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Todays Media


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is it just me or is there far to much power in todays media ?

looking at the press these days they are the ones that seem to be in the position to influence things and the way people are portrayed. If a certain newspaper takes a dislike to someone it is vey rare that they are portrayed objectiviley and they usually tend to allow personal feelings in. i have been getting more and more annoyed with the way that certain celebreties can be portrayed as almost god like yet some people who have made a SMALL mstake in there life can be hounded and villified. is it just me or are we in danger of people losing the ability to have a private life. in this day and age everyone seems to becoming obsessed with what everyone else is doing instead of occupying themselves with there own lives.

sorry i appreciate the composition of this is not great and it is pretty much like it says a rant

:crazy07: to me

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They actually comment over here on how bad the UK media is !!!!

The popular concept is that the British media loves to build somebody up to iconic status, sometimes from nothing, and then take great delight in knocking them down again by finding all the little stories about their indiscretions and mistakes.

I dont think its the media's fault though - its because of the public's insatiable appetite for gossip and celeb-news and a desire to see these icons come crashing down.

Maybe its because some of the public think these fallen icons can be replaced by themselves if they could get their talentless carcase on a reality show that would make them as famous as Jade Goody, who lets face it is definitely at the top of the tree when it comes to a lack of talent !!!

If we didnt want stuff like this, and it didnt sell papers or magazines then the media wouldnt publish it

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I beleive the Full Front Page spread in Daily Record was a bit OTT for Hart's story. None the less, I think if he was caught, its fair game to let the public know. It happens to Joe Public, so why not Higher profile people.

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I dont think its the media's fault though - its because of the public's insatiable appetite for gossip and celeb-news and a desire to see these icons come crashing down.

That sums it up completely. Unfortunately the slagging off of icons and digging up the dirt sells newspapers / magazines.

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I worked with a guy who believed that all media was designed to control and dumb down society.  So much so that he does not own a TV or computer and he never reads newspapers, magazines or listens to the radio.  He kinda lives in his own little bubble, but it seems to be a happy little bubble so all credit to him.

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