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Singing Section

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Two choices can solve this problem, tone down the songs or **** off to the West stand.

Why don't you if you don't like the songs :nanananana:

Now, that remark was meant in jest, but in all seriousness why is it always those who sing that have to be moved!

Section G is now infamous with the ICT crowds as being the place to be for atmosphere at home games. Why, therefore, can the 'majority' not give in to the 'minority' for once and give the section G lads support rather than a negative tag.

I know most the time they bring it on themselves, but perhaps if people supported them and joined in, there'd be alot more mutual respect.

I don't claim to be one of the section G lads, but I certainly aint a sweet rustler either.

The family section is far bigger than section G, they are the majority. Why move the family section? It has been there since the Stand was erected, the singers have moved all over the place. Section G is excellent for the atmosphere but they should not think they can demand anything they want. MORE PEOPLE JOIN IN WITH THE LESS OFFENSIVE SONGS stick to them and more people will join in, everyone will be happy.

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Oh, and also AndyM, for someone complaining about the bad language contained in chants, you're doing an aweful lot of f***ing swearing yourself! :thumbdown:

Can you not read? I find being asked to move offensive- NOT THE SONGS. Others find the songs offensive and this affects me because it is suggested that I move along with the rest of the family section! How hard is that to f**king understand?

Edited by AndyM
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I think the point is being lost here. Fact the lads at section G create the only atmosphere present at the TCS and this encourages others to join in. Fact - section G is beside the family section who are as entitled to their seats in the north stand as anyone else. Fact most parents agree that swearing is part and parcel of football culture and will excuse it. However a lot of us who are not sweetie rustlers or part of the section G gang were not comfortable with some of the chanting on saturday towards Imrie (even if he is a prat). As we are all supporting the same cause ie the team i think the snipping has to stop and a little compromise reached then nearly everyone can be happy eh. Well except some who think you should sit dumb at the matches but thats another story lol.

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I don't have a problem with the odd swear just this last home game with the constant use of the word ****, and it was over and over... I don't even mind the odd heat of the moment but 105 mins.... bit much..

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Thank you Dalneigh Caley, I was getting a bit heated up there. Section G boys do a great job but they should have a little more consideration for the rest of us. The fact that they are beside the family section has positive and negative effects. The section G guys are all young adults and very vocal in their support of the club, towards the end of last season and so far this season their proximity to the family section seems to have the kids around me singing more than ever before and those are the ones who will be joining you in a year or three, swelling your numbers and magnifying your voice. There are younger kids in this section too though and parents are their to enjoy the football rather than answer questions like "Daddy, what's a paedophile?" the odd swear word in a song is acceptable to most if not all but could you not think about what you are singing and who are sitting next you? I honestly believe that the sectionG guys are in the perfect position to create an atmosphere, kids sing along too but if it comes to the stage that the chants coming out of there mean that action must be taken then I am sorry but it is the section G guys who should move because they are the ones who chose to be beside the family section and they are the ones who chose the songs. Perhaps an IHE in a yellow vest stopping the most offensive chants before they start is the answer.

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There is a simple solution, revise the content of the songs.

**** off to the West stand.

:rolleyes: I'm offended..

Ach well you will fit in nicely with the majority of ICT's online fans then, I have not been a member of this forum long but I can already see that most of the ICT faithful who use the internet feel the need to find offence in anything. I really do not care what the singers do but there is obviously a problem and if everyone is to stop moaning about it then those are the only solutions apparent to me. Just because these boys, I assume you are one, create atmosphere does not mean they can demand anything they want. From what I gather IHE does not go to home matches but he is on here demanding that people who have spent hundreds of pounds per year to sit in seats they have held for years to make way for people who could very well just turn up on the day every now and again just because it suits his agenda is f**king stupid. You guys knew you were moving to the section adjacent to the family section are you all so f**king thick that you thought you could sing what you want without people becoming offended, especially parents of young children? If you don't like the complaints then do something about it and move. OR self steward yourselves and elect a leader who can lead the chants and rein in any rogue chants which start up.

WTF? Is this a wind up? Did you start out by wanting a bit of restraint for the family section, then launch into IHE, question people's (who you don't know) intelligence and use an f* word twice? I'm more confused than offended.

