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What between the lines here IHE?

Alex MacLeod

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Will this years accounts make interesting reading? Did Savage get out before he was pushed? Will Marius take a pay cut?

Will there be a vote of confidence called for regarding Craig Brewster's future in management? Will Ian Black get through a matchday without being cheeky to someone..? Why aren't Rangers or Celtic interested in signng Marius..? Is it something to do with his religion..? Does it matter a jot who the next chairman at ICT will be..?

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Will this years accounts make interesting reading? Did Savage get out before he was pushed? Will Marius take a pay cut?

Will there be a vote of confidence called for regarding Craig Brewster's future in management? NO. Will Ian Black get through a matchday without being cheeky to someone..? UNLIKELY Why aren't Rangers or Celtic interested in signng Marius..? NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Is it something to do with his religion..? NO Does it matter a jot who the next chairman at ICT will be..? YES

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Will this years accounts make interesting reading? Did Savage get out before he was pushed? Will Marius take a pay cut?

Will there be a vote of confidence called for regarding Craig Brewster's future in management? NO. Will Ian Black get through a matchday without being cheeky to someone..? UNLIKELY Why aren't Rangers or Celtic interested in signng Marius..? NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Is it something to do with his religion..? NO Does it matter a jot who the next chairman at ICT will be..? YES


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Thomson stressed: "We would never approach these players to ask them to play for us. That's not the way we go about our business at Caley Thistle. If there was to be an approach, it would be done in the correct fashion, that is that the manager would contact the club and then it would go from there."

Good one Malky! That brought tears to my eyes!

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Quote from Malky Thomson: "I'm sure come the summer, clubs will be wanting some of our players, but that's football and you have to deal with it. Marius, I'm sure, will be no exception because he's done fantastically well here. There's no doubt that myself and (manager) Craig Brewster want to keep him here. When players come to your club and they play well then they'll always be open to offers."

Yet more wise words from Malky

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This is becoming a total embarrassment and even the most amateur of psychologically minded individuals could read between the lines. At least the eejits are beginning to show their ineptitude to the general public - but  :024: why are Malky and Grasser being set up as the bad guys - possibly becos they are replaceable and would follow as manipulated.

I said from the start of the season that the behind the scenes were pathetic - last years "expenses" appeared "iffy" - and I would beseech Grasser to get the feck out of it as I did to CC. You are too loyal a servant to be used as a feckin scapegoat - get another post as soon as possible - Smith's feckin post.

As fer the article:

The Romanian international, who may feature for his country in the summer's European Championships in Austria and Switzerland, has firmly established himself as a fans' favourite at ICT, but his move was backed solely by departing chairman Alan Savage's company, the Orion Group. (now what does that mean ? ) -  ? Grasser, CC and the rest of the Board were not in favour of the backing - that was the rumour when CC shot through  :024:

It's understood that the striker, with nine goals this season, is earning in the region of ?4000 per week ? thanks to the top-up cash from Mr Savage's company. ( we are just about to discover exactly how much !! )

Now the ICT board are set to consider whether to ensure all future recruits are paid within the set player budget pool. ( Unbelievable statement  :018: ) Former chairman David Sutherland recently spoke out in the HN, appealing for the club to make such a U-turn over wages. (I really dont believe that he did not go along with this and stepped in as the saviour when it went skewwhiff)  :018a

Graeme Bennett, director of football, said: "Marius was a major investment for this club, but it's certainly had its pluses and minuses. (now he admits it !!)  :029: It will be a board decision, but we may have to look at a change of policy and return to the more compact setting we had before Marius arrived."  :029:

The 26-year-old, who scored for Romania in a friendly against Russia last month, is attracting interest from other clubs, but Caley Thistle would look for a significant return if he does leave this summer. (Give me a break - are any other club going to pay mega spondoolachs AND pay off his contract)  :sillywave:

Bennett explained: "We have had one or two enquiries about Marius, but it's no more than that at this stage. There have been no definite offers  :rolleyes02:, but things may move on in the coming weeks. (if he gets a squad place in the Euros and impresses) He still has another year here, ( and now we want him to stay even Marius is being pushed out - ya cant keep Marius if ya want all the rest in place  :029:) so if he does move on, we'd be looking for a really good return." - BOLLICKS  :33:

Rangers and Celtic are not believed to have been either of the two clubs to have made enquiries about Niculae. (what a feckin surprise  :008:)

Assistant manager Malky Thomson is keen to retain Nicuale and added: "I'm sure come the summer, clubs will be wanting some of our players, but that's football and you have to deal with it. Marius, I'm sure, will be no exception because he's done fantastically well here. There's no doubt that myself and (manager) Craig Brewster want to keep him here. When players come to your club and they play well then they'll always be open to offers."

So we are now - at last - being told some semblances of the truth.

Between the lines (as I have alluded to many months ago) Savage insisted on the Marius deal - it was the end of CC - and why didnt we splash out in the January sales - NO FECKIN MONEY.



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Regarding Marius' wages, I seem to remember according to his website his website , Marius was to be paid 450,000Euros over two years, which would mean ?3471.81 per week precisley  :004:

With the pound plummeting against the Euro, Marius at present will be picking up approx ?500 more per week than when he joined.

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Thomson has also revealed that on-loan Hibernian keeper Zibi Malkowski has chance of joining ICT at the end of the season to really push hard to oust Michael Fraser from the starting position, but confirmed no decision has yet been made.

FFS :018:

Should he be - and has he not been - trying his hardest to oust Fraser this season.

And from todays Courier:

"Only two weeks ago, however, Savage had told the Courier that manager Brewster would be given a larger than normal transfer budget to spend on bolstering his squad ahead of next season, but that could now all change with Brewster still in the dark regarding exactly how much cash will be available to him.

"I don't know that yet, although it is still very much early days in terms of knowing my exact budget for next season," said Brewster.

So if Savage was payrolling - would the club not be able to say what would be left if he didnt - they could even make calculations around the departure or not of Niculae - and take off what would be left when certain players leave !!

But the best quote for today is:

With Caley Thistle having no fixture at the weekend, Brewster and his assistant manager Malky Thomson travelled to take in games in the English lower leagues.

The Caley Jags boss was refused to reveal what fixtures the pair actually attended, but did concede that the standard in the two matches was not anywhere near the level required to play in Scotland's top flight.

"In the games both myself and Malky took in there wasn't much on show," added Brewster. "The standard probably wasn't SPL, certainly from what we saw.

"None of the players we watched, judging by their performances on Saturday, would make an impact with Caley Thistle."

He refused  :sillywave: - but one was Shrewsbury v Wrexham and the other was Chester v Lincoln - we all feckin know that !! - why go watch a game, in the first place, if it was clear that the standard would be nowhere near SPL level ?????

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