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Harry i think your alright lol

Thanks mate

It's cool though DC is happy to hide behind his faceless internet persona because he knows if he spoke to me like that in the real world he wouldn't have a face left.....

... and that's not a threat it's a prediction of what my reaction would be :)

:lol::lol::lol: Harry the hardman :lol::lol::lol:

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Harry i think your alright lol

Thanks mate

It's cool though DC is happy to hide behind his faceless internet persona because he knows if he spoke to me like that in the real world he wouldn't have a face left.....

... and that's not a threat it's a prediction of what my reaction would be :)

:lol::lol::lol: Harry the hardman :lol::lol: :)


not so much, I already PM'd you to try and sort this out with a pint before the C*unty match was cancelled but you declined. You've taken issue with me for whatever reason.... man up or shut up :)

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Harry i think your alright lol

Thanks mate

It's cool though DC is happy to hide behind his faceless internet persona because he knows if he spoke to me like that in the real world he wouldn't have a face left.....

... and that's not a threat it's a prediction of what my reaction would be :)

:lol::lol::lol: Harry the hardman :lol::lol: :)


not so much, I already PM'd you to try and sort this out with a pint before the C*unty match was cancelled but you declined. You've taken issue with me for whatever reason.... man up or shut up :)

Harold I have no issue with you , you are insignificant and if you read the thread back you'll find it was you who started the personal abuse .

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Arguments are always fun though :lol:

They genuinely are. I used to like a good face to face but now I prefer text or cyber beefs. I need loads of drink for a face to face argument now a days. I think it's the drink that allows me to stick to my guns, no matter how wrong I am.

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As fans we need to unite and work as one unit to bring about changes and improvements....and we need to do that whilst there's still enough of us to make a difference.

If Mel Gibson couldn't even unite the clans, what is your strategy for uniting the fans?

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Harold I have no issue with you , you are insignificant and if you read the thread back you'll find it was you who started the personal abuse .

Nice one all the best, much love

As fans we need to unite and work as one unit to bring about changes and improvements....and we need to do that whilst there's still enough of us to make a difference.

If Mel Gibson couldn't even unite the clans, what is your strategy for uniting the fans?

Holding hands at games as a sign of unity?

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As fans we need to unite and work as one unit to bring about changes and improvements....and we need to do that whilst there's still enough of us to make a difference.

If Mel Gibson couldn't even unite the clans, what is your strategy for uniting the fans?

First of all the fans have to be willing to unite properly instead of sitting back and waiting for others to do everything. Organisations exist (The Trust) which are often criticised for not doing this or that for the fans...mostly by non-members...which are open to everyone to be a part of, and by being a part of them they become what the fans want and gain the strength in numbers that allows them to do more of what the fans want done.

I'm not talking about the formation of some kind of "Rebel" group, I'm talking about a properly organised and governed group who can work with the club to bring about change...and if that doesn't work, are properly positioned to take whatever other action may be required to bring about the necessary changes.

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In my opinion and having watched the events of the last several years at Dens unfold at first hand,supporters only REALLY unite and pull in the same direction in times of REAL crisis. DEE4LIFE came out of various supporters clubs uniting to fight and the desire and comitment of many to ensure the survival of the club despite a lot of in house arguments,politics and disagreements. Hopefully it wont take a crisis of such proportions for ICT fans to sit up and smell the coffee but i feel a bit concerned with some of the murmerings and vibes emanating from TCS these days, considering where you were just a few short years ago and i was truly envious of your apparent finacial stability, these things can be turned round if the will is there but whats that saying again about good men doing nothing?

PS,i don't blame any supporters for no going to Airdrie.

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I find all this "I went to the away game so I'm a good supporter" a bit over the top. Many fans would like to go to all games but cannot, for umpteen reasons, mostly financial and/or family.

I have no family reasons, only financial and can only go to the away games primarily because I give up holidays etc - each away day is ?12 on the Supporters bus and whatever else I spend on the day over the top of entrance and programme. I am, I suppose, a saddo as I prefer to go to the likes of Airdrie (have no idea what the place is like but the Stadium is nice despite being deserted on three sides!) instead of Cyprus or wherever (hate hot sun anyway)(cost of holiday there is virtually equivalent to my seasons away days). I have been to countless away games over the years but have no idea what the areas around the stadiums are like. However I can recall the stadiums and the games - who wants to know about the surroundings, only the results are important to me.

It's all a matter of choice and as long as there is a Supporters bus to the away game, I'll be there - except for a week Saturday - who arranged that??? I've paid for my Dinner, didn't realise there is no dance and now will miss away Cup game at Killie. What a dilemma and even now trying to decide between Killie and Drumossie - anyone want my Dinner ticket?

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Oh the irony of the OP....

My predictions are that this forum will continue to have ridiculous negative comments whatever happens for the rest of the season!!

The OP has only stated his disapointment in the amount that travelled to see the team in a very important game but as usual his post has been turned into " I'm a better fan than you " type affair , at no point does he stste that he's more of a fan than anyone else yet the misguided fools on here will twist any post to fit there own agenda , one poster even mentions ultras FFS .

The only "fool" on this thread is the one that made the sweeping statements about the dedication of about 95% of our fanbase just because they weren't at a specific game. Has CaleytillIdie made every game this season? (Rhetorical, as I know he hasn't).

At no point in his original post, or any posts following did he accept that for many...probably most...it's just not possible for them to do so.