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There is a simple solution, revise the content of the songs.

**** off to the West stand.

:rolleyes: I'm offended..

Ach well you will fit in nicely with the majority of ICT's online fans then, I have not been a member of this forum long but I can already see that most of the ICT faithful who use the internet feel the need to find offence in anything. I really do not care what the singers do but there is obviously a problem and if everyone is to stop moaning about it then those are the only solutions apparent to me. Just because these boys, I assume you are one, create atmosphere does not mean they can demand anything they want. From what I gather IHE does not go to home matches but he is on here demanding that people who have spent hundreds of pounds per year to sit in seats they have held for years to make way for people who could very well just turn up on the day every now and again just because it suits his agenda is f**king stupid. You guys knew you were moving to the section adjacent to the family section are you all so f**king thick that you thought you could sing what you want without people becoming offended, especially parents of young children? If you don't like the complaints then do something about it and move. OR self steward yourselves and elect a leader who can lead the chants and rein in any rogue chants which start up.

WTF? Is this a wind up? Did you start out by wanting a bit of restraint for the family section, then launch into IHE, question people's (who you don't know) intelligence and use an f* word twice? I'm more confused than offended.

I take it you just read one post then decided to comment on it without reading the rest of the thread? The National press are picking up on the behaviour of a section of our fans, certain fans on here think it would be okay to move people who have sat in the same seat for years so that Section G can behave as they wish, I was angry that fans on this forum can demand that well behaved fans are moved so as to accommodate behaviour such as is reported in the press in the quote below. I was trying to get the point across that the infamous Section G should calm themselves down then everyone is happy, if not they should move elsewhere.

Accies deserved their victory and didn't Imrie milk it at the end amid more than an undercurrent of rancour between the Accies midfielder and his former team-mates? And talk about Highland hospitality - a noisy section of the home support, most of them teenagers, were also shamefully allowed to hurl slanderous comments at him.

Stewards stood by and did nothing and if the taunts weren't bad enough, they came from a section of the ground that also housed parents with kids. So much for the family-friendly SPL.

Why should the family section be moved to allow behaviour like this to continue to bring the clubs name into disrepute? I think after certain people at the club read that the stewarding might just return to how it was before and section G have no-one but themselves to blame.


Edited by AndyM
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Since when was the SPL all 'family friendly' with sweetness and light? With OF games, Rangers - Aberdeen; et al. Not the most friendly environments I would assume!

As I sit in section F with the better half, I heard the Imrie chants, but as far as it goes it was hardly the end of the world as we know it. The performance worried me more than the 'slanderous chants'.

On a side note it would be great if more people joined in with the 'Section G lads' songs.

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I'm sure they would if they were less offensive or intimidating words used.

If people walked up the High Street and shouted some of the things chanted at a football match they would be arrested, same should apply in the stadium.

I can swear with the best of them, but when the words are used in an agressive/intimidating manner then expect some folk to be put off by it.

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I really have surpassed myself here - a feckin mini wind up that has ended in a big catch. :rotflmao::rotflmao: What I was simply alluding to was that AndyM was having a wee go at swearing whilst swearing !!

One of the reasons that I dont go to home games is the total lack of atmosphere and the attitudes of many so called fans in Sections F and G. Why sit in there if you are adverse to singing and swearing - fer feck saks most of them look old enuff to have sampled the terraces.

I was simply advocating Section G because of its position in the North Stand, its reputation and the West Stand isnt suitable. It was only a feckin suggestion fer fecks sake. So we have two options left really - allow the punters who wish to retain their seats to stay under the knowledge that they will be sitting in a Singinging Section or give Lizi, Andy M and their broods a feckin pakamac and a tartan blanket and send the grouchy old gits to the West Stand.

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"On a side note it would be great if more people joined in with the 'Section G lads' songs."

I'm sure they would if they were less offensive or intimidating words used.

If people walked up the High Street and shouted some of the things chanted at a football match they would be arrested, same should apply in the stadium.

I can swear with the best of them, but when the words are used in an agressive/intimidating manner then expect some folk to be put off by it.

Spot on.

