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CC to go in the summer


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He'd be mad to walk away now. I think Blackie and Cowie will be a brilliant midfield partnership next season. And with Dargo and Wyness fully fit (and perhaps Martin Johnstone?) - plus Paatelinenen and Rankin on the wings - we'll be a lean-mean-goal-scoring-machine.

Dont think Dargo will be around after the summer.... Falkirk the team sniffing

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Sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to a bad day at the office - the sort of thing we've all had, where we sometimes just want to jack it in and walk away.

Of course he's only been in the job for 10 minutes and it would be foolish to walk away at this stage, but now it's probably blown over and he realises that.

Agree with Scotty though - maybe he needs to be more of a b*****d and detach himself a bit from the shop floor.

And no favouritism - treat them ALL like s**t!!!

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The P&J pinch another IHE exclusive.  :003: This debate has been going on fer weeks but has increased since the Cellic defeat - which IMHO you can not put down to the players - it has to be lain at the door of CC. There are some major clashes going on in the dressing room and ya can see the effect on the pitch. I am now reliably informed that the meeting with Messrs Bennett and Savage is more about CC's future and a move within the club structure. The wages and money offer will go to the new incumbent - and my possible premonition on Colin Hendry may come true.  :022:

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There's no doubt that the club face a challenge this summer and that Charlie has made mistakes but who hasn't in their professional  lives ?

However, in my opinion Charlie Christie is an able, if as yet inexperienced, manager who will improve. I for one hope that he is there next season managing, for the first time, a team that will be largely his own creation.

However, if he personally, for whatever reason, doesn't feel up to the task he should resign sooner rather than later and if he chose to do so he could walk awaywith his head held high.

That said, it seems to me that the whole story is a storm in a teacup arising out of the leaking of some imprudent and heated exchanges after a very disappointing and surprising defeat.

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Yes - but when you lose the support and respect of your employers and you are not meeting your trajectories - you are fecked. And Donmac et al. I supported CC for a long time and the first beef I had was his attitude and lack of fan appeal. It is now just a matter of time. One rumour is that he may go this week - the stronger one is that he is given the unenviable task of producing performances against the Huns and the Bairns. But has he got the support of the dressing room and the committment to fight to help him keep his job. I fear not.

Have to go - Mrs IHE is shouting that Richard feckin Gough is on the blower!!

But my serious money is on PAUL LAMBERT.  :022:

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There's no doubt that the club face a challenge this summer and that Charlie has made mistakes but who hasn't in their professional  lives ?

However, in my opinion Charlie Christie is an able, if as yet inexperienced, manager who will improve. I for one hope that he is there next season managing, for the first time, a team that will be largely his own creation.

However, if he personally, for whatever reason, doesn't feel up to the task he should resign sooner rather than later and if he chose to do so he could walk awaywith his head held high.

That said, it seems to me that the whole story is a storm in a teacup arising out of the leaking of some imprudent and heated exchanges after a very disappointing and surprising defeat.

Dont forget that Donald Park is an able and experienced assistant, CC is not totally on his own here.

Should we not expect more from DP in this challenging time?  

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Caley 100 has made a very good point in regard to Donald Park and the vast experience that he brings to the management team. 

As far as CC is concerned he has my full backing and I say that not out of blind loyality (in fact he was not even my preferred choice as manager) but because he has done a reasonable job with the resources available.  He has had to deal with loosing his 2 main strikers.  Barring a most unlikely turn of events we will be in the SPL for another season, and that is the number 1 objective which CC has achieved.

If I was advising Charlie I would tell him not to criticise the players in the media, choose your words carefully, don't react to the fans, do your talking through positive results on the pitch.

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Will he walk? Mebbe's aye, mebbe's naw.


Charlie has addressed the one problem that has cost us this season and that is depth of pool. The honeymoon is over and now w must pay to play. We need more quality players, and should expect to pay for them, but dresing room hair dryers aside the shocker for me was the lack of a scouting network!

Whaaat! I though we had one, did this recede when Robbo left? and vanish with Brewster? This is unforgiveable! What we know of the scouting network this season is Xmas meal with Ross County manager, drinks at the Clak Club with DD and a phone call to Cowdenbeath!

I am also slightly curious about this phone call to Pele. Shall we start a rumour!

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Yes - but when you lose the support and respect of your employers and you are not meeting your trajectories - you are fecked. And Donmac et al. I supported CC for a long time and the first beef I had was his attitude and lack of fan appeal. It is now just a matter of time. One rumour is that he may go this week - the stronger one is that he is given the unenviable task of producing performances against the Huns and the Bairns. But has he got the support of the dressing room and the committment to fight to help him keep his job. I fear not.

Have to go - Mrs IHE is shouting that Richard feckin Gough is on the blower!!

