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Gordon Smith Resigns?


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I agree with you HC. But people will only see GS resigning, this report will be buried, and nothing will change. That's the problem, the old buzzards sitting in the SFA, not GS.

I tend to agree - especially when it comes to those in power who have "jobs for life" like Peat. Football is in a sorry state and all of the "blazers" are culpable and should be held accountable. Unfortunately, I also agree that Smith will be (is) the fall guy and the report will quietly be buried in the vaults.

I read the link to the Scotsman article earlier in the thread and actually like some of the ideas that Smith was allegedly trying to implement, especially the pyramid scheme ... but the fact remains, he couldnt get it done.

I am sure he met with resistance every step of the way - that happens in all walks of life where people resist change - but as man with some intelligence (regardless of what you think of him as a pundit), and with a lot of experience of football in this country as player, pundit and agent, surely he knew that going into the job? Surely he wasnt naive enough to think he would be able to get things done without dragging some of the old guard kicking and screaming into the 21st century?

In that objective, he failed, and it is perhaps to his credit that after reading a report that may have not contained content he liked or that perhaps put the blame in the wrong places that he chose to resign. The old chestnut of "personal reasons" probably means we will never hear the full story ......

The fact still remains that the whole of the SFA/SFL/SPL setup requires a revamp and it needs someone at the helm who is respected in world football, is not afraid to take on the establishment, not afraid to speak his mind, and who wont be intimidated by the 'blazers' ........ Could Sir Alex be tempted to spearhead such a task if/when he decides his role as one of - if not the - best managers in world football is at an end?

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Could Sir Alex be tempted to spearhead such a task if/when he decides his role as one of - if not the - best managers in world football is at an end?

Would be great if he did but I doubt it, he's been quoted as saying he would never work with the SFA again

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Would be great if he did but I doubt it, he's been quoted as saying he would never work with the SFA again

In which case he is the very man to rip it apart and rebuild it .... will never happen though as the 'turkeys' will not vote for Christmas !!!

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I wouldn't be so quick to damn the report, or the process that's been gone through so far in gathering information and producing it.

I'm just heading out the door and will write more on the subject when I get back as it is something that Supporters Direct (Umbrella organisation for Supporters Trusts) have and continue to be involved with and I have had some insight into the process...although I've not seen any content from the actual report at this point.

I fully expect that if GS has resigned over the content of the report then he is just the first and has perhaps done so to prevent him becoming the scapegoat as opposed to him being the scapegoat. This is a review of the whole of the Scottish game, from grass roots all the way to the top and those running the sport...you can't undertake such a job without rattling a few cages and upsetting a few people.....especially when things are in such a mess and have been for so long.

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especially when things are in such a mess and have been for so long

and therein lies the rub CaleyD ..... GS didnt get us into this mess ... he just couldnt get us out of it !

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I wonder when we get to see this report? It doesnt take a genius to work out whats wrong - infact, most avid supporters of the game would probably be able to come up with a solid report.

The Scottish game fails because we close community centres and increase policing. We build on green belts and allow video games to take over. No amount of reports or rejigging will get kids back playing footie every night for hours unless its grassroots, community led, basic society and family improvements.

Its no fluke developing countries produce stars - time spent playing as youth equals good players.

we need the SFA and SPL to become pals, first and foremost. I think GS was doing his best...

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especially when things are in such a mess and have been for so long

and therein lies the rub CaleyD ..... GS didnt get us into this mess ... he just couldnt get us out of it !

Totally....and it may well be such a point, made in the report, which has caused him to resign.

I wonder when we get to see this report? It doesnt take a genius to work out whats wrong - infact, most avid supporters of the game would probably be able to come up with a solid report.

The fans have and will continue to be asked as the review proceeds. I was at the Supporters Direct Scottish Conference last May where McLeish gave a run down of what was involved and welcomed questions and comments...some of which raised the very fears talked about on this thread.

The general consensus from the floor seemed to be that little change would come from the review...we'd seen such things before and unless it was willing to challenge ALL areas of the sport, including a review of whether those at the top were fit/able to bring about the changes needed then we'd be better off not wasting time and money.

Now, we haven't seen the report yet, but GS reaction suggests that criticism has been levelled at the upper level. What we need to wait and see when the report goes public is whether or not the criticism is justified and wide spread....and what proposals are being made to rectify it.

The Scottish game fails because we close community centres and increase policing. We build on green belts and allow video games to take over. No amount of reports or rejigging will get kids back playing footie every night for hours unless its grassroots, community led, basic society and family improvements.

