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Ye Olde Record Shoppes


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It's been a while since there's been a decent record shop in town, so what are your memories of sadly defunct vinyl heavens such as TORS, Christies, etc.?

Bought my first singles (Union City Blue and Dreaming) in Christies, which was at the time a haunt of punks and skins and a pretty scary place.

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I loved the one up the steps from Wimpy... sorry LloydsTSB, I could get second hand music in there too so it was chap and seen as i have a weird taste in music i could find most stuff in that one, DR Records i think it was called. and it also did T-Shirts...

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Pretty sure there was a thread on this subject a while ago...

Bruce Millars in the market in my day, Record rendezvous in church street( closed now) but Co Co has started up in the market hall again.

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I loved the one up the steps from Wimpy... sorry LloydsTSB, I could get second hand music in there too so it was chap and seen as i have a weird taste in music i could find most stuff in that one, DR Records i think it was called. and it also did T-Shirts...

Previously known as "The Other Record Shop", I used to head up there from college at lunch time to play the state of the art video games (asteroid & galaxion) and be late back for class.

Record shops are going to fade out as electronic media moves online. The few that will remain will be for collectors and anoraks.

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Pretty sure there was a thread on this subject a while ago...

Bruce Millars in the market in my day, Record rendezvous in church street( closed now) but Co Co has started up in the market hall again.

Who's Co Co?

Colin Gordon the owner/ex owner of R.R.

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There are two Record (vinyl) shops in Inverness now. In the market (old MacDougal and Hastie butchers shop) and further up the Raining Stairs, round the corner from where TORS/DR Records was

On which subject, does any one know where you can buy an old fashioned "record player" these days? I have loads of vinyls but nothing to play them on since the old one clapped out a few years ago.

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There are two Record (vinyl) shops in Inverness now. In the market (old MacDougal and Hastie butchers shop) and further up the Raining Stairs, round the corner from where TORS/DR Records was

On which subject, does any one know where you can buy an old fashioned "record player" these days? I have loads of vinyls but nothing to play them on since the old one clapped out a few years ago.

By old fashioned do you mean Hi Fi seperates?

My mum has my brothers Linn Sondek LP12 in the loft and has done for years. The stumbling block you may have is stylii.

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There are two Record (vinyl) shops in Inverness now. In the market (old MacDougal and Hastie butchers shop) and further up the Raining Stairs, round the corner from where TORS/DR Records was

On which subject, does any one know where you can buy an old fashioned "record player" these days? I have loads of vinyls but nothing to play them on since the old one clapped out a few years ago.

Do you mean a stand alone record deck or one of the oldee stylee stereo systems? Canna go much wrong with looking on ebay Charles. I bought my Rega PLanar turntable from there.

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When I was last home , in what I call the market I remembered a music shop there. It was run by an ex Navy man Captain Henderson they sold records in the back and various musical instruments in the front, it is now a charity shop

Does anyone remember him or am I losing it!!!

As an aside: why does the UK fall apart at 6 cms of snow, my flight to Gatwick cancelled as , though they knew snow was forecast they didn't clear the runways. We have snow here all the time , they are prepared for it, but the South!!!

Edited by latviaman
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