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is it just me?

Guest couchpotato

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Guest couchpotato

Or has the world gone stark staring mad,what kinda message does this send out,I relly do shake my head in bewilderment.  :008:

No jail for addicts!!

"It is recommending that in future theft from the vulnerable - such as the elderly - could be punishable by a community order if the perpetrator steals to support a drug or alcohol habit or gambling addiction".


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Guest couchpotato

Almost as mad as this one !!! :029: :029: :029:

Can you imagine those of a certain persuasion's reaction to this?

Heard that on the radio this morning and laughed it  off as another piece of governmental foolery,however ,that some are considering reducing sentances for crimes against the most vulnerable in our society because the perpotrators have addiction problems is way past laughable and beggars belief.At a time when folk are being jailed for protecting their own family and others stabbed to death for being in the wrong place at the wrong time,is this really the message the law should be giving out.The law as they say.....

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The whole thing is nonsense although I would tend to support some kind of obligation from non Brits who want to come and benefit from living here to make a genuine commitment to the country.

Anyone remember Norman Tebbitt's "cricket test" where the criterion of Britishness was which country UK residents supported when England were playing Pakistan, India etc at cricket?  :rotflmao:  Norman clearly forgot that north of the border there are 5 million people who p!ss themselves laughing every time England lose!

But it's the part about the oath to the Queen that I find hilarious. Why should any youngster want to swear an oath of loyalty to this wee wifie with a bull-in-the-gub accent who has got her very well paid job because her ancestors were simply more unscrupulous thugs than their contemporaries? I also find supremely ironic the notion of Brits of many generations' standing swearing an oath of Britishness to this woman who is a mongrel mix of just about every nationality on the planet!

And on the subject of swearing oaths of personal allegiance to a wee German wifie... think of what happened 70 years ago when a whole nation got itself involved in swearing such an oath to a wee German mannie....

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When it comes to Royalty I don't have any problem with the swearing bit....it's the whole oath nonsense that gets to me.

I would happily pledge allegiance to Scotland and the Scots, but never to an individual (Royal or Otherwise), government or "god".

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Right on DaleyD - I'd gladly pledge an oath to Scotland, be proud to in fact - but to pledge an oath to the Queen? Just couldn't do it.  The thought of our school kids having to stand with their hands over the hearts while they go through that every morning makes me sick.

Hope this mad idea goes no further.

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