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Highland curse - Robbo


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Jackie McNamara the latest name to be thrown into the ring  :017:

You'd think after appointing Gough & Lambert they would be sticking clear of 1st time managers

Gough saved the club from relegation.

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Even if ICT's next couple of results are not wholly satisfactory, I hope no-one will  (such as Clacher & Bonzo) will suggest Robbo comes back here.....  :018: 

its when you make assumptions about comments ill give in the future based on my/other peoples percieved negativity, with no evidence at all that im likely to ever say something so stupid regarding robbo coming back to ict, that you get put on the '**** list'.  it stands for something, i cant remember what.  im sure it means that youre somebody who thinks everything that isnt giving charlie christie an online hummer is wrong, retarded and anti ict;  that the same people who say 'we shouldnt have lost to dunfermline 3-1 today' will then next say 'we should re hire robbo'.  it reflects more on your own judgement and intellect than ours, to the point where the **** list comes into play

you never here me pressume anything about cc's online harem, for all i know tm4tj, alex mcleod etc could come on and have a go at mistakes in the dugout for once.

anyway, the **** list is so far..

Harry Chibber



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Even if ICT's next couple of results are not wholly satisfactory, I hope no-one will  (such as Clacher & Bonzo) will suggest Robbo comes back here.....  :018: 

its when you make assumptions about comments ill give in the future based on my/other peoples percieved negativity, with no evidence at all that im likely to ever say something so stupid regarding robbo coming back to ict, that you get put on the '**** list'.  it stands for something, i cant remember what.  im sure it means that youre somebody who thinks everything that isnt giving charlie christie an online hummer is wrong, retarded and anti ict;  that the same people who say 'we shouldnt have lost to dunfermline 3-1 today' will then next say 'we should re hire robbo'.  it reflects more on your own judgement and intellect than ours, to the point where the **** list comes into play

you never here me pressume anything about cc's online harem, for all i know tm4tj, alex mcleod etc could come on and have a go at mistakes in the dugout for once.

anyway, the **** list is so far..

Harry Chibber




m8 I'm not sure if you've noticed but I haven't made any comments about any of your posts of late because I'm sick of the constant slagging match.  I am happy to to ignore your opinion because it consistently differs from mine, and neither is likely to change.  But I don't take kindly to being called a **** especially when I have said nothing to provoke it.  You are bang out of order

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**** doesnt mean anything, its a joke, so many people use it as a replacement as **** that its lost all meaning as an insult.  just look at fcuk, its a shop, once upon a time people wouldve read that as **** no matter what they say the letters stand for.

anyway, point is, i dont care for your opinion much at all anymore after your rant about how pathetic my life is under no provocation whatsover and with no idea at all about where i live, who i spend my days with, social life, career, past etc (do you remember that?  i call you a word that doesnt exist and im supposed to be bang out of order now, get a grip).  does indeed put you on the list of cnuts ive encountered on here; the list who make assumptions of others opinions/facts and take it further to form an arguement against the fictional opinion or fact they themselves created and then feel the need to share it with everybody...  im sure ihe has a proffesional term to describe the make up of somebody who does that

i think itd be easier to just put you on ignore from now on, its a function ive never had to use but consider it done

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girls girls, put your handbags away :015:

by the way clachy,

I don't tend to comment on the 'mistakes' from the dugout because we don't know if they are mistakes. Everything is hypothetical ie assumed by hypothesis. Who am I to say if he had done this or done that , it would have made matters better.........or worse. It is all based on assumption. If that is the decision made by the management team then they rise or fall by that, I just go along with it, but not necessarily agree with it, the hooking of Black V Celtic springs to mind, but suggestions that he was knackered end all arguments on that one. Playing Rory so often as well, but it's his choice, I don't see these guys on a daily basis to enable me to form such opinions as to their ability to perform in any particular game, and two heads are better than one.

I would rather back the management team than constant change the record routines after his job every other weekend, after all we are staying up for another season, and that, like it or not is the realism of the ICT squad at present. Call me easily pleased if you like, but don't call me early.

ps, don't ban Hairy Chipper from your life, it will be a dull place without him :003:

sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me :010:

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**** doesnt mean anything, its a joke, so many people use it as a replacement as **** that its lost all meaning as an insult.  just look at fcuk, its a shop, once upon a time people wouldve read that as **** no matter what they say the letters stand for.

anyway, point is, i dont care for your opinion much at all anymore after your rant about how pathetic my life is under no provocation whatsover and with no idea at all about where i live, who i spend my days with, social life, career, past etc (do you remember that?  i call you a word that doesnt exist and im supposed to be bang out of order now, get a grip).  does indeed put you on the list of cnuts ive encountered on here; the list who make assumptions of others opinions/facts and take it further to form an arguement against the fictional opinion or fact they themselves created and then feel the need to share it with everybody...  im sure ihe has a proffesional term to describe the make up of somebody who does that

i think itd be easier to just put you on ignore from now on, its a function ive never had to use but consider it done

I guarantee you haven't

the entire point of a forum is to share your opinion and debate others if you disagree... what the fcuk are you on about?

calling someone pathetic and calling someone a **** are different ballparks IMO and wont be forgotten.

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The ignore function doesn't work properly, if you reply to a thread where someone you're ignoring has posted, their post appears where their sig usually appears.

Anyway, I thought Robbo was great when he was with us, I was almost depressed when he left but there's NO WAY I would have him back here. I doubt even County would have him back, they still refer to him and Parky as Park and Ride  :015:

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youre right mee!  says "This user is currently ignored.". then some kind of line-break thing and the message.  i can still see his threat which im probably going to register with the local polis when i next visit civilization on monday, so well done for that harry its all been logged/saved on my and many other peoples computers

themann4thejob i actually agree that us staying up is by far the most important thing for ict atm, i just worry about the future and where we are heading in the long term.  i dont want us to go on making little progress upwards and surviving on other teams being gash (though again making sure the door behind us is shut is number one priority).  best way to do that is to strengthen and develop the club in all areas behind the scene and putting a manager in charge of the team who can reach our potential.

at the moment id say falkirk are in a similar position.  bags of potential support and room to grow but their manager has limits.  examples of teams performing as well as they could possibly hope are kilmarnock and aberdeen, both have experienced scottish mangers who spent years working in their respective jobs, its what we need at ict.

cc hasnt shown anything yet to signal we're about to become consistant, strong and intelligent in how we play.  for a club of our size its the best we can hope for and itd put us on the same level kilmarnock are now.  nothing to get overly excited about but scottish football wont always be sheet, when things turn round i want us to be one of the clubs leading the way, which theres hee all chance of us doing under the current regime

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scottish football wont always be sheet

Yes it will. I've been watching it since 1966 and the trend is like American baseball. A few super rich elite clubs then absolute dross at the next layer down.

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