But my serious money is on PAUL LAMBERT.  :022:

he never had the support or respect....  this board has been split from day one with people saying he isn't good enough, how can anyone ever expect to succeed when they have people already plotting their downfall? 

It is as though you (and others) want him to walk so you can be proved right... to be quite honest it is a fcuking disgrace that you find it so easy to name a replacement for him when he is still at the helm.

Everyone knew from the start that this job wouldn't be a quick fix, Brew and Robbo had the team when they were at their prime but now Christie is trying to bring us into a new era and bringing players into the fold that are also inexperienced at this level, so even these guys are trying to adapt.  There is a very famous saying in football 'a manager is judged on his signings' and so far, for the very small fees CC has had to work with he has unearthed a couple of gems so far, I for one am looking forward to seeing what he can bring out of the bag at the end of the season.  Incase you haven't realised by now, I am an optimist... and although, as I have already stated, we have had a very up and down season it has by no means been a bad one... if it was we would be sitting in 11th or 12th especially since:

  • [li]this season our average attendance is the lowest in the SPL[/li]
    [li]we have spent the least amount of money out of any team in the SPL[/li]
    [li]we have the most inexperienced manager in the SPL[/li]
    [li]we, as a club, are almost 100 years younger than every other SPL team[/li]
    [li]we have had 2 of our first team strikers injured for more than half a season collectively[/li]

The stats are against us as it is, but if that is not enough, our fans seem to be content with the team failing just so they can feel vindicated for doubting the man in charge.  We could and should be in a far worse position than we are but our fans seem to have trouble realising it, this is not 'small team mentality' but just the real world.  I am actually getting to the point where I hope we do go down just so we can get rid of these ungrateful fans and see who is still going to the matches when we pay in the lower leagues... at least the tickets would be a lot cheaper. 

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any talk about how poor our crowds or budgets are (in real terms we are in a much healthier state financially than most of the spl, when you compare what we owe, who is in charge and profits, things arent bad on that front at all!) will only hold us back from reaching our full potential as a club.  im well aware of where we stand in scottish football but unless we're constantly pushing for more then we are only going to go backwards, trying to manage everything on and off the park to finish at least 11th every year will lead to us doing exactly that.  accepting a side that barely scrapes by and being happy to watch a team lose/play-sheet almost every week will never attract decent players or support and stay small an sheet.  just because we are smaller than other sides now(have to stress that we arent much smaller!!) it doesnt mean we always will be and should have more confidence in ourselves, which means being able to look at a side thats lost recently to motherwell, dunfermline, killie etc and being able to say its simply not good enough

fans saying they wouldnt mind us getting relegated just to see who stops turning out to watch is a massive kick in the balls to pele, robbo, his title winning squad and all the people behind the scenes at ict/tullochs who worked their nads off to get us to where we are today.

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any talk about how poor our crowds or budgets are (in real terms we are in a much healthier state financially than most of the spl, when you compare what we owe, who is in charge and profits, things arent bad on that front at all!) will only hold us back from reaching our full potential as a club.  im well aware of where we stand in scottish football but unless we're constantly pushing for more then we are only going to go backwards, trying to manage everything on and off the park to finish at least 11th every year will lead to us doing exactly that.  accepting a side that barely scrapes by and being happy to watch a team lose/play-sheet almost every week will never attract decent players or support and stay small an sheet.  just because we are smaller than other sides now(have to stress that we arent much smaller!!) it doesnt mean we always will be and should have more confidence in ourselves, which means being able to look at a side thats lost recently to motherwell, dunfermline, killie etc and being able to say its simply not good enough

fans saying they wouldnt mind us getting relegated just to see who stops turning out to watch is a massive kick in the balls to pele, robbo, his title winning squad and all the people behind the scenes at ict/tullochs who worked their nads off to get us to where we are today.

You don't get it, because we are in the black every season we finish 11th or above the club is generating more money and slowly building, as we should be.  If we go for the broke then that is exactly where we will end up, it is not as though the club lack's ambition, we have showed there is plenty of it by climbing 3 divisions in 10 years.  Every bullet point I made is correct and relative to this season, although our positive bank balance will be of benefit to us eventually our out goings for this season have been less than any other club and yet we are sitting 3 points off 7th... I am not trying to say that Christie deserves a medal by any means but for people to suggest that he is not good enough after his first season in charge when we have been safe (not mathematically) for weeks now is absurd.  It's his first season, give the guy a chance for god sake!!

"fans saying they wouldnt mind us getting relegated just to see who stops turning out to watch is a massive kick in the balls to pele, robbo, his title winning squad and all the people behind the scenes at ict/tullochs who worked their nads off to get us to where we are today." 

