highland league, Calderwood is right. But now that we're here I don't want some numpty un-doing all the hard work previous managers and players have put in throughout the years.

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I think that it has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of AFC fans still dislike Calderwood and he empathises with Brewster but he is not looking at the big picture and seeing that Brewster just has not got what it takes to be a manager.

What I do like about the article is that we, the fans, are seen to have a lot more power nowadays and we should continue to use and expand that power.

In business there is the saying that the customer is always right. Well football, whether we like it or not, has become a business and we the customers have every right to demand that the product we receive is up to the standards for which we are paying. We have a second rate manager at the moment and we have every right to demand that someone is put in place who will at least give us a decent product. No-one is demanding a top six finish we are demanding that we can see some decent football or results, it is all well and good playing dross and grinding out the results but playing dross and getting humped week in and week out is not acceptable.

Calderwood should also realise that his comments in national newspapers only serve our campaign better as the more publicity we get on this the harder it is going to be for Brewster to stay in position if he can't get the results.

You should have been working for McCain!!! :rotflmao:

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Calderwood is unlikely to see this response .... but I would just like to make a few comments and point out a few mistakes in his theory.

It's a strange, new phenomenon where fans base their views on current results when a manager should be judged over an entire season.

Its not new, and we ARE basing our views on the entire season !!! In fact, many of us are basing it on two seasons. The FACT is that Craig Brewster has the worst EVER record of ANY manager ICT have EVER had. 6 wins in 22 games this season. 1, yes ONE home win in 10 attempts THIS SEASON.

My good friend Craig Brewster is finding that out at Inverness. They are going through a bad spell but since moving up from the Highland League, Caley Thistle have done brilliantly.

Caley Thistle were never in the Highland League but if we let that slide, then all you can say is the past is the past, we are concerned about the here and now. Partick Thistle have done brilliantly over the years, as have Raith Rovers, as have Livingston, and Gretna and a raft of other teams ...... how are they doing now !!! I am sure their fans arent saying, "oh well, we were once good" ... they all want their club to do the best they can.

Their fans demand top six but ignore the fact their wage structure and geographical position makes it difficult to attract players to the club.

Bollox. The majority of fans of ICT are realistic. We know we are a small club, we know we have limited finances, we know that top six every year is a pipedream. What we are asking for is CONSISTENCY, EFFORT, and a manager who can do the ****ing job. We have none of that right now. If we lose when giving 100% effort then so be it, but when players get moved around to different positions every week, or dropped to the bench for no apparent reason, or huckled out of the club for daring to have an opinion, then it is others who are ignoring what the club are and what it could be.

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Like it or not Harry there is a campaign, movement or whatever you want to call it to save our club. Whilst I sympathise that your stance on the matter is losing support by the day the only way the people who want to keep Brewster in place are going to regain that support is for Brewster to get some outstanding results and fast. I can't see it happening, can you? Honestly now.

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Calderwood should shut up and concentrate on his own team!

Nah, Calderwood is doing us a favour. Not so long ago we were talking about how we were going to get the local press involved in showing how unhappy the fans are but the wee fat tanned one has brought our plight to the nationals. I still think CaleyD's appearance on North Tonight tops it but thanks anyway Jimmy.

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Like it or not Harry there is a campaign, movement or whatever you want to call it to save our club. Whilst I sympathise that your stance on the matter is losing support by the day the only way the people who want to keep Brewster in place are going to regain that support is for Brewster to get some outstanding results and fast. I can't see it happening, can you? Honestly now.

Possibly, if he get's the right players in. IMHO we have been struggling since Dods left us and without a decent centre half we have been leaking goals... I think any manager would be having trouble with the defence we have at the moment

Put it this way if Brew doesn't sign a centre half as priority in this transfer window then I will admit he hasn't got a clue but I honetly believe the majority of our problems will be solved with a decent centre half

I also don't think there are many other options available as a replacement, and taking into consideration the amount of money we will have to spunk out to get rid of Brew and then maybe pay compensation to another club for their manager then we would probably lose our transfer kitty.... and try attracting a manager up north when he knows he'll have no money to spend

It may just be out of necessity at the moment but I hope for all our sakes Brew gets things turned around

It's like a wee club anyway. When did you last hear one SPL manager criticising another?

Levein criticising Billy Reid's tactics

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Possibly, if he get's the right players in. IMHO we have been struggling since Dods left us and without a decent centre half we have been leaking goals... I think any manager would be having trouble with the defence we have at the moment

Put it this way if Brew doesn't sign a centre half as priority in this transfer window then I will admit he hasn't got a clue but I honetly believe the majority of our problems will be solved with a decent centre half

HE HAD THE WHOLE OF THE SUMMER TRANSFER WINDOW TO REPLACE DODS and the window last January. He has had two chances let someone else have a go.

and try attracting a manager up north when he knows he'll have no money to spend

Did you read the club press release and the thread where the manager who won us the most silverware in our short history was touting his services? I believe he is currently working in the recruitment field.

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I think he's trying to "sit down, shut up" ICT fans with a dose of "you can't compete with big clubs like us". It brings flashbacks of Charlie Christie's infamous "just the fact that we're in the SPL means we're overachieving / punching above our weight blah blah blah" post match interviews.

The fact is, there's more to football than money. Previous ICT managers / squads have achieved great success against so-called bigger clubs. I see no reason why we can't aspire to finish above a team like aberdeen. They may have a bigger budget than us, as do most SPL teams, but they're still sh*te. So are Falkirk, Hamilton, St Mirren, Kilmarnock and Motherwell. None of these teams can go out and sign quality players, and any time a good one emerges it's only a matter of time until they're poached by an english third division side.

So money isn't exactly the be all and end all, especially at the lower end (i.e. scottish football) nobody can sign superstars. What counts is knowing how to build, nurture, organize, motivate and develop a TEAM. Other SPL clubs don't have an absolute comparative advantage over us in any of these respects and we shouldn't fear any of them.

As we've seen in the past, a half decent ICT team playing the right way is capable of humping these teams, and on a good day, Hibs, Hearts and Dundee Utd to boot. Even the old firm aren't exactly invincible anymore.

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We have a second rate manager at the moment and we have every right to demand that someone is put in place who will at least give us a decent product.

Blimey, that's generous.

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This really dosen't help Brewsters case as so far the only people to defend his position as ICT manager are...

Jimmy Calderwood, a manager that no one here really likes.

And David Proctor. One of Brews golden boys but certainly not a golden boy among the fans. I find this very hard to take seriously.

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This really dosen't help Brewsters case as so far the only people to defend his position as ICT manager are...

Jimmy Calderwood, a manager that no one here really likes.

And David Proctor. One of Brews golden boys but certainly not a golden boy among the fans. I find this very hard to take seriously.

I'd take JC as Brewsters replacement in a flash .

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Yeah, I like Calderwood as a manager too. What I'm interested to know is how Jimmy got to know about the cyber campaign. I'd be pretty doubtful he ever came here. Is Brew asking him for support? And what ever happened to Ralph Milne - the poster not the player? He's gone pretty quiet through all this.

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