Its no fluke developing countries produce stars - time spent playing as youth equals good players.

we need the SFA and SPL to become pals, first and foremost. I think GS was doing his best...

Some of the early suggestions being made on the report by "insiders" suggests that it covers and makes recommendations about those very things.

I think GS was doing his best also....but sometimes that's not enough. We just have to hope...no, we have to make sure...the next person is. Yes, I agree that it takes more than one change to fix the problem, and yes, I accept that the report could turn out to be another crock of chit that doesn't point the finger at the right people. I'm just saying that we should withhold judgement until we see the report for ourselves.

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When David Taylor left in 2007 for UEFA he said ""You don't have to walk far to see poor facilities and the government should be doing something about it," said Taylor...We need 1500 upgraded pitches across Scotland. This would bring up to speed with Holland and Norway."

Andy Roxburgh said in 2009 about the SFA "They do need help, there's no doubt about that. It needs community help, political help and it needs funding."

GS resigning wont change a thing. Peat has a year to go as president but should leave now. Current VP Campbell Ogilvie is rumoured to be in the running for CEO.

CaleyD, i agree, until we see this report, we can't attack or praise it...however, as the quotes and plenty of people's opinions agree on, its not GS or indeed Peat (though he is an obstacle to change, no doubt) that is the problem.


16 team league

500m pound investment from government

SFA/SPL/SFL radicalised

More playing areas, less housing

Get kids playing football, not video games

What will happen

16 team league (will be voted down - vested interests)

500m pound investment from government (will say over 15 years, and never do it)

SFA/SPL/SFL (again, voted down - vested interests)

More playing areas, less housing (playing areas dont make money, that's what matters to govt and councils)

Get kids playing football, not video games (in this day and age, some parents are either too busy working or in many cases now sadly, too lazy or selfish - video games - much easier thanks...)

Firstly, need new laws in the game - no voting with vested interests!

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Was in a waiting room at the dentist yesterday and picked up the Record, an unusual experience for me. For one of the view times in my life I found myself in total agreement with Jim Traynor who, for once, hit the nail on the head for me. If I could post the link I would!

GS is and always was all mouth and no trousers. All back and no bone.

All that mattered was his imagine. How he looked, how he came across and what people (only those he deemed of a certain standing mind) thought of him. at no point in his tenure did he have enough balls to challenge Peat and the old brigade in a public domain which, for me, proves that he did not have the courage of his convictions or the ability to back them up.

GS was well remunerated for his task at circa ?250 kpa, considerably more than than Alex Salmond is paid to run our country. For that sum, I expect an individual of courage, conviction, energy, drive and most of all, ability. GS was sadly lacking in most.

Perhaps the blame should lie with those who appointed such a poor corporate beast to a position way beyond his capabilities. If he wasn't such a pompous arse I may have some sympathy. He is, I don't.

Goodbye Mr Chocolate. Go back to making money talking $hite on the TV and skimming off %s of young footballers' signing on fees. The real business world is too much for you.

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Craig Brown

"Im astonished...I was 16 years workin for the SFA...worked under three CEOs...i thought Gordon was an inspired appointment...the wheels turn very slowly at the SFA because of the committee structure and it must be frustrating for a guy who's full if initiative and i'm sure Gordon is and was...I think the committe structure would get to him...he must have been frustrated for sure"

Jim Traynor and Chic Young despise GS because he was media/football/agent/executive/SFA and got the plum job...those two have egos the size of dinosaurs, and know nothing, sod all, hee haw, about football..they're hacks that feed off controversy alone, that's all they have. C'mon! Traynor? Really?

Traynor vs Craig Brown...tough choice :023:

GS is a football man who couldn't do s*** because of the SFA committee

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Craig Brown

"Im astonished...I was 16 years workin for the SFA...worked under three CEOs...i thought Gordon was an inspired appointment...the wheels turn very slowly at the SFA because of the committee structure and it must be frustrating for a guy who's full if initiative and i'm sure Gordon is and was...I think the committe structure would get to him...he must have been frustrated for sure"

Jim Traynor and Chic Young despise GS because he was media/football/agent/executive/SFA and got the plum job...those two have egos the size of dinosaurs, and know nothing, sod all, hee haw, about football..they're hacks that feed off controversy alone, that's all they have. C'mon! Traynor? Really?

Traynor vs Craig Brown...tough choice :D

GS is a football man who couldn't do s*** because of the SFA committee

You can't possibly lump Traynor in with Young?