I'm sure they would be just as disgraced by how little our fans seem to appreciate it at the moment

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- this season our average attendance is the lowest in the SPL

true but our prices arent the lowest, the average attendance also isnt that much lower than other clubs, the disadvantage we have there in terms of revenue is offset by the debt every other club is constantly paying out on.

-we have spent the least amount of money out of any team in the SPL

possibly on the wage bill, but until i see the figures infront of me in black and white i cant believe its a huge difference if any at all, all this 'lowest wages' stuff is purely rumours.  i know at least munro, brown before he left and wilson are all on healthy amounts of money at the moment for sure, easily more than most of the dunfermline, motherwell, falkirk, midden squads.  only time we've come into competition for a player was with st mirren over rankin.. we got him.

-we have the most inexperienced manager in the SPL

through choice

-we, as a club, are almost 100 years younger than every other SPL team

not sure why that matters

-we have had 2 of our first team strikers injured for more than half a season collectively

again choice, could have brought in cover but went for macswegan and stuck by rory, not a ridiculous gamble but it hasnt worked out

i never said we should go for broke, theres nothing in our reach thats worth spending anything for, danger is if we dont spend a little then we'll fall down a league to a structure that might not even exist next season if spl 2 doesnt hurry up and find a sponsor.  im not purely anti charlie christie, he's just one of the influences at the club just now thats holding us in a postion where we're constantly going to be in danger.  on the football side there seems to be a lack of any real youth system or scouting network and the manager cant motivate, train or communicate with the players.  off the park i moan about the board having a poor attitude to marketing and certain employees treatment of fans.. i even moan about the supporters trust not doing enough..

what will you say if we do end up finishing close to or below st mirren this season by the time it all wraps up?  what if our season ticket sales for next season suffer because of it?  will you still be calling for another year for cc?  ultimatley its what we do on the park that secures the future of ict as a spl entity, its always important to end the season on a high and for us to have a positive pre-season, so we can make money selling tickets.  cant see us having either this time round unless a new, louder, cockier manager takes over

jesus even im getting bored of all this

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- this season our average attendance is the lowest in the SPL

true but our prices arent the lowest, the average attendance also isnt that much lower than other clubs, the disadvantage we have there in terms of revenue is offset by the debt every other club is constantly paying out on.

-we have spent the least amount of money out of any team in the SPL

possibly on the wage bill, but until i see the figures infront of me in black and white i cant believe its a huge difference if any at all, all this 'lowest wages' stuff is purely rumours.  i know at least munro, brown before he left and wilson are all on healthy amounts of money at the moment for sure, easily more than most of the dunfermline, motherwell, falkirk, midden squads.  only time we've come into competition for a player was with st mirren over rankin.. we got him.

-we have the most inexperienced manager in the SPL

through choice

-we, as a club, are almost 100 years younger than every other SPL team

not sure why that matters

-we have had 2 of our first team strikers injured for more than half a season collectively

again choice, could have brought in cover but went for macswegan and stuck by rory, not a ridiculous gamble but it hasnt worked out

i never said we should go for broke, theres nothing in our reach thats worth spending anything for, danger is if we dont spend a little then we'll fall down a league to a structure that might not even exist next season if spl 2 doesnt hurry up and find a sponsor.  im not purely anti charlie christie, he's just one of the influences at the club just now thats holding us in a postion where we're constantly going to be in danger.  on the football side there seems to be a lack of any real youth system or scouting network and the manager cant motivate, train or communicate with the players.  off the park i moan about the board having a poor attitude to marketing and certain employees treatment of fans.. i even moan about the supporters trust not doing enough..

what will you say if we do end up finishing close to or below st mirren this season by the time it all wraps up?  what if our season ticket sales for next season suffer because of it?  will you still be calling for another year for cc?  ultimatley its what we do on the park that secures the future of ict as a spl entity, its always important to end the season on a high and for us to have a positive pre-season, so we can make money selling tickets.  cant see us having either this time round unless a new, louder, cockier manager takes over

jesus even im getting bored of all this

'what will you say if we do end up finishing close to or below st mirren this season by the time it all wraps up?'

It hasn't been the best season but it is Christie's first so let's see what his signings are like and how they wrk out for next season.

'what if our season ticket sales for next season suffer because of it?'

we'll get them back if the team starts buiding momentum, it's swings and roundabouts, likewise what if we start pushing further up the table are you going to take back everything you have said about Christie? I doubt it!!!

'will you still be calling for another year for cc?'

probably, there are very few examples of successful teams that rotate to a new manager every odd season...  good teams are built from stability and if we are ever going to match the big boys we need to show some consistency up top.  The longer CC is incharge of the team the greater his reputation s going to be and the better players he is likely to attract.. simple!

'jesus even im getting bored of all this'

that's because the more you type it the more ridiculous it must sound... 