For example, every home game I give up a days work to attend (and announce) at the stadium. I lose between ?50 and ?80 in wages as a result (I don't get paid to do the Stadium Announcing...my choice and I'm not complaining, just making the point). When it comes to away games if I was to attend those as well then I'm looking at those lost wages plus another ?50 0r ?60 on ticket, food and travel. I'm not the only one that would fit into that profile and you then have those with kids etc who's costs will be double (or more) what others would be.

Factor in that the mood surrounding the club (and as a result the fans) is EXTREMELY low at the moment and even those who could afford it aren't entirely motivated to be making these long (and often pointless this season) journeys. I know people who I would have considered more "die hard" than me who just can't get excited about ICT right now...and it's not only in regards to the league position or quality of football.

As I said, the OP made no allowance for any of these points...and I'm sure people will come and try and knock me down for making them...but that is the reality of things right now and if those running the club took a moment to get out there and speak to (as opposed to at) the fans, then they might just start to realise why we're coming apart at the seams. Maybevthey would then stop sitting around in their clique criticising us (the fans) and blaming us for things and realise that they are the only ones with the power to sort things out and start putting a smile back on the faces and start getting people back behind the team and the club like they were 5 or 6 years ago.

Some fans also need to make the effort to engage brain before waffling on about things they have clearly given no thought too. If the OP wanted a discussion then why not ask the simple question "How come the attendance at Airdrie was so poor?" He clearly wanted to have a pop instead....and there's little or no value in kicking off a thread in that manner unless you're looking for an argument.

At what point did i cast these sweeping statements about 95% of our fanbase?

That story about you going to home games brings a tear to my eyes. I can hear the violin in the background. I couldnt care less about your situation. I understand that its a lot of money and fair play for you for doing that but what has that got to do with the point i made.

I actually cant believe you used the word pointless. What the hell does that mean?? How is any game pointless at this stage of the season? Its still possible to win the league so what are you talking about? You talk of an extremely low mood well its people like you that are causing this. Being a fan is about getting right behind your team no matter what. I need no motivation for it, nor should you. I would be there whatever the result, no matter what division we were in. After your comments i doubt if you would be.

The point i was making was that the crowds are getting lower and lower. Its been happening for years at home and now its beginning to happen away as well. We have averaged 3500-4000 for the last 4 years and i would say that we have a hardcore support of about 1300. Surely out of that we could expect to take more than 60-70 to an important away game. Whats the big deal with saying that?

I havent been to every game this season. I have missed a few away games due to work. Im not saying im better than anyone else. Certainly not. I make the effort though and just think there should be more doing the same.

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The point i was making was that the crowds are getting lower and lower. Its been happening for years at home and now its beginning to happen away as well. We have averaged 3500-4000 for the last 4 years and i would say that we have a hardcore support of about 1300. Surely out of that we could expect to take more than 60-70 to an important away game. Whats the big deal with saying that?

I must say, that's exactly how I perceived your initial post. I didn't see it as argumentative or inflammatory at all.

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I didn't go as i went to watch Cove Rangers instead.


Edited to say - Everyone needs to chill out a bit, i've been lurking about this site for years and i rarely post but alot of folk are at each others throats over everything, we are all meant to be fans of ICT so why are people arguing at every opportunity they get :001:

Edited by Muzzy
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Calleytillidie, I agree with your post in general. I think what has upset a few is the "No doubt you will all be out for the kilmarnock game though cos its a bigger team. That would be typical of our support " remark. It does seem to paint everybody with the same brush. I'm sure you meant no harm and it's just a case of wording the post a little different.

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I havent been to every game this season. I have missed a few away games due to work. Im not saying im better than anyone else. Certainly not. I make the effort though and just think there should be more doing the same.

I'm sorry but I think that is ridiculous. They should be? It's down to own perosnal choice, no one 'should' have to in their own personal and most likely limited spare time they'll have due to work.

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You talk of an extremely low mood well its people like you that are causing this. Being a fan is about getting right behind your team no matter what. I need no motivation for it, nor should you. I would be there whatever the result, no matter what division we were in. After your comments i doubt if you would be.

You have hit the nail on the head there caleytillidie. Lately it has become more and more tiresome coming on here and reading CaleyDs constant negativite posts with regard to our club. He keeps mouthing on about this 'negative mood' surrounding the fans, Im sorry but where is this coming from? Exactly what you say.. It is people like him that are creating this.

I thought your initial post was spot on and I completely agree with the point you made. I too was down at Airdrie on Saturday and it was a pretty poor show that only 50-60 odd fans bothered their arses to turn up to support the team. Yes the time of the month, money reasons etc obviously played a part, but we should expect a better turnout than that.

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You talk of an extremely low mood well its people like you that are causing this. Being a fan is about getting right behind your team no matter what. I need no motivation for it, nor should you. I would be there whatever the result, no matter what division we were in. After your comments i doubt if you would be.

You have hit the nail on the head there caleytillidie. Lately it has become more and more tiresome coming on here and reading CaleyDs constant negativite posts with regard to our club. He keeps mouthing on about this 'negative mood' surrounding the fans, Im sorry but where is this coming from? Exactly what you say.. It is people like him that are creating this.

I thought your initial post was spot on and I completely agree with the point you made. I too was down at Airdrie on Saturday and it was a pretty poor show that only 50-60 odd fans bothered their arses to turn up to support the team. Yes the time of the month, money reasons etc obviously played a part, but we should expect a better turnout than that.

Wooooaaahhhh boy,

If it wasn't for people like CaleyD you wouldn't have a site to go to. If you don't like what you read, simple don't come on here.

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