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IHE - thanks for the input. You are really in the driving seat from the supporters' point of view as it was you who was most affected.

For all your self proclaimed eccentricities you have conducted yourself extremely professionally in this matter, probably a lot moreso than people who don't know you would have thought you were capable of !!!

Once this is all over and the dust has settled, if you are happy with the result and the responses (apologies?) you have received from the club then that should be an end to it. Hopefully you will be able to post something to that effect when the time comes without breaking the confidences you spoke of.

.... now off you go and lick some stamps .... this sensible Johndo is very confusing  :015: :015:

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indeed thanks IHE.

at present we do not know the outcome of the club's investigations but we are continually reminding them that there are folk who are needing to know the outcome and these people are the ones that were more involved than those of us who were watching from the sidelines.  there will be some things which could be posted on the Trust website at the end of all this but there will be some things that we may not be able to but the people who were affected most will know.

one thing the meeting must NOT do is degenerate in to a slanging match - that benefits no one.  at the end up what we need to do is to move on from this and hold a reasonable discussion about what happened, why, what can be done to prevent it happening again and what we do in the future.

football, and standing and singing at games, is a hugely emotive subject and one thing i would like to see come out of this is for our young (and not so young) supporters being given strategies on how to deal with confrontational situations to help avoid them blowing out of proportion and ending up in ejection.

and flower you know you can question the trust any time...

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It would be very difficult for me to attend and I think my presence may not be a wholly positive move. For some reason I have been put a bit in centre stage. There were others at the Pars game who were treated far worse than I was.

As I said before I suspect that the Pars affair will get an apology but little more - if there is a formal apportion of blame that may have to suffice. To me the issue is the Singing Section and some sort of structured action plan to take it forward. That may need another initial planning meeting with a small focussed group.

Mr Savage is evidently a wise entrepreneur with a wealth of experience. He will simply have to take a corporate stance on the Pars game. I am usually good at sussing people out so I would be disappointed if he did not proffer an apology for the Pars came and I EXPECT him to openly back the Singing Section proposal but he will point out that it simply is not down to him and ICT. But if he moves it on to another level then that is the only RESULT I am after. And I think it will happen.  :003:

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Mr Savage is evidently a wise entrepreneur with a wealth of experience. He will simply have to take a corporate stance on the Pars game. I am usually good at sussing people out so I would be disappointed if he did not proffer an apology for the Pars came and I EXPECT him to openly back the Singing Section proposal but he will point out that it simply is not down to him and ICT. But if he moves it on to another level then that is the only RESULT I am after. And I think it will happen.  :003:

an i think you'll be right too! :004:

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