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""" 'jesus even im getting bored of all this'

that's because the more you type it the more ridiculous it must sound...  """

from the person who one sentace earlier said the longer cc stays in charge the better players he'll attract

""" "what if our season ticket sales for next season suffer because of it?'

we'll get them back if the team starts buiding momentum, it's swings and roundabouts, likewise what if we start pushing further up the table are you going to take back everything you have said about Christie? I doubt it!!! """

dont presume anything, if we do end the season well and not play so utterly rank next year then nobody will be happier than me.  i probably wouldnt take back anything ive said about christie as it will all have been true at the time of saying it, "cc remains a big gamble as scottish football is changing, the trap door below us leads to oblivion" ..even if things do improve next season then that statement will still be true at the time of posting.  what id like to be saying is 'we're a joy to watch, he signed 6 class players, the team look fit and hungry every week, don cowie is god, charlie has grown up, i had to queue for hours to get tickets for this..'  cant think of anything else.

if charlie carries on sending teams out to play like he has the past two weekends will you ever change your mind about how much he deserves the job

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Ya see Hairy and Rigger - that is the difference between youse and I - life experience and an idea of the pressures of management and leadership - and probably a more refined footballing brain - plus the fact I am well in touch with the ins and outs of ICT (which I usually hide in sarcasm and wind up) - and, as usual ya are getting too emotionally involved and cant smell the feckin coffee - In respect to ya both it is applauded that ya have such blind devotion to the club - but business is business.  :018: :018:

Of course the Board has been split since day one. CC was a popular but very debatable choice. ICT had got fed up of being a breeding ground fer managers and were looking fer some long term stability. Most people gave him support but he has fallen at the Beechers Brook. I love CC - he is a feckin legend - but he is not a manager. He has given his best but I feel that he should have had someone experienced ABOVE him rather than DP BELOW him - he will  go as well and have a lot to feckin say!!!

I want him to go fer his own sake and fer the sake of this club. Fer fecks sake the decision has been made already - it has feck all to do with us.

I have only joined in this debate because of his attitude initially but he has made BIG tactical mistakes and I have knowledge of the dressing room feeling.

Shurely ya must see that he has shot himself in the foot and the only way forward fer ICT is a change of management and a dirge of the playing staff. And from what I have heard - we have a backer willing to come forward with some spondoolachs - but not in the current state of affairs.

And finally - DO NOT EVER ACCUSE ME OF DISLOYALTY - I wind ya all up and I take the **** but my inside info. is usually spot on and all I ever have at heart is the best interest of INVERNESS CALEDONIAN THISTLE FC.  Undoubtedly you do to - but in a blind and possibly devoted fashion.

And I bet ya £100.00 to charity on PL - who allegedly has already been sussed out - or, at least, according to my Auntie Betty in Wycombe.  :016:

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""" 'jesus even im getting bored of all this'

that's because the more you type it the more ridiculous it must sound...  """

from the person who one sentace earlier said the longer cc stays in charge the better players he'll attract

""" "what if our season ticket sales for next season suffer because of it?'

we'll get them back if the team starts buiding momentum, it's swings and roundabouts, likewise what if we start pushing further up the table are you going to take back everything you have said about Christie? I doubt it!!! """

dont presume anything, if we do end the season well and not play so utterly rank next year then nobody will be happier than me.  i probably wouldnt take back anything ive said about christie as it will all have been true at the time of saying it, "cc remains a big gamble as scottish football is changing, the trap door below us leads to oblivion" ..even if things do improve next season then that statement will still be true at the time of posting.  what id like to be saying is 'we're a joy to watch, he signed 6 class players, the team look fit and hungry every week, don cowie is god, charlie has grown up, i had to queue for hours to get tickets for this..'  cant think of anything else.

if charlie carries on sending teams out to play like he has the past two weekends will you ever change your mind about how much he deserves the job

No, changing managers every 2 seasons is not going to bring us any success.  I hated Brewster, really did not like how negative a manger he was and the lack of substitutes when the game, fans.... even players would be crying out for a change.  Christie, although he obviously still has things to learn, is far better IMO.  He could have quite easily gone with the same set up as Brewster and played the same rigid formation but he has not been shy to try and make changes, let the team flow and most importantly make subs when/if he has got it wrong. 

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life experience and an idea of the pressures of management and leadership  fifty years of life experience....team leader.......emergency response team leader.............diploma from the National Examining Board for Supervisory Managers..............employed in one of the most dangerous industries in the world :016:

my inside info. is usually spot on yep thats true..........young lad from county who's now at Liverpool..............Colin Henry.....yep, spot on as always Johndo :016:

And finally, if we were to take on a new manager I'd rather have PLG than PL.

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