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When Harry met Tali....

Charles Bannerman

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... that one's from the front page of the Star and is probably the pick of today's headlines.

I just can't get over the fuss about the ginger Royal being away with the troops against the Taliban! Predictably there were NINE pages in the Sun today about him out with OUR BOYS but everyone else seems to be going crazy about it as well.... to the extent that he'as now coming home in case he gets shot.

I think Customs had better fleece him at the airport... no, not for a pocketful of poppies but just in case he's tried to smuggle back that machine gun that he was blasting away at the Taliban with.

I notice that he couldn't use it properly and had to get somebody to help him but he could still be a bit of a liability if he takes it along next time he goes on a bender.

Ironic, though, isn't it. A bunch of Islaamic extremists head to head with Britain's most notorious p!sshead (a title he inherited on the demise of his Great Auntie Margaret).

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A bit short of the milk of human kindness there, Charles....

All Harry has ever wanted in life has been the opportunity to serve his Queen and country...

His father must be extremely proud of him....

Oh yes, and Prince Charles too...  :023:

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Qaulity headline, but I think yer a bit hard on the lad Charles.I'm no great fan but he disnae need to do any of it if he didn'y want to ,he could chose a far easier life for himself.The press managed to keep a lid on it for 10 weeks,but the risks are too high for those around him now it's public knowledge.

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Smee,even with the SAS babysitting him, i dont think there are any parts of Afghanistan where British troops are not in danger,sure they will milk the publicity , but still maintain he could have chose the hooray Henry life and not stuck his head above the parapet at all.

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This story's gone completely mad now.... I switched on Sky News a wee while ago - just to check out the headlines and find out what's happening out there in the big wide world...

Of course there only is one feckin story - Our nation's favourite prince, Harry the Hero, is on his way back home, after giving Gerry, sorry the Taleban, one helluva fright out there in Afghanistan. He'll be flying into RAF Brize Norton, where he'll be met by Prince William, or as the Rangers supporters call him - the future King Billy..!!

Now we know the media were sworn to secrecy over this - in exchange of course for "exclusive" interviews and photo shoots with our favourite son in action.

The way this government of ours, combines with the media, to create news they want us to hear, and supress and distort actual news they would rather we didn't hear makes me sick. When and where will it all end..?


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Agree the press spin on these things maks me spew,but folk seem obsessed wi celebrity lives,if folk buy the papers that print all that pish they'll keep churning it oot,still dont think the laddie is at fault in the circus tho.

In fact,eh blame the journalists  :004:

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Smee,even with the SAS babysitting him, i dont think there are any parts of Afghanistan where British troops are not in danger,sure they will milk the publicity , but still maintain he could have chose the hooray Henry life and not stuck his head above the parapet at all.

My niece's boyfriend was home from Afghanistan last week for 16 days leave but they all got recalled after 10 days. He says it's much worse than they're letting on.

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Yer no wrong Mantis,just been watching an affy moving documentary film taken by a soldier of the circumstances as his comrade is felled in an explosion and their inability to save him ,guy was buried today,ordinary Joe from Scarborough,just anothher statistic to most, not to his family and friends though  :007:

I used to be quite military orientated,did time in the Falklands etc (although most of my time was spent in the Naafi) now,there's no way i would encourage family or friends to join up,the circumstances and conditions are immpossible.

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And it all stems from Tony feckin Blair's obsession with supporting GW Bush...

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were ill-advised, ill-conceived and totally pointless. Even the Americans are coming round to that idea, and have finally begun to accept that Saddam Hussein had nothing whatever to do with the twin tower attacks.

Blair's legacy to this country will, for many years to come be the threat of internal terror attacks from mis-guided minority groups, coming from our very own, home grown muslim communities.

Does anyone recall former Minister of Defence John Reid last year, announcing the deployment of a couple of thousand extra troops to Afghanistan, but insisting they would be involved with helping to restore that countries infrastructure, etc - it was unlikely that any shots would be fired.

What a feckin lie, and what a feckin mess..... 

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At least Harry has some nice holiday videos to show the folks....here's me playing rugby,..........here's me walking the streets of somewhere dusty with a hundred bodyguards,............oh and look, here's me shooting some of the natives....ah what memories!

If we ever had a plot in Afghanistan, we have well and truly lost it.

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If we ever had a plot in Afghanistan, we have well and truly lost it.

What was the plot again..?

Oh yes - I remember - it was something to do with destroying Al-qaeda camps where Osama bin Laden might have been hiding....

How many British lives have been lost there now..? How many more will be..?

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