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I think the people at the back of section G have always been season ticket holders for that section so if people say that they do not want to move because they like the seat they have (which I would completely understand) then why would they want to move as well. As far as I am aware they never sat i the "Singing Section" in the West Stand because you had to buy a season ticket for it and it had no roof and was generally a crap area for a singing section. Also they were only in the main stand for a few games so they have hardly been moved all over the place.

They have been there just as long as everybody else around them so they shouldn't have to move either.

Anyway people seem to now be thinking that they are demanding everybody to move because of this thread but as far as I can see nobody that actually sits there as even made a post on this forum never mind just this thread.

From what I noticed from the Hamilton game was the bottom half of section G was all empty anyway so I'm sure if people wanted to they could all just go there to help get more people to sing songs. The only real time this would be a problem would be when the old firm are in town but then for all the tickets that are available in section G for those games could the fans that wanted to sit in those seats not swap their ticket in whatever area of the ground they are in for one in Section G and the club can then sell the fans original ticket for that game

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I was simply advocating Section G because of its position in the North Stand, its reputation and the West Stand isnt suitable. It was only a feckin suggestion fer fecks sake. So we have two options left really - allow the punters who wish to retain their seats to stay under the knowledge that they will be sitting in a Singinging Section or give Lizi, Andy M and their broods a feckin pakamac and a tartan blanket and send the grouchy old gits to the West Stand.

No you are wrong, the two options left are

1 Keep things as they are with anyone willing to join the singers buying a section G ticket, season ticket or any ticket available on the day, and the singers stop with the sectarian songs chants or shouts and the songs chants and shouts similar to the "Dougie Imrie paedophile" stuff which was belted out on Saturday. These over the top chants etc are inappropriate anyway but especially so due to the proximity to the family section.

2 The singers congregate elsewhere.

People who buy family section tickets do so because the club has allocated a section of the ground for families to sit so that their children are not exposed to the bad element of football, as said before if these guys behaved that way on the street they would be dealt with by the police, this would also be true if someone in the crowd approached a police officer to complain about the chants heard on Saturday. No one wants to grass up a fellow fan but if the boys carry on the way they are it might just happen, there are families sat nearby.

IHE you chose not to come to home matches because your behaviour has been deemed unacceptable and you are not willing to toe the line and calm down, maybe your posse should consider doing the same, if they cannot behave.

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Most dont have a problem with the swearing in songs it was for me just the constant C word use that did my head in, and so close to the family section, it is not a commenly accepted word anyway, i get its football and will stand in anyones courner (as i have in the past) for the odd f word being used in context to the situation or song, but the C word over and over and over was a step to far IMO and it wasnt all the the back few rows, IIRC it was really only one or maybe two voices correct me if im wrong, If he/they were told to tone it down abit.. whould they have.....

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Most dont have a problem with the swearing in songs it was for me just the constant C word use that did my head in, and so close to the family section, it is not a commenly accepted word anyway, i get its football and will stand in anyones courner (as i have in the past) for the odd f word being used in context to the situation or song, but the C word over and over and over was a step to far IMO and it wasnt all the the back few rows, IIRC it was really only one or maybe two voices correct me if im wrong, If he/they were told to tone it down abit.. whould they have.....

If you felt like that why not complain to a steward and have the guy told to calm down?

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IHE you chose not to come to home matches because your behaviour has been deemed unacceptable and you are not willing to toe the line and calm down, maybe your posse should consider doing the same, if they cannot behave.

Posse :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao: - The man can read feckin minds as well - I am willing to bet that AndyM ends up with a worse "reputation" than me.

Calm down man and chillout !!

Do you not honestly think that a person with your strong beliefs would be better off in the main stand ?

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Most dont have a problem with the swearing in songs it was for me just the constant C word use that did my head in, and so close to the family section, it is not a commenly accepted word anyway, i get its football and will stand in anyones courner (as i have in the past) for the odd f word being used in context to the situation or song, but the C word over and over and over was a step to far IMO and it wasnt all the the back few rows, IIRC it was really only one or maybe two voices correct me if im wrong, If he/they were told to tone it down abit.. whould they have.....

If you felt like that why not complain to a steward and have the guy told to calm down?