Craig Brown is a good guy and I would have expected nothing less than for him to stick up for the fellow football guy but if you read closely, at no time is he critical of the SFA. He talks about things taking time because of the committee structure but does not apportion blame.

Bottom line is this is a job for a hard nosed commercial beast who knows how to play the corporate game not the ball game. Smith is not that guy and never will be.

Said at the start I do not often agree with Traynor but comparison with daft Chic, that's just wrong and probably libelous :023: !!

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Gordon Smith would often embarrass Traynor on SportSound. GS had far more insight into the goings-on at Celtic than Big Jim and would regularly trounce him. It quickly made me realise that Traynor and many staff journos (there's another non-footie story here I won't bother going into) are really in the business of selling. Spin, not facts, are the order of the day, whether that be Scott Brown being sold by Mowbray (who actually makes him captain) or 12 players of the UEFA Cup team being sold (GS didn't let that one go for weeks).

It's not always that way with every journo/pundit. Some, like McNee, Traynor and a few others before him, are valued in newspaper circles because they create controversy. They see the spin that'll get people talking. And if it's not 100% true? Well, that's not their job.

I've never heard of Chic (who's not been a journo for years, just a columnist) and GS having a bust up. Chic's got inroads into Ibrox (whether he supports them or not), Love Street and Rugby Park. Aside from that, he's there as a fan with a mic. Not to be taken too seriously but someone with a bit of passion, rahter than a sneer.

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Bottom line is that the organisation Smith joined is exactly the same now as it was when he was appointed. It didn't suddenly become this dinosaur, he knew what it was and was confident in his ability to change it. He changed nothing.

The point I am really trying to make (not very well I accept :D ) is that the job is not one for an ex pro who happens to have a bit of gumption, wear nice clothes, look quite smart and appear a tad more eloquent than Charlie Nicholas. A hard nosed individual with experience of institutional change and the corporate world is what is required. Someone who will take people with them or remove them. A real high calibre CE or CEO can achieve this without the support of the entire board/committee if they have the people skills and acumen to do so. It is highly unlikely that this individual will come from a football background.

Take the points about Traynor as fair comment and hang my head in shame for even attempting to justify!! That said Chic is still a bigger fanny by far!!

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It was in a paper I read that the SFA were talking about 'promoting from within'. Wonder what that could mean for progress...

Someone like Walter Smith or Alex Ferguson would have done a good job but, to be honest, I think it's an impossible task. Both would leave after a couple of weeks. I really do wonder if GS can make a good number of changes now that he can tell the whole truth from the sidelines, without 'collective cabinet responsibilty' tieing his tongue.

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I'm thinking more of a Peter Lawwell type character. He came to football with no background in the game and a huge business knowledge. Albeit not totally without failure but definitely a success.

Thing is, against a 12-man board/clique, what chance does any CEO have? Unless that 12-man board mirrors the CEO's appetite/vision, its a recipe for disaster. GS was appointed as they though a football man would be good PR. It was. But what they failed to realise was he is not an administrator.

As Craig Brown stated, it's the SFA's makeup that makes progress/change unlikely. They meet so seldom, agree on very little, and take an age to approve anything, that reealistically, under the present SFA set up, nothing radical or meaningful will ever happen.

A hard nose CEO will still be handcuffed as much as a softy one would be. It's kind of like sending Mike Tyson and Graham Norton into a pen of 7 hungry lions...it matters not what either do, as the lions have the upper hand by a country mile. (I made that analogy myself...another glass of wine for my cleverness :D )

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What a lot of nonsense. ?500M pounds to be found. HALF A BILLION! In these economic times. Is McLeish not aware that clubs are basically survivng on debt? He should have made some sort of an interim report, asking how much money he was able to spend instead of wasting all our time on this idiocy. Of course the situation can improve with that money. We could broacast SPL matches free and excite youngsters for a start.

We needed someone to think outside the box. Come up with drastic solutions. Why? Coz there's no bloody money! Doing it with cash is the easy way. I'd rather ?500M was spent on hospitals, rather than football, and I say this as a fan. How about low cost solutions? Focussing on pyramidal systems in schools and youth leagues. Making a requirement that what pitches there are (yep, I know not every school has grounds now but some do and there are municipal parks), are fully utilised. There's a fair few free, or virtually free, things that can be done to make sure youngsters are both excited and have a club to play for.

But for your report to say, we want half a billion and it's not going to work if we don't get it. Sheesh! It's beyond comical.

Just to add: I read Neil Lennon's thoughts and agreed entirely.


Edited by starchief
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