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Looks like I might have beat the odds !

Canada Bob

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Some days start off better than others, but I couldn't have wished for a better start to the day than this...

After being off line for a few days, I'm now back on line and able to catch up with my emails, and the first one that I opened today came from Susan Asterling, the research nurse who works with the surgeon who has my case file.

After the operation that I had just over 2 weeks ago now, all of the reports are in now, including blood tests, biopsies etc, it seems that although they knew I had 2 cancers {of a type that was rated a very aggressive type, on a scale of 1-9 they were 7}, but they now say that it seems as though there are no signs of life in either cancer !

I'll include a couple of comments from Sue and the specialist Damian Greene, below.As you will see, it seems as though Sue {who I know well} is a bit mystified herself, they were gearing up for extensive surgery on me {just weeks ago} if the exploratory surgery done in London, indicated that I needed it, so {as they say}, it looked like "the writing was on the wall"...

From: Asterling Susan (RLN) City Hospitals Sunderland - Urology Research Nurse

Hi Bob

Thanks. Damian thinks you are fine and clear of the cancer at present.

Must say I am intrigued myself as well.



I'm still letting this sink in, wondering if the cancer has gone completely ? it looks to the Dr's as though it has, the tumours are still there, but seemingly "with no viability" I hope that's another way of saying, they are dead !

Hard to get your head round something like this, and every thought that could be thought is bouncing around in my mind right now.

I can tell you this, it's the best Christmas present that I could have even dared to wish for...

I still have to take it easy for a while {another couple of weeks yet}, I've had the external stitches taken out, but the internal ones won't disolve for another couple of weeks, so I'm still a bit sore, but this morning I feel like I could fly !!!

Have to say I appreciate the "best wishes" that a good number of you sent me by email, PVT's and posts in here, THANKS for that lads, it all helps when yer back is against the wall...

Canada Bob.

Edited by Canada Bob
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Excellent news Bob and what a time to get it. I am sure it will be a very Happy Christmas for you regardless of anything else.

You are never "cured" of this disease but lets hope your remission is a long and healthy one.

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Excellent news Bob and what a time to get it. I am sure it will be a very Happy Christmas for you regardless of anything else. You are never "cured" of this disease but lets hope your remission is a long and healthy one.

Yer right above Scotty, once this plague has touched you it has a bad habit of visiting you again {and again}, I've met folks in the last 3-4 years who have {as they say} "battled cancer" 3 times, once is bad enough.

I'm a tough little owd bloke, but it {the shock} put me on my knees {for 3 weeks} when they first told me I had cancer.

After having cryotherapy I was clear for almost 4 years, then a tap on the shoulder and my life is in the balance again, but looks like I've won Round 2 now, or at least survived it, but that don't mean that I'll not be dragged back into the ring again sometime in the future.

One thing that I'd like folks to know though is, 20 years ago cancer was a death sentence, now it's more a chronic disease, almost manageable IF you can call on the best Dr's and get the best medications available. The problem for many folks is... once they are diagnosed they have to battle cancer, battle the system that offers "any prize off the bottom shelf" and the {well meaning} gobshytes who insist that drinking green tea, or yer own pee will save yer life, as though you don't have enough on yer plate without having these idiots whispering or worse yelling in yer ear.

The one thing that I feel is missing is support from one long term cancer sufferer to those who have been recently diagnosed, once they get the chance to talk to a "survivor" the shock and horror seems to lift.

I hope that none of you guys, nor your family ever suffer from this disease, but if you or anyone you know ever does then pass on my words, or drop me a line, if I can "talk anyone down" then I'd only be too pleased to be there for them.

Canada Bob.

Edited by Canada Bob
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