I'm no grass, brave or daft, let's be honest we were all brought up about the same way, its just that over the top use of that word that did it for me..as said above its not the sort of things that are shouted in the ayreet, u hear the odd funk or that but not the c word over and over....

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I was simply advocating Section G because of its position in the North Stand, its reputation and the West Stand isnt suitable. It was only a feckin suggestion fer fecks sake. So we have two options left really - allow the punters who wish to retain their seats to stay under the knowledge that they will be sitting in a Singinging Section or give Lizi, Andy M and their broods a feckin pakamac and a tartan blanket and send the grouchy old gits to the West Stand.

No you are wrong, the two options left are

1 Keep things as they are with anyone willing to join the singers buying a section G ticket, season ticket or any ticket available on the day, and the singers stop with the sectarian songs chants or shouts and the songs chants and shouts similar to the "Dougie Imrie paedophile" stuff which was belted out on Saturday. These over the top chants etc are inappropriate anyway but especially so due to the proximity to the family section.

2 The singers congregate elsewhere.

People who buy family section tickets do so because the club has allocated a section of the ground for families to sit so that their children are not exposed to the bad element of football, as said before if these guys behaved that way on the street they would be dealt with by the police, this would also be true if someone in the crowd approached a police officer to complain about the chants heard on Saturday. No one wants to grass up a fellow fan but if the boys carry on the way they are it might just happen, there are families sat nearby.

IHE you chose not to come to home matches because your behaviour has been deemed unacceptable and you are not willing to toe the line and calm down, maybe your posse should consider doing the same, if they cannot behave.

Why is it ok to get them to move to another part of the stadium when they have been sitting in those seats for years but it is shouted down when you ask it to be the other way around to everybody else who sits in section G?

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I was simply advocating Section G because of its position in the North Stand, its reputation and the West Stand isnt suitable. It was only a feckin suggestion fer fecks sake. So we have two options left really - allow the punters who wish to retain their seats to stay under the knowledge that they will be sitting in a Singinging Section or give Lizi, Andy M and their broods a feckin pakamac and a tartan blanket and send the grouchy old gits to the West Stand.

No you are wrong, the two options left are

1 Keep things as they are with anyone willing to join the singers buying a section G ticket, season ticket or any ticket available on the day, and the singers stop with the sectarian songs chants or shouts and the songs chants and shouts similar to the "Dougie Imrie paedophile" stuff which was belted out on Saturday. These over the top chants etc are inappropriate anyway but especially so due to the proximity to the family section.

2 The singers congregate elsewhere.

People who buy family section tickets do so because the club has allocated a section of the ground for families to sit so that their children are not exposed to the bad element of football, as said before if these guys behaved that way on the street they would be dealt with by the police, this would also be true if someone in the crowd approached a police officer to complain about the chants heard on Saturday. No one wants to grass up a fellow fan but if the boys carry on the way they are it might just happen, there are families sat nearby.

IHE you chose not to come to home matches because your behaviour has been deemed unacceptable and you are not willing to toe the line and calm down, maybe your posse should consider doing the same, if they cannot behave.

Why is it ok to get them to move to another part of the stadium when they have been sitting in those seats for years but it is shouted down when you ask it to be the other way around to everybody else who sits in section G?

They do not have to move, they should not have to move if they behave themselves in a way which does not offend the parents of young children who have bought tickets in a section which they believed the club had set aside for their protection.

If however they intend to carry on with the sickening chants heard on Saturday or chants similar to those which saw the wrong people ending up in court on sectarian breach of the peace charges then they should either move or put up with increased levels of stewarding when someone does complain to the club.

The family section was put in place before any tickets were sold and therefore out dates any singing section, which incidentally is not an official area of the ground. It is all about behaviour and what is acceptable in certain areas, it is accepted that swearing and colourful chants will happen at football but they do not need to happen beside an area set aside for young children.

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Do you not honestly think that a person with your strong beliefs would be better off in the main stand ?

Nope, I am very happy where I am, the view is great, the atmosphere is superb and that is my point. I am happy and people are suggesting that the family section are moved so that the singers can do what they like, the singers are happy and do not need to move they just need to change a couple of their songs, what is the problem?

Why can't the singers sing without the offensive lyrics? They have some great songs and chants for everyone to get involved with.

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